译 / 乔灵儿(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)



Rule of lawlessness


The worst unrest since apartheid underlines South Africa’s fragility.


apartheid 南非的种族隔离

lawlessness: the fact that laws do not exist, or are not obeyed or respected 不遵守法律;无法无天

unrest: a political situation in which people are angry and likely to protest or fight 动荡;动乱;骚动

apartheid: 种族隔离(前南非政府推行的政策)

underline: to show or emphasize that sth is important 表明; 强调

fragility: 脆弱

South Africa offers dry kindling for political conflagration. Unemployment and inequality are preposterously high. Many people lack food, power and running water, while members of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) gorge on graft. In the two years before covid-19 there were more protests than probably at any time in the democratic era. The pandemic, Africa’s worst if official statistics are to be trusted, has killed at least 65,000 people and plunged many more into destitution.

南非为这场政治大火提供了干柴。失业率和不平等程度高得离谱。许多人缺乏食物、电力和自来水,而执政的非洲人国民大会 (非国大) 的成员则贪污腐败。在新冠疫情爆发之前的两年里,抗议活动比民主时代的任何时候都要多。如果官方统计数据可信的话,这场疫情是非洲最严重的一次流行病,已经造成至少 65,000 人死亡,更多民众陷入贫困。

kindling: 引火物

conflagration: 大火;引申义为冲突;战争

preposterously: in a way that is completely unreasonable, especially when it shocks or annoys you 荒唐地;极不合情理地

running water: 自来水

African National Congress (ANC): 南非非洲人国民大会,现为南非执政党,简称非国大,是南非最大的黑人民族主义政党,也是南非跨种族的政党。

gorge (oneself) on: to eat a lot of sth, until you are too full to eat any more 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽

graft: the practice of dishonestly using your position to get money or advantages 贪污;受贿; 以权谋私

plunge ... into ... : to suddenly experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, or to make sb or sth do this (使某人/某物)陷入/遭受 (某种困难或不利局面)


Yet the violence that has engulfed the country in the past week is not a spontaneous protest against such ills. It was incited, and in some cases perhaps instigated, by people close to the former president, Jacob Zuma. Their narrow aim is to have him released after his imprisonment on July 7th for contempt of court for refusing to appear before a judge-led inquiry into his corrupt reign of 2009-18. Their broader goal is to make the country ungovernable so as to undermine his successor, Cyril Ramaphosa. For South Africa’s sake, they must not succeed.


In some cases 在某些情况下

instigate 发起,鼓动

engulf: to have a very strong effect on a person, place, or thing 使陷入;席卷

ills: problems and difficulties 问题;困难

incite: to deliberately encourage people to fight, argue etc 煽动;鼓动;激起

instigate: to persuade sb to do sth bad or violent 唆使;煽动

contempt of court: 藐视法庭(罪)

successor: 继任者;接班人

Mr Zuma represents the ugly side of the ANC. His supporters either tolerate corruption, or avidly indulge in it. Mr Ramaphosa was elected to clean up the mess his predecessor left behind: a system of “state capture” that cost South Africa more than 500bn rand ($34.5bn), or about 10% of a year’s GDP. Mr Zuma’s cronies had looted budgets and subverted the bodies designed to check such abuses, including the police and prosecutors. Mr Ramaphosa has put clean, capable people back in charge of the tax and prosecution services. And judges are mostly honest and independent. For optimists, Mr Zuma’s sentencing symbolised South Africa’s renewed commitment to the rule of law.


avidly: 热衷

clean up the mess: 收拾残局

state capture: the fact of sb using their personal or professional status in order to influence political decisions to their advantage (South African English, disapproving) 国家俘获,是少数利益集团对国家机构施加不正当影响的一种大规模腐败形式

rand: 兰特(南非的货币单位)

crony: 朋党

loot: to steal things from shops or buildings after a riot, fire, etc.(暴乱、火灾等后)打劫

subvert: to try to destroy the power and influence of a government or the established system 颠覆,暗中破坏(现政府或现有制度)

sentencing: 判刑

That is why the bigwigs who profit from lawlessness are so desperate to thwart it. Many within the ANC still see Mr Zuma as their leader and his faction as their best chance for enrichment. Some police and spooks preferred the old, corrupt, ways, too. The weakness of the state is most acute in Mr Zuma’s stronghold of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), a province with a history of violence by Zulu nationalists, scores of recent political assassinations, and local mafias. Many Zulus believe Mr Zuma when he claims, speciously, to be the victim of a political witch hunt.


bigwig: an important person 要人;大人物

thwart: to prevent sb from doing what they are trying to do 阻挠;阻碍

faction: (大团体中的)派系;小集团

spook: a spy 密探;间谍

stronghold: (某一生活方式、政党等)备受支持的地方;据点,大本营

assassination: 暗杀

mafia: a group of people within an organization or a community who use their power to get advantages for themselves 小集团;团伙;社会黑帮

speciously: 貌似有理

witch hunt: (对被认为持不为社会所接受或危及社会政见者的)搜捕,政治迫害

In the past week at least 72 people have been killed and 1,234 arrested. In Gauteng, the economic heartland containing Johannesburg, shops have been ransacked. In KZN there have also been attacks on vital infrastructure: telecommunications towers, industrial warehouses and lorries along a crucial highway to the port of Durban. Hundreds of businesses have been destroyed. The country’s biggest refinery has shut. Petrol, food and medicines are in short supply in KZN. Local citizens, some nervously clutching guns, others holding no more than their neighbours’ hands, are protecting their houses and shops.


ransack: to go through a place stealing things and causing damage 洗劫;劫掠

lorry: 大卡车

refinery: 精炼厂;提炼厂

in short supply 供应不足

clutch: to hold sth tightly because you do not want to lose it 紧握

No more than 仅仅,不过是

Mr Ramaphosa’s response has been too slow. He must get a grip. The priorities are to restore order in Gauteng and KZN, and to stop violence from spreading to the other seven provinces. On July 14th the defence minister said 25,000 troops would be deployed, the largest mobilisation since the end of apartheid. Authorities must be given everything they need to go after ringleaders. The finance ministry needs a plan to rebuild the economy and ease the pain of the pandemic. The police minister and commissioner should be fired. Calls to release Mr Zuma to stop the violence must be rejected with the disdain such ransom notes deserve.


get a grip: used in order to tell sb to control their emotions 冷静点,控制住

ringleader: a person who leads others in crime or in causing trouble 罪魁;头目;元凶

commissioner 在英式英语中,表示“警察局长”

Some South Africans wonder if their state is up to the task. But the security forces have enforced covid-related restrictions, so they should be able to restore peace. The inspiring response by non-state institutions—business groups, grassroots charities, local reporters—is a reminder of the best of South Africa. The rioters and their sponsors want to destroy the rule of law. Mr Ramaphosa, and all patriotic South Africans, must uphold it.


up to the task 胜任

grassroots: 基层民众;平民百姓;草根








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