
62 分钟--》31道数学题; 65分钟--》36道Verbal;这是个速度与激情的考试,你要说是能力测试我也信了,这说明我的反应能力,CPU的跑分效果极烂。



1. Reading Comprehension




1. 读文章大意,知道它讲什么东西;「找出逻辑链条」


3. 找到原文出处,感觉不对就是没找到对应的地方!!「充实内容线条」

4. 一个答案一个的过,别回头反复!!】

alternatives to doing sth

approach to doing sth
guide to doing sth
in addition to doing sth
in opposition to doing sth
prior to doing sth
secret to doing sth
step (guide) to doing sth
with a view to doing sth
Introduction to doing
key to doing
contribution to doing

CR: OG Diagnostic test ✅

OG Extra is on going.

SC:Extra Official Guidance book finished ✅

Official Guidance is ongoing.

1. parallel. 2. Phrases 3. Matchness(was/were, is/are)

1. Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and settling when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern of United States is a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.

This sentence is excellently built, for it makes a comparison between the bird itself and the grassy fields and old pastures it lives in.

2. According to scholars, the earliest writing was probably not a direct rendering of speech, but more than likely began as a separate and distinct symbolic system of communication, and only later merged with spoken language. {Wrong twice.}

3. Seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected the Hudson River at Albany to the Great Lakes at Buffalo, providing the port of New York City with a direct water link to the heartland of the North American continent.

4. !! have been blind and have never seen; make and do refer to present.

indicate a condition that began in the past and continues in the present.

97. As an artess and, more importantly, as a teacher of acting, Stella Adler was one of the most influential artists in the American theater, training several generations of actors whose ranks included Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro.

Original sentence: 1. who trained several ..., the relative clause like this one should be placed immediately after the noun. 2. generation of actors including A and B--> it should be actors includin instead of generation including !! thus, "generations of actors whose ranks included" is modified perfectly.

Reading: OG Diagnostic test ✅

2. Sentence Correction

3. Critical Reasoning:以曼哈顿为主,了解OG的9大种方法

OG上只有三种题型:Argument Construction/Argument Evaluation/Evaluation of a plan

9种题型:我需要采取不同的方式去应对吗?「Test-taking strategy」

1. 先读题目,判断题型?

2. 判断文段是纯信息还是带论证的?「有些关键词--》premise/conclusion」

3. 先判断目的purpose,再看结构structure:

i.   是为了证明一个结论而做的逻辑推理?--》找出结论

ii.  解释一种现象?-->找出那个原因

iii. 一个项目或者计划的理由-->标出那个计划/项目

a. 如何论证的?「比如先抛结论,再抛论据,或间接结论」

4. 检验reasoning,设想一种前提正确,但结论错误的情况。


1. 小心任何没有说明的假设!!!!!

7. 理解假设是怎么确定的:Hypothesis explains a phenomenon or event, 寻找证据【证明/伪】

Manhattan CR 方法:

[Structure based family; Assumption-based family; Evidence based familly]

1. 结构家族-Describe the Role和Describe the Function

回答都会以一个非常抽象abstract的方式出现,此时重点在Deconstruct the argument,identify building blocks「Premise, conterpremise, conclusion, counterconclusion, intermediate conclusion」


SC 应该是不存在方法论,而是在比较答案中迅速找到自己的解释


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