Lesson 7 Bats 蝙蝠

First listen and then answer the following question.
In what way does echo-location in bats play an utilitarian role?

​ Not all sounds made by animals serve as(用作) language, and we have only to(只需要) turn to(求助) that extraordinary(非同寻常的) discovery of echo-location(回声定位) in bats(做后定) to see a case in which(where) the voice(特指人的声音) plays a strictly utilitarian(practical/pragmatic实用的) role. 声音不作为语言也很有用=》论点;蝙蝠=》论据

make a noise/sound

the sounds made by sth.

every / all / both + not => 部分否定

either / one / any one + not => 完全否定

I cannot promote both of you.

I cannot promote either of you. == I can promote neither of you.

I cannot promote all/any one of you. == I can promote none of you.

All the horses here cannot run fast. == Not all the horses here … 部分否定

serve as 1.(人)担任 2.(物)用作

He serves as an interpreter for the principal.

This stone can serve as a dinner table.

You have only to turn to the crime statistics to learn that this city is quite dangerous.

You have only to ask his classmates to learn that he is a good guy.

This cave has a good echo. 这个山洞回声很大

He’s just his wife’s echo. 他只是老婆的应声虫

'local adj.

lo’cate vt. to locate sth.

location n. 定位

locality n. 位置

case n. 例子 -> 病例 a case of flu

a case of murder -> 案例

a case in point 一个典型的例子

play a decisive/leading/critical role in …

Bicycles are strictly utilitarian in densely populated cities.

To get a full appreciation of(to fully understand/appreciate) what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. (前总)| (后分)

To pass the exam, you will have to work much harder.

Everyone knows that if he shouts in the vicinity(neighborhood) of a wall or a mountainside(山腰), an echo will come back.

There is a hospital in our vicinity. 我们附近有一个医院

The further off this solid obstruction(省略了 is), the longer time will elapse(go by/pass by) for the return of the echo. 讲 commen sense (general principle / fundamentals)

the more …, the more …

off -> in the distance

farther / further(还有进一步的意思)

A sound made by(through/by means of) tapping on the hull(船体) of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom(the mountain top), | and by measuring the time(时间/space空间) interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes(收到回声 on receipt of the news), the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.

knock at/on/against

tap / pound


1.反射 to reflect light / sound

2.反思 reflect on one’s past

3.反映 The novel reflect the life of the big city

reckon 估算

calculate 计算

estimate 估计

So(表示结果 Therefore/Hence/So/Consequently/As a result) was born the echo-sounding(回声探测) apparatus(device/equipment), (which is)now in general use in ships. 结构倒装,主语放前面的话会头重脚轻

So(表示程度) fascinating is she that every one in the school likes mixing with(交往) her.

So + adj./adv.

sound n. 1.声音 adj. 2. sound teeth 完好的牙 a sound argument 一个无懈可击的论点

vt. 3. to sound(explore/probe) the sea / a sounding balloon 探空气球 to sound sb. on a question 就一个问题试探某人的想法

in (great/little) demand 有需求

in supply / use / employment


Every solid object(固体物) will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object.

vary vi. 浮动,变动,有差异 range vi.

vary / range / fluctuate from … to … / between … and …

to very one’s diet / the program

Every senior citizen can receive a pension from the government, varying according to his or her age and the period of work.

A shoal of fish will do this(reflect sound).

a shoal of 一群

So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.






It is a comparatively step from acquiring a bachelor’s degree to acquiring a master’s degree.

It is a comparatively step from understanding a man to falling in love with him. 从认识一个人到爱上一个人是相对简单的一步。

With experience, and with improved apparatus, it is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.

with the coming / arrival / advent of sth.

to dance to the music

to sing to the tune

to fall asleep to the roaring of the river

sentence/social/family pattern

judge/tell by

By the color of the sky, …

by one’s watch, it is 5 o’clock (by 表示根据,相当于 according to)


It has been found that(人们发现) certain bats(某些蝙蝠) emit(释放/发出) squeaks(吱吱叫) and by receiving the echoes(接受回声), they can locate and steer clear of(躲开) obstacles – or locate flying insects(飞虫) on which(用 on,因为 fead on) they feed.

to emit ash / signals / smoke / sparts


The sky is cloudy.

The sky is clear. 万里无云

be clear of 没有

You are clear of the police now. 你现在已经摆脱了那个警察

You should keep clear of that fellow. 你应该躲着那个家伙

Stay clear of the dog. 远离那条狗

Keep clear of the door. 远离车门

be empty of

be short of

be bare of

be clear of

a hill bare of vegetation 一座光秃秃的山

He lives on his parents.

exist on

prey on

feed on 可用于人,也可以用于物

to feed such such a large population

This echo-location in bats is often compared with(和…作比较) radar, the principle of which(指代雷达) is similar.

There are many college students at the party, most of whom I’ve met before.

MAURICE BURTON Curiosities of animal life

Echo-location in bats is often compared with radar.

New words and expressions 生词和短语

bat n.蝙蝠

n. 1. 蝙蝠 as blind as a bat 很瞎,有眼无珠 / as easy as ABC / as easy as a piece of cake / as poor as a churcch mouse

  1. a tennis bat / a table-tennis bat 网球拍/乒乓球拍

strictly adv. 明确的

strict adj. 1. 严格的 a strict teacher , strict discipline , be strict with sb. 2. 明确的 the strict truth 千真万确的事实 strict neutrality 绝对中立 a strict vegetarian 一个绝对的素食主义者

utilitarian adj.实用的

utilize vt. == make use of / take advantage of

to utilize straw as fodder 将稻草用作饲料(相当于 use … as)

utility n. 功用,用途;多功能

Your invention is of no utility(of+n. 做表语) to farming. 你的发明对农业毫无用途

a utinity truck/room/knife/man 客货两运车/杂物室/跑龙套的

utilitarian 实用的,功利的

for utilitarian purposes 出于实用的目的

a utilitarian invention 一个实用的发明




appreciation n.理解

vi. 增值;欣赏;理解;感激

obstruction n.障碍物

an obstruction to sth.


hindrance / obstacle / obstruction / barriar 后面都接 to

elapse v.消逝

lapse -> elapse -> collapse

lapse n. 1. 小错 a lapse of the tougue/pen 口误/笔误 2. (时间)流逝 with the lapse of the time 随着时间的流逝 He returned after a lapse of 10 years.

col = com.con.co.col.cor 共同

elapse = lapse (n.)

arouse / rouse

elapse vi. (时)流逝 Three years elapsed before he returned.

pass by / go by / fly by (强调快) / slip by (时间悄悄地溜走)=> elapse

hull n.船体

bow (读 宝嗷)vi. bow to sb. n. 船首;弓箭,彩虹(读 不偶)

stern n. 船尾

oar n. 船桨

interval n.间隔


buildings placed at wide intervals

at monthly intervals

at short/long/regular intervals 频繁地/偶尔地/定期地

at intervals 间隔地

receipt n.收到

p 不发音

receive vt. 1. to receive guests n. reception 招待接待 reception hotel 招待所 reception clerk 招待员

2.收到:to receive a letter n. receipt n. 1.收到 2.收据 复数形式表示收入

on receipt of the news 一收到这个消息

a receipt book 收据簿

one’s receips 一个人的收入

apparatus n.仪器

para 平行

平行放置物 -> 仪器,设备,器械

a breathing apparatus 呼吸机

引申义:机构,机关 the apparatus of government

shoal n.鱼群

n. 1. 鱼群,成群的,大量的 a shoal of cod(鳕鱼) / herring(鲱鱼) 单复数同形,不用加s / fish

shoals of

to receive letters of congratulation in shoals

shoals of visitors


herd 牛群,兽群 / flock 鸟群,人群

band 一帮士兵 / gang 一伙犯罪人员 / colony 移民

2.to keep away from the shoals 浅滩 / to strike on a shoal 避免搁浅

herring n.鲱鱼
cod n.鳕鱼
squeak n.尖叫声

本质含义:吱吱声 the squeak of a mouse

a narrow squeak 相当于 a narrow escape

Note on the text 课文译注

1 Not all sounds made by animals serve as language,动物发出的声音不全是作语言交际。此句采用了部分否定,即不是否定所有的动物,而只是一部分。serve as,作…之用。
2 turn to,求助于。
3 play a role in,在…方面起作用。
4 in the vicinity of,在…的附近。
5 So was born the echo-sounding apparatus,这样就诞生了回声探测仪。这是一个倒装句,主要是为了避免因主语过长而使全句失去平衡,同时也为了使apparatus的定语now in general use in ships紧挨着名词。in general use,普遍使用。
6 steer clear of,避开。





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