>>> FilterDispatcher <<< is deprecated!



*                               WARNING!!!                            *
*                                                                     *
* >>> FilterDispatcher <<< is deprecated! Please use the new filters! *
*                                                                     *
*           This can be a source of unpredictable problems!           *
*                                                                     *
*              Please refer to the docs for more details!             *
*              *
*                                                                     *


Class FilterDispatcher Deprecated. Since Struts 2.1.3, use StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter instead or StrutsPrepareFilterand StrutsExecuteFilter if needing using the ActionContextCleanUp filter in addition to this one..即,从Struts 2.1.3起已被标注为过时的,改用StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter


FilterDispatcher is deprecated!相关推荐

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