
chapter 1


print("This program illustrates a chaotic function")
x = eval(input("Enter a number between 0 and 1:"))
n = eval(input("How many times shoule I print?"))
for i in range(n):x = 3.9 * x * (1 - x)print(x)




def convert():celsius = eval(input("What's the Celsius temperature?"))fahrenheit = 9/5 * celsius + 32print("The temperature is ", fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit.")for i in range(5):convert()


def main():celsius = 0for i in range(11):   fahrenheit = 9/5 * celsius + 32print("Celsius", celsius, "equals to Fahrenheit", fahrenheit, ".")celsius += 10


def main():print("This program calculates the future value.")year = eval(input("How may years do  you want?"))principal = eval(input("How much the principal each year?"))apr = eval(input("Enter the annual interest rate:"))value = principalfor i in range(year):value = (1 + apr) * valuevalue += principalprint("The value in", year, "years is: ", value)main()


def main():print("This program calculates the expression's result.")for i in range(100):expr = eval(input("Enter an expression:"))print(expr)main()



import mathdef main():print("This program calculates the length of ladder.")angle = eval(input("Enter the angle:")) # degreeradians = angle * math.pi / 180 # radiansheight = 10length = height / math.sin(radians)print("The length of ladder is", length, ".")main()


def main():print("This program calculates the sum of n natural numbers.")num = eval(input("Please enter the number:"))s = 0for i in range(num + 1):s += iprint("The sum is", s, ".")main()


import math
def main():num = eval(input("Please input the number:"))s = 0for n in range(num):s = s + (-1)**(n) * 4/(2 * n + 1)error = math.pi - sprint("The sum is:", s, ".")print("The error is,", error, ".")main()


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