如图,用firebug分析网页,发现连接处有很多阻挡,而且时间很长,在firebug的官方wiki中找到了 “阻挡” 的解释(内容来自http://getfirebug.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page):

Request Timeline

Every request-response round trip is shown as horizontal bar in the Timeline and is composed of several phases, represented by different colors. Hovering a Request Timeline offers more detailed information about the timings of the different phases.

Value Display Description
Blocking   Time spent in a browser queue waiting for a network connection (formerly called Queueing)
For SSL connections this includes the SSL Handshake and the OCSP validation step.
DNS Lookup   DNS resolution time
Connecting   Elapsed time required to create a TCP connection
Sending   Sending request headers
Waiting   Waiting for a response from the server

(from cache)

Time required to read the entire response from the server (and/or time required to read from cache)
'DOMContentLoaded' (event) (blue line) Point in time when DOMContentLoaded event was fired (since the beginning of the request, can be negative if the request has been started after the event)
'load' (event) (red line) Point in time when the page load event was fired (since the beginning of the request, can be negative if the request has been started after the event)
'MozAfterPaint' (event) (green line) Point in time when a MozAfterPaint event was fired (since the beginning of the request, can be negative if the request has been started after the event)
Time stamp (olive line) Time stamp created via console.timeStamp()

第一个 Blocking 翻译成中文解释为:




浏览器       HTTP 1.1      HTTP 1.0
IE 6,7           2                 4
IE 8              6                 6
Firefox 2        2                 8
Firefox 3        6                 6
Safari 3, 4      4                 4
Chrome 1,2     6                 ?
Chrome 3       4                 4
Opera 9.63,10.00alpha      4       4

例如Firefox3 对于一个主机(同一主机域名),一次性只能处理6个请求,而多余的请求则处于队列当中。



2008年10月10日 星期五 下午 9:41


IE7      2
IE8      6
Firefox2 2
Firefox3 6


Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy. A proxy SHOULD use up to 2*N connections to another server or proxy, where N is the number of simultaneously active users. These guidelines are intended to improve HTTP response times and avoid congestion.





# about:config
network.http.max-connections                      : 30
network.http.max-connections-per-server           : 15
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy : 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 6



HTTP1.1下Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP1.0下Connection: Close


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