c语言字典(C language dictionary)

c语言字典(C language dictionary)

The 1 main menu.

The main menu in the Turbo C 2 main screen on the top line, display the following contents:

File Edit Run Compile Project Options Debug Break/watch

Except Edit, the other has a sub menu, as long as the use of Alt plus a first letter in the Office (i.e.

Mother), you can enter the submenu.

A File menu (file)

Press Alt+F to enter the File menu, the menu includes the following contents:

.Load (load)

In a file, similar DOS wildcards (such as *.C) to list selection. It can be put into the other

Extension of the file, as long as the given file name (or the only path to be). The hotkey for F3, as long as the main

Press F3 to enter the menu item, and do not need to take this into the File menu.

.Pick (select)

8 files will be loaded recently edit window a list allows the user to select, select the program loading

The editing area, and the cursor is placed in the last change places. The thermal health is Alt-F3.

.New (new file)

That is a new file, the default file name NONAME.C, disk can be renamed.

.Save (disk)

The editing area save the file, if the file name is NONAME.C, you will be asked if you change the file name, the

Hotkey for F2.

.Write to (disk)

Can be given by the user's file editing area save the file, if the file exists, then asked not to


.Directory (directory)

Displays the directory and files in the directory, and can be selected by the user.

.Change dir (change directory)

Display the current directory, the user can change the display list.

.Os shell (temporary exit)

Temporary exit Turbo C 2 to the DOS prompt, then you can run the DOS command to back

Turbo C 2, as long as under the condition of DOS type EXIT can be.

.Quit (exit)

Exit Turbo C 2, to return to the DOS operating system, the hotkey for Alt+X.


The above mobile color use the arrow keys to select best, enter the implementation. Also available for every one of the first

Capital letters direct selection. If you want to return the main menu or fra

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