
pdns (master) server  /var/log/messages 错误信息提示:

Jan 30 10:08:08 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[6363]: AXFR of domain '199.10.in-addr.arpa' initiated by
Jan 30 10:08:08 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[6363]: AXFR of domain '199.10.in-addr.arpa' allowed: client IP is in allow-axfr-ips
Jan 30 10:08:08 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[6363]: Exception: All data was not consumed
Jan 30 10:08:08 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[6363]: TCP Connection Thread died because of STL error: All data was not consumed
Jan 30 10:08:28 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[6363]: AXFR of domain '199.10.in-addr.arpa' initiated by
Jan 30 09:59:06 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[23658]: AXFR of domain '199.10.in-addr.arpa' allowed: client IP is in allow-axfr-ips
Jan 30 09:59:06 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[23658]: Exception: All data was not consumed
Jan 30 09:59:06 kylezhuang-hh-qa-dns-crguy pdns[23658]: TCP Connection Thread died because of STL error: All data was not consumed

bind (slave) server /var/log/messages 错误信息提示:

Jan 30 03:45:48 hh-yun-puppet-129021 named[100639]: transfer of '199.10.in-addr.arpa/IN' from connected using
Jan 30 03:45:48 hh-yun-puppet-129021 named[100639]: transfer of '199.10.in-addr.arpa/IN' from failed while receiving responses: end of file
Jan 30 03:45:48 hh-yun-puppet-129021 named[100639]: transfer of '199.10.in-addr.arpa/IN' from Transfer completed: 23 messages, 2201 records, 96020 bytes, 0.027 secs (3556296 bytes/sec)

原因: master 服务器上具有不合法的语法解析, 导致 bind 无法主从同步获取完整的数据信息

解决方法,  检测主服务器数据库上的  records 表中 name 与 content 字段, 细心找到不合法的字段, 然后修复则可解决.


mysql> select * from records where name='';   (不符合规范语法, 不知道谁埋的雷)
| id | domain_id | name                       | type | content                                                                         | ttl  | prio | change_date | disabled | ordername | auth |
|  4 |         2 | | PTR  | pdns.199.10.in-addr.arpa admin.pdns.199.10.in-addr.arpa 7 1200 7200 64800 86400 |  360 | NULL |        NULL |        0 | NULL      |    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> delete from records where id=4;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from records where type='SOA' and domain_id=2;  (正确语法参考)
| id | domain_id | name                | type | content                                                    | ttl  | prio | change_date | disabled | ordername | auth |
|  2 |         2 | 199.10.in-addr.arpa | SOA  | dns.vclound.com admin.pdns.vclound.com 555 1200 7200 64800 |  360 | NULL |        NULL |        0 | NULL      |    1 |

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