Roon Optimized Core Kit (ROCK) comes with a “factory reset” disk image, that is meant to be flashed onto a USB flash drive. When the device is booted from this USB flash drive, it will partition, format, and initialize your SSD.1. Prepare your NUC's hardwareInstall a 64GB or larger SSD into the M.2 Slot

Install 4GB or more of RAM

Optionally, install a 2.5" internal SATA disk. You can only use 1, so don't bother with more.For more information about storage options for use with ROCK, see here

Plug in a monitor and keyboard. Mouse can be helpful configuring your BIOS, but it is not required.

At this point, there's no operating system on the NUC, but it should boot and you should see the Intel welcome/splash screen. Note that this screen should also have the correct keyboard shortcuts for entering BIOS which you'll need in Step 2.

Before moving forward, note that you will also need:An existing internet connected computer (Mac, Windows, or Linux) with a USB port

A USB flash drive2. Prepare your NUC's BIOS

This step is required for ROCK to function properly. To update the BIOS on your NUC, follow the instructions here.3. Download

To install ROCK, you will first need to download the factory reset disk image to another computer (like a Windows PC or a Mac). You can download the image from here.

After the download, this file has an extension of ".img.gz" -- you do not need to decompress/unzip it.4. Writing to a USB flash drive (from a second computer, not the NUC):

Now that you've downloaded the image to another computer, you will need to write this image to a USB flash drive.Windows / Mac OS / LinuxPlug in your USB flash drive (it must be larger than the factory reset image size -- 1GB is more than enough).

Download and install Etcher from

Start Etcher

From the Etcher application interface, select your .img.gz file as "the image"

From the Etcher application interface, select your USB flash drive as "the drive"

Click on "Flash!"Linux Command LineUncompress your .img.gz file by running gzip -d roonbox-linuxx64-nuc3-usb-factoryreset.img.gz, which will leave you with a .img file.

Plug in your USB flash drive (it must be larger than the factory reset image size -- 1GB is more than enough).

Run sudo dmesg to determine the device name given to your USB flash drive. It will be something like /dev/sdb.

Unmount any directory your flash drive was mounted to.

Run sudo dd bs=10485760 if=roonbox-linuxx64-nuc3-usb-factoryreset.img of=/dev/sdb (replace “sdb” with the appropriate device name). This can take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your USB flash drive.5. InstallingTurn off your NUC.

Unplug any USB storage you might have plugged into it. You can plug it back in after your install.

Insert the USB flash drive you prepared earlier into the front of the NUC

Turn on the NUC and press the F10 key on your keyboard. Continue to hold the F10 key down until you appear at a menu that is asking you which device you'd like to boot from.

Select the USB flash drive.

Follow the instructions to install Roon OS. This procedure can take a few minutes, depending on the performance of your USB flash drive and the SSD to which you are installing.

Once it is done installing, unplug the USB flash drive and hit ENTER to reboot.

On next boot, don't hold F10. Your NUC should boot from the SSD, and a few seconds later, you should see a Roon message displaying the IP address of the NUC. This IP address should be entered in a web browser (on another computer) in order to complete ROCK setup (installing Codecs).6. Installing Codecs and Setting Up For First Run

You must install the appropriate Codecs for ROCK to function properly.

You can do this by following the instructions here or by visiting the web UI listed on the console of the machine, click on the "?" next to "Missing Codecs" and follow the instructions.

Be sure to also confirm that ROCK is on the latest version. You can trigger ROCK to update by selecting Reinstall from the Web UI.7. Using ROCKStart Roon Remote or Roon

You will need to connect to ROCK by selecting it from the "Choose Your Core" screen.

Note: If you've already used Roon before with another Core, you will probably want to migrate your Roon database to ROCK. You can find information about migrating your database to ROCK here.

If you're having trouble, try clicking "Disconnect" in Settings, or "Select A Different Core"More Information:TroubleshootingIf Roon can not find your ROCK device, here are some ideas on how to troubleshoot the problem:Check the web UI about missing codecs

Check your network. For Roon to find your Roon OS device on the network, make sure you have the ethernet cable plugged into your device and DHCP is available. Also, make sure your Roon software is running on the same LAN as the Roon OS device.Enjoy!Don't forget to see what Roon members are saying about ROCK on our Community Site!

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