
tailtail tail


heavyheavy heavy


x→cxx\rightarrow cxx→cx

x→xtx \rightarrow x^tx→xt

heavyheavy heavy


if you choose something, please consist your choice

virtual one in the world has the potential to become huge, since it is so virtual that people do not notice their existance

but, if it has been found,

not sure what goes next

In the opinion of Professor Ruan Zhoulin, academic dean of the Graduate School at WJU, “If you are not doing it purely for the purpose of research, but for some utilitarian needs, I don’t recommend that you apply to come to WJU for a PhD, because the process will be painful.”

“Doing a PhD is a relatively independent and lonely personal mileage. You have to have a very strong interest in your research topic, and without such clear motivation to support you, it’s very difficult to go down the road.”

“To really spend three or four years working on a PhD, you need a very pure heart.” Professor Nguyen said.
Desperation is something you must go through.

Just get through it.

Li Dun, a doctoral student in operations and supply chain management, is squatting in a well-known Internet company in Beijing. This is the third time he has come to the company to try to convince an executive to become his interviewee and participate in his empirical research on the sharing economy.

Li Dun graduated from a 985 university in China, and after completing his master’s degree in the UK, he was introduced by his supervisor and applied to the PhD program at the International Business School of SIP under the supervision of Dr. Guoquan Liu (pictured below, right).

“The sharing economy is an emerging field, and as I was doing first-hand data and case studies, the best option was to return to China.” Li Dun said.

In the first year of his PhD, he experienced two rounds of “crashes”.

In 2017, he went to the UK to complete his research design, which amounted to six months of work, starting with a literature review and working out the framework of his entire doctoral dissertation. “I worked 15 or 16 hours a day, and I was devastated when I couldn’t do it. Then by accumulating volume, reading and thinking more, I finally finished a conceptual thesis.”

After the research design was completed, he returned home to collect data and traveled to Beijing, the home base of several unicorns in the sharing economy. That’s when he discovered, “The only way to make a good paper is to dig deep, but the barriers to getting data are too high.”

“There are two directions to study the sharing economy: one is to do mathematical modeling, which requires more talent and is equivalent to taking fate into your own hands; the other is to do empirical research, and whether you can publish an article depends largely on the object of the collected data.” Li Dun said, “I’m not too smart, but I rely purely on hard work and lots of time spent.”

Fortunately, the executives of the company where Li Dun “squatted” were impressed by his sincerity and persistence, and eventually agreed to be interviewed for the study. Based on this, Li Dun used the “snowball” approach to gain more industry resources and get the latest first-hand data from the executive interviews, which greatly advanced his research process.

“I didn’t do the PhD to win the title. After doing a PhD, people will call me Dr. so-and-so later - if you hold such an idea, you will easily give up when you find it too difficult to do a PhD.”

“Despair is something you have to go through, and it’s good to get through it.” He said.

In the past three years, Li Dun has published one paper in ABS 4-star journal as the second author and corresponding author, and one paper in ABS 3-star journal as the first author, and won the title of “Best PhD” in 2019-2020 academic year in the School of Management, University of Liverpool, UK. After being accepted by many 985 and 211 universities in China, he chose to return to his hometown and is now a teacher at Guizhou University.

Studying for a PhD is a long process that

Be good at appreciating the sense of achievement

In his job search, he was often asked the following questions: Have you ever completed a research grant project? Do you have teaching experience? Do you have experience leading a team?

“When applying for jobs, I found that these competencies accumulated at WPI were very valuable, and without them, I might not have been able to get a college interview on my own.” He said.

Winger Xu, who studied in the UK for both his undergraduate and master’s degrees, naturally set his sights on the British education system at WJU when considering returning to China for his PhD. He applied for a full scholarship at WSU to pursue a PhD program led by Dr. Haining Liang (pictured below, far left) in the School of Intelligent Engineering, with a research topic on motion-based games in the field of human-computer interaction.

“Human-computer interaction is an interdisciplinary field, involving computer science, social science, and user experience … In the context of an aging society, there has been a lot of research on motion-based games in the last decade.” Xu Wenger describes, “Through experiments, we study how games can improve balance, muscle strength, cognitive ability, and alleviate depression and anxiety in older adults.”

“The sense of accomplishment in doing research comes from the fact that you feel that these studies are going to have a direct impact on the elderly, on society; or have some indirect impact, like subliminally giving other researchers some novel ideas.”

During his doctoral studies, he spent nearly two years completing a literature review-type dissertation, a systematic review of previous results based on a study of more than 600 papers in the field.

“For people who want to enter the field, this article will allow them to know what areas have been studied, what results are available, and to get advice on experimental design.” He says, “For example, with game-based rehabilitation, how long the time period is and what measurements need to be used can be referenced in the review. The impact and citation rate of such a type of summary review would be relatively high.”

Prior to his PhD, Winger Xu envisioned his future as a full-time researcher, but in serving as a teaching assistant and assisting his advisor, Dr. Haining Liang, with students, he discovered the sense of accomplishment that comes with teaching.

“Mr. Liang was more demanding and wanted to exercise to teaching assistantship and wanted the course to be relevant to the real world. I would be involved in the preparation of all course materials, including preparing class handouts and tutorials, designing teamwork projects, assignments and experiments for students.”

As Professor Nguyen Chau Linh, academic dean of the Graduate School, said, “Doctoral students are somewhere between students and teachers, and doctoral students are a very important core force in the development of research at the university.” In undertaking research projects, Winger Xu assists his supervisor in leading research teams of undergraduate and master’s students.

“When leading the project I would first understand, which fields the students are interested in, for example, some are biased towards academic direction and like programming; some are interested in industry and want to go to the game field in the future, then let them undertake more game development work. After going through the program, students will have a better understanding of their own interests. Students who are not sure of their direction for the time being, let them have more exposure in various fields.”

On one occasion, Winger Xu provided guidance for an undergraduate thesis project. “What was taught to the undergraduate student, he later applied elsewhere, and at that moment felt: wow, very fulfilling!”

Today, Winger Xu is about to become a college teacher. He admits, “Doing research is very fulfilling, and teaching has a different sense of accomplishment. One person doing research is limited; if you can bring more people into the field, the overall contribution will be greater.”

“Studying for a PhD is a long process that requires good stress tolerance and being good at experiencing a sense of accomplishment from different things.” He said.

Mr. Wei Zhou, director of the Graduate School, said that the WPI PhD students are trained by WJU in cooperation with the University of Liverpool in the U.K. PhD students will have at least one supervisor from WJU and one supervisor from the University of Liverpool. Doctoral graduates will receive a PhD from the University of Liverpool in the UK.

“For students considering a PhD, it is important to first ask what you want to pursue.” Ms. Zhou Wei said, “Studying for a PhD is not like the college entrance exams, which are a must for most people, but if you choose to come for a PhD, you must be internally motivated.”

“At the master’s level, when you are exposed to narrower and deeper scientific research, that’s when you can appreciate whether you like research or not and whether you want to continue to study for a PhD. Having first learned enough about the scientific research in the field, you can stand on the shoulders of giants and think: what scientific problem am I going to ask, and then what method am I going to use to solve it.”

“Studying for a PhD requires you to be passionate about research, to endure loneliness, to be independent and innovative, and to dare to question and at the same time be brave enough to be questioned.” Zhou Wei, a teacher, said.




































































































































































































































































































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