
There so many different types of fasteners available that most hardware stores usually have an entire aisle dedicated to them. However, we’re going to go over the basics between screws, bolts, and nails, and when you should use one over the other in different scenarios.

可用的紧固件类型如此之多,以至于大多数五金店通常都有专门用于它们的整个过道。 但是,我们将介绍螺钉,螺栓和钉子之间的基础知识,以及何时应在不同情况下使用一种基础知识。

基本差异 (The Basic Differences)

There are literally hundreds of different types of fasteners to choose from, but they all usually boil down to being either a screw, bolt, or nail.


It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between a nail and a screw because the shank on a nail is smooth and doesn’t have threads. Screws and bolts look somewhat similar, since both have threads.

分辨钉子和螺钉之间的区别很容易,因为钉子上的小腿很光滑,没有螺纹。 螺钉和螺栓看起来有些相似,因为它们都有螺纹。

A good rule of thumb is that most screws have pointy ends, while most bolts have flat ends, although that’s not a hard and fast rule since bolts can also have pointy ends and screws can have flat ends.


Screws with pointy ends are meant to be driven into materials that don’t already have threaded holes. So these types of screws can pierce into a solid material (like wood) and drive in more easily, while a screw with a flat end is meant to be driven into a pre-tapped hole that has threads matching the screw’s own threads.

具有尖头的螺钉应被拧入还没有螺纹Kong的材料中。 因此,这些类型的螺钉可以刺入固体材料(如木材)并更容易拧入,而平端螺钉则应被拧入具有与螺钉自身螺纹匹配的预攻Kong中。

Screws also normally have some kind of shaped cavity on top of the head (a.k.a. provision) that allows you to drive it into a material using a screwdriver or a power drill. Bolts usually don’t have these cavities and instead have heads that are shaped to accept a wrench or socket.

螺钉通常在头部的顶部也有某种形状的空腔(又名提供),可让您使用螺丝刀或电钻将其驱动到材料中。 螺栓通常不具有这些Kong,而是具有可容纳扳手或套筒的形状的头部。

Bolts are also made to accompany a nut of some kind in order to hold something together. In these cases, there’s usually not a threaded hole, but rather an unthreaded hole large enough that the bolt can easily slide all the way through.

还可以将螺栓与某种螺母一起使用,以将某些东西固定在一起。 在这些情况下,通常没有螺纹Kong,而是没有螺纹的Kong,该螺纹Kong足够大,螺栓可以很容易地一直滑过。

However, bolts can also be screwed into a threaded hole in order to fasten something down without the need for a nut, like a valve cover bolt that fastens down the valve cover to the rest of a car’s engine.


什么时候应该使用指甲 (When You Should Use Nails)

Nails are mostly used in light construction. Things like roof shingles, door and window trim, and framing are great examples, as the fasteners don’t need a whole lot of holding power.

指甲主要用于轻型建筑。 屋顶瓦片,门窗装饰和框架等都是很好的例子,因为紧固件不需要太多的固定力。

Because of that, nails are also a lot easier and quicker to drive into material, especially if you’re using a nail gun that does all of the hard work for you. Plus, they’re cheaper than screws.

因此,钉子也更容易快捷地钉入材料,尤其是当您使用能为您完成所有辛苦工作的钉枪时。 另外,它们比螺丝便宜。

While nails aren’t necessarily stronger than screws, they’re at least a bit more forgiving—they can bend back and forth without breaking right away, whereas a screw that’s subjected to the same kind of bending force would likely snap.


什么时候应该使用螺丝 (When You Should Use Screws)

If you need a bit more holding power than nails provide, screws are usually the way to go, since the threads can grab onto whatever material you’re screwing into. You’ll see them a lot in woodworking, as well as light-to-medium construction. Heck, you can also use them all around the house to mount shelves, mirrors and cabinets.

如果您需要比钉子提供的支撑力更多的东西,通常可以选择螺钉,因为螺纹可以抓住您要拧入的任何材料。 您会在木工以及轻到中型建筑中看到很多。 哎呀,您还可以在房子各处使用它们来安装架子,镜子和橱柜。

Screws are also the most common type of fastener and they can be used with all sorts of materials, which is why there are so many different types of screws, like deck screws, drywall screws, sheet metal screws, wood screws, and more.


However, while screws do have a lot of holding power, they’re not recommended for really heavy-duty construction where the fasteners would be under significant load. This is where bolts come in.

但是,尽管螺钉确实具有很大的保持力,但不建议将其用于真正的重型结构,因为紧固件会承受很大的载荷。 这是螺栓进来的地方。

什么时候应该使用螺栓 (When You Should Use Bolts)

It’s best to use bolts whenever the fastener will be under any significant amount of weight stress, or any project where you’re using large pieces of lumber or other material. So projects like building a porch or fastening a suspended swing under that porch are going to require bolts of some kind in certain locations.

最好在紧固件承受很大的重量应力或使用大块木材或其他材料的任何项目中使用螺栓。 因此,诸如在门廊上建造门廊或在门廊下固定悬挂Swing的项目在某些位置将需要某种类型的螺栓。

This is because bolts come in much larger sizes than screws do, so they’re great for attaching larger pieces of lumber together, as well as being able to handle much more weight if need be. Plus, being able to screw a nut onto the other end of the bolt means that you can tighten down bolts and fasten together materials much more securely than you can with screws. As pictured above, a nut and bolt can squeeze together two parts that you want to connect.

这是因为螺栓的尺寸比螺钉大得多,因此非常适合将较大的木材连接在一起,并且在需要时能够承受更大的重量。 另外,能够将螺母拧到螺栓的另一端,这意味着您可以拧紧螺栓并将材料固定在一起的方式比使用螺钉更牢固。 如上图所示,螺母和螺栓可以将要连接的两个部分压在一起。

如有疑问,请相信您的胆量(或寻求帮助) (When In Doubt, Trust Your Gut (or Ask for Help))

If you’re not sure which type of fastener to use for a project and are worried that screws might not hold up very well, then you’re probably right—it might be better to use bolts instead.


However, never be afraid to ask for help if you’re really not sure about something, whether it’s at the hardware store or a friend that works in construction. They can easily lead you in the right direction and tell you which fasteners would be best for your project.

但是,如果您不确定某件事情,无论是在五金店还是在建筑上工作的朋友,请不要害怕寻求帮助。 他们可以轻松地将您引向正确的方向,并告诉您哪种紧固件最适合您的项目。

Image from Joe Jukes/Flickr

图片来自Joe Jukes / Flickr

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304665/the-differences-between-screws-bolts-and-nails-and-when-you-should-use-each/



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