rcu 机制简介 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/113999842一. RCU 基本概念

  • 读侧临界区 (read-side critical sections): RCU读者执行的区域,每一个临界区开始于rcu_read_lock(),结束于rcu_read_unlock(),可能包含rcu_dereference()等访问RCU保护的数据结构的函数。这些指针函数实现了依赖顺序加载的概念,称为memory_order_consume加载。
  • 写侧临界区:为适应读侧临界区,写侧推迟销毁并维护多个版本的数据结构,有大量的同步开销。此外,编写者必须使用某种同步机制(例如锁定)来提供有序的更新
  • 静默态(quiescent state): 当一个线程没有运行在读侧临界区时,其就处在静默状态。持续相当长一段时间的静默状态称之为延长的静默态(extended quiescent state)。
  • 宽限期(Grace period): 宽限期是指所有线程都至少A一次进入静默态的时间。宽限期前所有在读侧临界区的读者在宽限区后都会结束。不同的宽限期可能有部分或全部重叠。


上图中,每一个读者、更新者表示一个独立的线程,总共4个读线程,一个写线程。 RCU更新操作分为两个阶段:移除阶段回收阶段。两个阶段通过宽限期隔开。更新者在移除元素后,通过synchronize_rcu()原语,初始化一个宽限期,并等待宽限期结束后,回收移除的元素。 1. 移除阶段:RCU更新通过rcu_assign_pointer()等函数移除或插入元素。现代CPU的指针操作都是原子的, rcu_assign_pointer()原语在大多数系统上编译为一个简单的指针赋值操作。移除的元素仅可被移除阶段(以灰色显示)前的读者访问。 2. 回收阶段:一个宽限期后, 宽限期开始前的原有读者都完成读操作,因此,此阶段可安全释放由删除阶段删除的元素。

一个宽限期可以用于多个删除阶段,即可由多个更新程序执行更新。 此外,跟踪RCU宽限期的开销可能会均摊到现有流程调度上,因此开销较小。对于某些常见的工作负载,宽限期跟踪开销可以被多个RCU更新操作均摊,从而使每个RCU更新的平均开销接近零。

Listing E.2 并发的RCU删除

二. RCU 发布和订阅原语

三. RCU 三个基本组件

  1. Publish-Subscribe Mechanism (for insertion)
  2. Wait For Pre-Existing RCU Readers to Complete (for deletion)
  3. Maintain Multiple Versions of Recently Updated Objects (for readers)


1.Publish-Subscribe Mechanism

2.Wait For Pre-Existing RCU Readers to Complete

However, note that RCU read-side critical sections that begin after the beginning of a given grace period can and will extend beyond the end of that grace period.

The following pseudocode shows the basic form of algorithms that use RCU to wait for readers:

  1. Make a change, for example, replace an element in a linked list.
  2. Wait for all pre-existing RCU read-side critical sections to completely finish (for example, by using the synchronize_rcu() primitive). The key observation here is that subsequent RCU read-side critical sections have no way to gain a reference to the newly removed element.
  3. Clean up, for example, free the element that was replaced above.


关于 synchronize_rcu()的进一步解释:

The synchronize_rcu() primitive might seem a bit mysterious at first. After all, it must wait for all RCU read-side critical sections to complete, and, as we saw earlier, the rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock() primitives that delimit RCU read-side critical sections don't even generate any code in non-CONFIG_PREEMPT kernels!

There is a trick, and the trick is that RCU Classic read-side critical sections delimited by rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock() are not permitted to block or sleep. Therefore, when a given CPU executes a context switch, we are guaranteed that any prior RCU read-side critical sections will have completed. This means that as soon as each CPU has executed at least one context switch, all prior RCU read-side critical sections are guaranteed to have completed, meaning that synchronize_rcu() can safely return.

Thus, RCU Classic's synchronize_rcu() can conceptually be as simple as the following:

  1 for_each_online_cpu(cpu)2   run_on(cpu);

Here, run_on() switches the current thread to the specified CPU, which forces a context switch on that CPU. The for_each_online_cpu() loop therefore forces a context switch on each CPU, thereby guaranteeing that all prior RCU read-side critical sections have completed, as required. Although this simple approach works for kernels in which preemption is disabled across RCU read-side critical sections, in other words, for non-CONFIG_PREEMPT and CONFIG_PREEMPT kernels, it does not work for CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT realtime (-rt) kernels. Therefore, realtime RCU uses a different approach based loosely on reference counters.

Of course, the actual implementation in the Linux kernel is much more complex, as it is required to handle interrupts, NMIs, CPU hotplug, and other hazards of production-capable kernels, but while also maintaining good performance and scalability. Realtime implementations of RCU must additionally help provide good realtime response, which rules out implementations (like the simple two-liner above) that rely on disabling preemption.

Although it is good to know that there is a simple conceptual implementation of synchronize_rcu(), other questions remain. For example, what exactly do RCU readers see when traversing a concurrently updated list? This question is addressed in the following section.

3.Maintain Multiple Versions of Recently Updated Objects

What is RCU, Fundamentally? [LWN.net]


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