
class test
public:void print(){cout<<"test"<<endl;}
};int main(void)
{test *t = new test();t->print();t = NULL;t->print();return 0;

A、编译不通过           B、运行时必然出错退出          C、运行时可能出错退出
D、test                    E、test  test                           F、test  随机信息  
对象级别的东西,比如类中的某个非静态成员变量,这种东西和类的实例有关,因此它使用this指针。 http://topic.csdn.net/u/20120428/22/06ecf02b-45a3-41e5-8eee-2e0be73a31db.html


union UData
{unsigned char btVals[4];unsigned int uiVal;
};UData d;
int main(void)
{d.uiVal = 0x01020408;unsigned int btSum = (d.btVals[0]<<5)+(d.btVals[1]<<3)+(d.btVals[2]<<1)+(d.btVals[3]<<0);cout<<btSum<<endl;return 0;


class CClassA
public:virtual void Print(){printf("A ");}
void PrintFunc(CClassA a)
}class CClassB:public CClassA
public:virtual void Print(){printf("B ");}
void PrintFunc(CClassA *pa)
}int main(void)
{CClassB b;PrintFunc(b);PrintFunc(&b);return 0;

A、A A           B、A B    C、B  A
D、B B            E、程序无法通过编译     F、运行后程序异常终止

4、以下关于const 的用法错误的是()

A、   const int a = 10;
B、  int func(void) const
C、  const int func(void)D、
class A
public:void SetStr(const string& str){_str = str;}
private:string _str;
class A
public:const string& void GetStr(void)const{return _str;}
private:string _str;


class A
public:A();virtual ~A();int a;
};class B : public A
public:int b;
};A *a = new B;
B* b1 = dynamic_cast<B *>(a);
B* b2 = static_cast<B *>(a);
B* b3 = reinterpret_cast<B *>(a);

假如b1的值为 0X12345678,则b2、b3可能的值为()

A、0X12345678    0X12345674

B、0X12345674    0X12345674

C、0X12345678    0X12345678

D、0X12345674    0X12345678

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