
  • GAN的原理图:
  • GAN的原版算法描述:
  • pytorch实现
    • 构建generator和discriminator:
    • 生成fake data:
    • 生成real data:
    • 定义训练D的loss,定义训练G的loss, 实际就是forward pass:
    • 优化过程, 实际就是backward pass:
      • 为了实现fixedGtrainD,fixedDtrainG,我们设计优化器更新指定区域的参数:
      • fixedG trainD:
      • fixedDtrainG:
    • 完整版训练过程:





G = nn.Sequential(                      # Generatornn.Linear(N_IDEAS, 128),            # random ideas (could from normal distribution)nn.ReLU(),nn.Linear(128, ART_COMPONENTS),     # making a painting from these random ideas
)D = nn.Sequential(                      # Discriminatornn.Linear(ART_COMPONENTS, 128),     # receive art work either from the famous artist or a newbie like Gnn.ReLU(),nn.Linear(128, 1),nn.Sigmoid(),                       # tell the probability that the art work is made by artist

生成fake data:

    G_ideas = torch.randn(BATCH_SIZE, N_IDEAS)  # random ideasG_paintings = G(G_ideas)                    # fake painting from G (random ideas)

生成real data:

def artist_works():     # painting from the famous artist (real target)a = np.random.uniform(1, 2, size=BATCH_SIZE)[:, np.newaxis]paintings = a * np.power(PAINT_POINTS, 2) + (a-1)paintings = torch.from_numpy(paintings).float()return paintingsartist_paintings = artist_works()           # real painting from artist

定义训练D的loss,定义训练G的loss, 实际就是forward pass:


    prob_artist0 = D(artist_paintings)          # D try to increase this probprob_artist1 = D(G_paintings)               # D try to reduce this probD_loss = - torch.mean(torch.log(prob_artist0) + torch.log(1. - prob_artist1))G_loss = torch.mean(torch.log(1. - prob_artist1))

优化过程, 实际就是backward pass:


opt_D = torch.optim.Adam(D.parameters(), lr=LR_D)
opt_G = torch.optim.Adam(G.parameters(), lr=LR_G)

fixedG trainD:

D_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) :计算整个graph梯度,retain_graph=True,需要保持计算图,啥意思?pytorch默认计算一次backward就释放当前graph,释放了就是你必须从头开始走forward pass ,而这里我们需要重新走一遍原图的D部分。

    opt_D.zero_grad()D_loss.backward(retain_graph=True)      # reusing computational graphopt_D.step()


G_loss.backward():G_loss = torch.mean(torch.log(1. - prob_artist1)),prob_artist1 = D(G_paintings) 可以看出我们需要重新走一遍D(G不需要走),这个是在原来graph上操作的,这就是为什么需要retain graph的原因



def artist_works():     # painting from the famous artist (real target)a = np.random.uniform(1, 2, size=BATCH_SIZE)[:, np.newaxis]paintings = a * np.power(PAINT_POINTS, 2) + (a-1)paintings = torch.from_numpy(paintings).float()return paintingsG = nn.Sequential(                      # Generatornn.Linear(N_IDEAS, 128),            # random ideas (could from normal distribution)nn.ReLU(),nn.Linear(128, ART_COMPONENTS),     # making a painting from these random ideas
)D = nn.Sequential(                      # Discriminatornn.Linear(ART_COMPONENTS, 128),     # receive art work either from the famous artist or a newbie like Gnn.ReLU(),nn.Linear(128, 1),nn.Sigmoid(),                       # tell the probability that the art work is made by artist
)opt_D = torch.optim.Adam(D.parameters(), lr=LR_D)
opt_G = torch.optim.Adam(G.parameters(), lr=LR_G)plt.ion()   # something about continuous plottingfor step in range(10000):artist_paintings = artist_works()           # real painting from artistG_ideas = torch.randn(BATCH_SIZE, N_IDEAS)  # random ideasG_paintings = G(G_ideas)                    # fake painting from G (random ideas)prob_artist0 = D(artist_paintings)          # D try to increase this probprob_artist1 = D(G_paintings)               # D try to reduce this probD_loss = - torch.mean(torch.log(prob_artist0) + torch.log(1. - prob_artist1))G_loss = torch.mean(torch.log(1. - prob_artist1))opt_D.zero_grad()D_loss.backward(retain_graph=True)      # reusing computational graphopt_D.step()opt_G.zero_grad()G_loss.backward()opt_G.step()


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