Topic 9 Flowers

1. Do you like flowers? (高频)2. What kinds of flowers do you know? (高频)3. Are there any flowers that have special meanings?
In terms of flowers…umm,Yes, I love flowers! They’re so pretty and they smell so nice.There are many basic type of flowers,like rose,Ficus,Iris,Maackia.If I had to pick a favourite,it must be flos.White flos in particular usually symbolize glory. But purple flos can symbolize friendship. The meaning of the flos depends on the type and colour.

4. Do you plant flowers?/Have you planted any flowers? (高频)
Yes, I plant flowers in the spring. I have to admit that I don’t have a green thumb. Sometimes I don’t take good care of my flowers and they end up dying in a couple weeks.

5. Have you bought flowers? / Have you sent flowers to others? /When was the last time you bought flowers?
Yes, sometimes I buy flowers.The last time I bought flowers is yesterday,in a flower shop near my home.I love that flower shop very much.I bought lilies for my friend or as a special gift to celebrate her new job,and I sent it to her house.

6. When do people in your country usually buy flowers?
People usually buy flowers on special occasions. You know, like,New Year’s Day,teachers day and Mother’s Day .Mother’s Day in particular are the most popular days for buying flowers.Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May and on that day,People usually buy carnations for their mom.I think it’s a really lovely tradition. Flowers are such a beautiful gift for someone you love.

Topic 10 Sky and stars
1. Do you like to look at the sky? Why? (高频)
Yes, I really love looking at the sky! Depending on the time of day, it can have the fantastic colors. For example, I love watching the sunset,umm, around 5 o’clock in the summer, because you can watch the sky go from blue to orange to red to pink. It’s really amazing and it reminds you of how beautiful the world can be.

2. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live? (高频)
3. Do you like to see the stars at night?(以上两个题可以合并为一个答案)
Yes, I can usually see the moon and stars at night from my house. Sometimes there’s a bit of light pollution, so I don’t get the clearest view. But for the most part, I can make out constellations. I love searching for them and it’s my favourite hobby in a starry night.

4. Do you want to live on other planets? (高频)
Um,when it comes to living on another planet…Honestly, living on another planet doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I really love Earth, and I can’t imagine leaving it.

5. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or sky at night?
I definitely prefer the sky at night. After sunset, the sky go from blue to orange to red to pink. It’s so fascinating. And then when the stars come out, it’s absolutely breathtaking. I really love star gazing and finding constellations.

6. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

The place I live has much light pollution in the evening. So it is hard to do some stargazing here .

Topic11 Wallet

== 1. Do you use a wallet? (高频)==
Yes, I use a wallet! It’s such a handy way to keep all my important things in one spot. I have all my bank cards,ID card and school card in my wallet, plus some cash. Of course, that would make me nervous for if my wallet ever gets lost. But it’s definitely a valuable accessory.

2. Have you lost your wallet? (高频)
Yes, I’ve lost my wallet before. It was 5 months ago,ummm,let me think about it,On Faburary 1st of this year on a street near my home.It stressed me out so much! Thankfully it wasn’t lost for too long. I left it at the counter of a clothing store .Luckily the cashier noticed, and I could pick it up the next day.

3. Did you give others a wallet as a gift? (高频)
When it comes giving others a wallet as a gift…um,sorry ,I didn’t.My gifts for friends are usually flowers because they are pretty and smell good.

4. Do most of your friends use a wallet?
Yes, they do. Although some of them prefer to pay for everything using apps on their phone, they all have their wallet at all times in case they need their ID card in an emergency. Plus, most of them see a wallet as an everyday fashion accessory.

Topic12 First school/Primary school
1. Which primary school did you go to? (高频)
2. How did you like your primary school?(第 1 题和第 2 题也可放在一起回答)
When I was a kid,the primary school was Sucheng Primary school.It is an old school Jinlin Road in sucheng school was actually old-fashioned. It had these really antique bricks and even some ivy growing over it. It was so fasnating and made me feel like I live in a castle!and btw,my teachers and classmates were very nice. I love school very much.

3. How did you go to primary school every day? (高频)
I used to go to school on was such a long commute that we spent 2 hours on the road every day.

4. What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?
5. What did you do in your leisure time when you were in primary school?
During the leisure time,I could read many books .I was really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I was enchanted to read those books.

Topic13 Vacation/holidays
6. Where did you go for your last holiday? (高频)
Yes, I traveled by car and took road trips with my friends. The destination was a mountain .It was a month ago…umm…maybe on the may 1st of this year.The trip was such a long drive that it took us 5 hours on the road.but the trip was totally worth it for its fantastic scenery.

8. Do you like holidays? Why?
9. Which public holiday do you like best? (高频)
Yes,I love holidays.If I had to pick a favourite,it must be national day for its long holiday.During the holidays,I can read many books,I am really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I amenchanted to read those books.

10. What do you do on holidays? (高频)
During the holidays,I can read many books,I am really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I amenchanted to read those books.

Topic 23 Home country/City
1. Which part of your country do you want to live in? / Which city in China is the best one to live in? (高频)
If I had to pick a favourite,it must be Nanjing.Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province. I really love it for its brilliant history and nice cuisine like roast ducks.My favourite roast duck shop is on the Jinlin Road,right beside the Nanjing Library. The roast duck in that store is very delicious and I often buy it on a ragular basis,let me think about it…um,around 2 times a week.

2. What makes you feel proud of your country? (高频)
Well, I cant think of an answer immidiately.I’m proud of China for so many things .But what I love the most is chinese cuisine,such as peking duck ,Mapo tofu and rice dumpling.They are all delicious and the best rice dumpling shop I think is On the jinlin road in Nanjing.I often buy it on a ragular basis,let me think about it…um,around 2 times a week.

3. Do you know the history of your country well? (高频) 没写
Well, I’ve learned a lot about the history of China, mostly from history class and relevant books. But I certainly can’t say I know the history of my country well, because it’s a country with a 5000- year history. And there are still a lot of unknown parts of our history.

4. Will you stay in China in the future? (高频) 没写
In the long run315, I will definitely stay in China because it’s not only where my family is but also a country that develops fast. I have a dream of starting my own business one day so it’s definitely way more promising316 living in China. But I’d love to study abroad for several years and know the world better.

Topic 31 Reading

1. Do you like reading? (高频)
Yes, I love reading! During the holidays,I can read many books,I am really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I amenchanted to read those books.

  1. Do you like to read at home or in other places? (高频)
    I personally prefer to read at home. I love being snuggled up in my bed394, in my pyjamas, with a cup of tea, and a good book. It is one of my favourite self-care activities to just relax and read a book. Plus, I’m often distracted when I read a book outside.

  2. In what place do you think it is difficult to read? (高频)
    I think the most difficult place for me to read is on public transit. If I’m on a subway or a bus, I can’t seem to focus on what I’m trying to read at all! There are too many distractions on a bus or a train which stresses me out too much to read.

  3. Do you like reading alone or with others? (高频)
    I like reading alone better. It can be nice to hang out with others, but sometimes it’s distracting. Instead of focusing on my book, I usually wind up395 talking to the other people. It’s nicer when I’m by myself. I can put on whatever music I want and just have some down time396.

Topic 30 Getting up early
1. Do you often get up early in the morning? (高频)
Yes, I’m definitely not a morning person. I like getting up at the crack of dawn.I thk it’s gd to sty in the morning.I can be more effective and when i gt though the work,I’ll have the rest of the day off

2. When was the last time you had to get up early and what did you do? (高频)
I got up early this morning for studying commputer programming yeasterday , let me think about it…around 8 o’clock.I I opened a video website called BILIBILI which contains a lot of Learning Resoures.I learnt some cding skills on it.

3. What do you do when you get up early? (高频)

you know, I love reading!so, During the morining,I can read many books,I am really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I am enchanted to read those books.

  1. Which morning of the week do you like the most? (高频)
    I think I like Friday mornings the most. I have to get up early for school, but at least I know that I’ll have the weekend off388. So when I’m tired and not looking forward to class, it feels good to know that I get to sleep in the next day.

. What do you do on weekend mornings?/ Do you get up early on weekends? (高频
I usually sleep in if I have the chance. Sometimes I get up early to do housework or catch up on schoolwork. But most of the time, I just lie in bed and sleep. I think it’s good time to give your brain a break, and weekends are perfect for that.

Flowers Sky Wallet First school/Primary school holiday Getting up early Reading Home c相关推荐

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