

ZipInstaller for CWM-based + TWRP + 4EXT Recoveries, a fast and easy way to install ZIPs.

ZipInstaller is a little app for rooted devices that takes a list of zip files from your internal sdcard and reboots in recovery to install them.

For discussion, free version and source code:


ZipInstaller is a little app that makes it faster to pick up and install the zip files you want to install via recovery. Instead of using the volume and power keys to select the different options inside the recovery, you can pick up all the zips you want with your favorite file manager from the internal sdcard and choose wether you want to wipe cache and/or data, that's it. You also can send the ZIPs you want through the send/share menu of your file manager.


- Install as much zips you want in a row (they are added to a list and then you click the "install" button). Just zips from internal sdcard.

- Add zips directly from a file manager through the send/share menu.

- Click on the zips added to see it's properties or remove it from the list.

- You can define the recovery and the sdcard mount point name in the menu (default is CWM-based - emmc).

- If you add a zip that was already added, it goes down to the last position.

- Reorder the list using drag and drop.

- Save and load your list.

- Download zips and add them to the list

- Backup, restore and delete backup.

- Check MD5 sum (manually or automatically through *.md5sum)

- Application automatic updates

- Open source!

Features purchased version

- Get notifications of updates of your rom if they are on or ota-update-center

- Download the new version of your rom and add it to the list automatically

- Navigate

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