


hosts中增加 gitlab.yto.net.cn

git报错:ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitlab.yto.net.cn:相关推荐

  1. git报错 ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitee.com:xxxxxx: Name or service not known fatal

    问题 使用git进行push操作时突然出问题,报错如下: ssh: Could not resolve hostname git: xxxxx:Name or service not known fa ...

  2. git报错ssh: Could not resolve hostname dev-nys: Name or service not known fatal: Could not read from r

    出现这个错误怎么解决呢 先 再执行这三步操作并push就可以了

  3. 使用vscode连接阿里云服务器报错: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known

    ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known vscode配置里面你把那个hostname不写试试连接 Host 公网ipPort ...

  4. Git提示:ssh: Could not resolve hostname github.com: No address associated with hostname

    今天本地Git Push 代码推送远程分支,提示如下错误信息: zzg@LAPTOP-8R0KHL88 MINGW64 /e/idea_workspace (master) $ git push ss ...

  5. 【git报错】unable to resolve reference ‘ORIG_HEAD‘: reference broken

    [git报错]unable to resolve reference 'ORIG_HEAD': reference broken git报错::fatal: update_ref failed for ...

  6. ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitee.com: Name or service not knownfatal: Could not read from remo

    git push报错 ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitee.com: Name or service not known fatal: Could not rea ...

  7. 解决ssh: Could not resolve hostname ***: nodename nor servname provided, or not known报错

    一.问题 今天新搞到一台linux服务器,使用域名登陆服务器时遇到了如下报错: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ***: nodename nor servname p ...

  8. hadoop启动报错:localhost: ssh: Could not resolve hostname localhost

    hadoop启动journalnode时报错:localhost: ssh: Could not resolve hostname localhost: Temporary failure in na ...

  9. 配置免密登录报错:ssh: Could not resolve hostname note1: Name or service not known

    这两天配置免密出现这个错误: [root@note4 .ssh]# ssh note1 ssh: Could not resolve hostname note1: Name or service n ...


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