1. 舍入的意思

1. 浮点计算机的计算精度是影响数值模式性能的一种因素,在进行并行计算的过程中,更容易对比模式多CPU计算结果和串行的结果,研究其受舍入误差的影响。

In this paper, models are divided into two patterns, fine-grain and coarse-grain, according to the amount of data communication and are employed for the grid computing case studies.

2. 如果 prev 和 next 间的选择符合一个给定的舍入方向,它就是适当舍入的。

If the choice between prev and next matches a given rounding direction, it is correctly rounded.

3. 舍入

3. 然后推导了三次相位函数的FFT快速算法,并进一步采用了舍入最近采样点的方法改进算法,使其可以应用于实际的离散采样系统。

Then the FFT algorithm of the cubic phase function is derived, and is further improved through rounding the last sample point so as to use in practical discrete sampling systems.

4. 如果舍入为0,则表示是精确的,V 在类型 T 中可以精确表示。

If the roundoff is 0, the representation is exact, and V is exactly representable in the type T.

5. 本文提出了一种舍入量化器统计量化特性线性化的概念。

This paper proposes a linearization conception of the statistical quantization characteristic of roundoff quantizer.

6. 分析了反馈系统中数字控制器舍入噪声的影响,以系统的l1范数作为舍入噪声增益反映由有限字长带来的性能降低,通过极小化l1范数获得控制器的最优实现。

The effect of roundoff noise in digital controller is analyzed for a digital feedback cpntrol system.

7. 如果舍入不是0,则表示是不精确的,V 在类型 T 中不能精确表示。

If the roundoff is not 0, the representation is inexact, and V is inexactly representable in the type T.

8. 因为一个适当舍入的表示总是被表示的抽象值的某个邻值,所以舍入值可以保证最多为1个ulp。

Because a correctly rounded representation is always one of adjacents of the abstract value being represented, the roundoff is guaranteed to be at most 1ulp.

9. 这个截断的过程叫做往下舍入。

The process of truncating is called rounding down.

10. 舍入的近义词

10. 一般来说,重要的是要估计和控制舍入误差的使用中出现的浮点运算。

Generally, it is important to estimate and control round-off errors arising from the use of floating point arithmetic.

11. 舍入

11. 将其表示为正中值向下位舍入而得到的最近于1°C 的平均值。(还是上次说过的五舍六入方法

Express it as the mean value when rounded to the nearest 1°C, with an exactly intermediate result being rounded down-wards.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 由于舍入误差,官方公式计算帧大小稍有不同。

Errors, the official formula to calculate the frame size is a little bit different.

13. 这种情况下,用户可以提供自己的舍入器策略,例如使用一个全限定调用。

In this case, the user can supply her own rounder policy which could, for instance, use a fully qualified call.

14. 在存在舍入误差的条件下,证明了算法的收敛性。

Under the condition that round-off errors exist, a convergence proof is given.

15. 事实上,算法的收敛性几乎不受舍入误差的影响,算法是大范围数值稳定的,仿真结果说明了新算法的有效性。

In fact, it is numerically stable in a large category, and round-off errors have almost no influence to its convergence. The simulation results indicate its superiority.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 该方法完全消除了由数字方法引入的不可避免的舍入误差,并能处理中、大规模的集成电路。

This method eliminates completely the unavoidable round-off errors introduced by numerical algorithms and can handle moderate or large integrated circuits.

17. 仿真结果表明,与z算子相比,在计算机有限字长实现时,δ算子受舍入截尾扰动的影响较小,精度高,算法稳

The simulation results from a 2 order system show that δ operator has better performance for round off noise caused by finite word length, higher accuracy and stability than z operator.

18. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

18. 这一技术允许缺省的舍入器策略直接用於用户自定义类型。

This technique allows the default rounder policies to be used directly with user defined types.

19. 研究表明,减少哦米加6脂肪酸的舍入也有帮助作用。

The study showed that decreasing omega-six fatty acids in the diet also helped.

20. 那末,你如何选择舍入的精度,这依赖于你计划使用什末样的结果。

Rounded to? The answer depends on how you plan to use the resulting number.


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