跨平台 获取系统信息的python库 http://support.hyperic.com/disp - 张沈鹏,在路上... - ITeye技术网站

跨平台 获取系统信息的python库 http://support.hyperic.com/disp



The Sigar API provides a portable interface for gathering system information such as:

* System memory, swap, cpu, load average, uptime, logins

* Per-process memory, cpu, credential info, state, arguments, environment, open files

* File system detection and metrics

* Network interface detection, configuration info and metrics

* Network route and connection tables

Linux Windows 都可以用

内存检测的库 http://support.hyperic.com/display/SIGAR/Home

git clone git://github.com/hyperic/sigar.git sigar.git




make install

cd bindings/python/

python setup.py install

xxx@xxxx~/hypertable/sigar.git/bindings/python/examples $ cat free.py

import os, sigar;

sg = sigar.open()

mem = sg.mem()

swap = sg.swap()


print "\tTotal\tUsed\tFree"

print "Mem:\t",\

(mem.total() / 1024), \

(mem.used() / 1024), \

(mem.free() / 1024)

print "Swap:\t", \

(swap.total() / 1024), \

(swap.used() / 1024), \

(swap.free() / 1024)

print "RAM:\t", mem.ram(), "MB"

xxx@xxxx~/hypertable/sigar.git/bindings/python/examples $ python free.py

Total Used Free

Mem: 33018784 20918484 12100300

Swap: 0 0 0

RAM: 32248 MB

xxx@xxxx~/hypertable/sigar.git/bindings/python/examples $ cat df.py

import os, sigar;

sg = sigar.open()

fslist = sg.file_system_list()

def format_size(size):

return sigar.format_size(size * 1024)

print 'Filesystem\tSize\tUsed\tAvail\tUse%\tMounted on\tType\n'

for fs in fslist:

dir_name = fs.dir_name()

usage = sg.file_system_usage(dir_name)

total = usage.total()

used = total - usage.free()

avail = usage.avail()

pct = usage.use_percent() * 100

if pct == 0.0:

pct = '-'

print fs.dev_name(), format_size(total), format_size(used), format_size(avail),\

pct, dir_name, fs.sys_type_name(), '/', fs.type_name()

xxx@xxxx~/hypertable/sigar.git/bindings/python/examples $ python df.py

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on Type

/dev/md/2  37G  26G  12G 69.0 / reiserfs / local

proc   0    0    0  - /proc proc / none

sysfs   0    0    0  - /sys sysfs / none

udev  10M 208K 9.8M - /dev tmpfs / none

devpts   0    0    0  - /dev/pts devpts / none

/dev/sda4 391G 321G  70G 83.0 /log2 reiserfs / local

/dev/sdd1 931G 281G 650G 31.0 /mp4 reiserfs / local

/dev/sde1 1.4T 1.3T  75G 95.0 /backup1 xfs / local

/dev/sdf1 1.4T 157G 1.2T 12.0 /backup2 xfs / local

shm  16G   0   16G - /dev/shm tmpfs / none

tmpfs  40M   0   40M - /tmplog tmpfs / none

usbfs   0    0    0  - /proc/bus/usb usbfs / none

/dev/sdb1 1.4T 566G 831G 41.0 /mp5 vfat / local

/dev/sdc1 200G  82G 118G 41.0 /mp3 reiserfs / local

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