
文章一——T-Shaped Testers and their role in a team


I've never been comfortable with the concept of a separate test team and associated "phases" of testing. 

I believe that finding bugs is just one aspect of a testers role.
I don't think finding bugs is just the responsibility of the tester either.

I also believe that testers should use their skills in other parts of the project cycle, whether that cycle is two weeks or two months or two years.
One person capable of fulfilling a few roles reasonable well seems like good value and a good asset to delivering value. Even in traditional environments with more structured roles T-shaped people can be found serving multiple roles.

Sadly, many people (not just testers) are pigeon holed in to their role, despite having a lot more to offer.
I believe that testers, actually – anyone, can contribute a lot more to the business than their standard role traditionally dictates. The tester's critical and skeptical thinking can be used earlier in the process. Their other skills can be used to solve other problems within the business. Their role can stretch to include other aspects that intrigue them and keep them interested.

I believe testing is more than finding bugs; it's about exploring the product, discovering what the product needs to be, discovering the market needs (i.e. A/B Testing), discovering what the product actually does, working out whether the product is suitable for the context of use, questioning the process, improving the process, helping to design the product, improving the product, helping to support it, helping to promote it and ultimately working with the team to deliver value.


文章二——On Testing Purpose and Documented Requirements


"But isn't that what the BA is supposed to do?"

Oh, excellent question.

Certainly a good BA can gain that information and pass it on to the team.  However, with each layer or remove introduced in the information flow, something changes.  Information may be lost.  Other things may be added.  The "clarification" may critically change part of the message.  If I can get as close to the people doing the work as I can, I often learn stuff that is important to me as a tester that other people shrug off as unimportant.

If I can understand their needs better, I can exercise the software more efficiently.  If the tests I write and run do not explicitly exercise "the requirements" are they really required?  Are they interpretations of something?


文章三——The Value of Testing & Test Teams


  1. Each time a tester questions about an ambiguous, incomplete or missing requirement, she is adding value by questioning the process.
  2. Each time a tester questions the testability of a requirement or even a product, she is adding value by questioning the product requirements.
  3. When a tester reviews a design and questions the validity of the design, she is adding value by blocking a faulty design being built in to a faulty product.
  4. Each time a tester questions the code, she adds value by stopping defects seeping into the next phase of product development. You might say,”Not every tester reviews the code.” True, but isn’t it common to have entry criteria for testing that requires evidence of code review or unit testing? If you are a developer-tester, you know how to peer-review the code.
  5. When a tester finds even a single defect, she is adding value by exposing the hole in the product. The product owner may delay or defer the fix for it for product delivery timelines, but they cannot ignore the existence of a defect in the product.




我不知道目前国内公司的普遍情况,测试能做些什么事情,但我知道的确有些“大”公司,流程分得较细,传统的测试加入较晚,参与的阶段有限,比如,需求文档创建时的Review就不会参与;限制传统测试人员做UAT的事情,因为还有专人在专门的UAT阶段做UAT。 说句题外话,真不建议应届生加入这种公司,过程过僵化,测试能接触得东西过少,能学习到就过少。




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