numpy.argmin(array,axis = None,out = None):返回特定轴上数组min元素的索引。


array:Input array to work on

axis :[int, optional]Along a specified axis like 0 or 1

out :[array optional]Provides a feature to insert output to the out

array and it should be of appropriate shape and dtype


Array of indices into the array with same shape as array.shape

with the dimension along axis removed.


# Python Program illustrating

# working of argmin()

import numpy as geek

# Working on 1D array

array = geek.arange(8)

print("INPUT ARRAY:\n", array)

# returning Indices of the min element

# as per the indices

print("\nIndices of min element:", geek.argmin(array, axis=0))



[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]

Indices of min element: 0


# Python Program illustarting

# working of argmin()

import numpy as geek

# Working on 2D array

array =  geek.random.randint(16, size=(4, 4))

print("INPUT ARRAY:\n", array)

# returning Indices of the min element

# as per the indices


[[ 8 13  5  0]

[ 0  2  5  3]

[10  7 15 15]

[ 3 11  4 12]]

^  ^  ^  ^

0  2  4  0  - element

1  1  3  0  - indices


print("\nIndices of min element:", geek.argmin(array, axis = 0))



[[ 8 13 5 0]

[ 0 2 5 3]

[10 7 15 15]

[ 3 11 4 12]]

Indices of min element: [1 1 3 0]


# Python Program illustarting

# working of argmin()

import numpy as geek

# Working on 2D array

array =  geek.arange(10).reshape(2, 5)

print("array:\n", array)

array[0][0] = 10

array[1][1] = 1

array[0][1] = 1

print("\narray:\n", array)

# Returns min element

print("\narray:", geek.argmin(array))

# First occurrence of an min element is given

print("\nmin ELEMENT INDICES:", geek.argmin(array, axis = 0))



[[0 1 2 3 4]

[5 6 7 8 9]]


[[10 1 2 3 4]

[ 5 1 7 8 9]]

array: 1

min ELEMENT INDICES: [1 0 0 0 0]

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