evernote 有道

One of Evernote’s selling points is that all your notes, clippings, and other bits and bytes are stored both on the Evernote servers and your local device. If that’s not enough data security for you (and it shouldn’t be), read on as we show you how to properly backup your Evernote notebooks.

Evernote的卖点之一是,所有笔记,剪辑和其他位和字节都存储在Evernote服务器和本地设备上。 如果那还不够(也不应该)提供数据安全性,请继续阅读,因为我们向您展示了如何正确备份Evernote笔记本电脑。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

There are several reasons why you would want to (and should) backup your Evernote notebooks. The principle reason is because the current Evernote arrangement isn’t actually a backup system, it’s a syncing system. Your data is synced, rather efficiently at that, between your local devices and the Evernote servers. Syncing isn’t backup though and, despite the fact that there are safeguards built into the Evernote software against this, in the absolutely worst case scenario that can befall any synchronized system, the remote file store can be wiped and the local file store can follow. The only way you can ever be absolutely beyond-a-doubt certain that your Evernote notebooks are really safe is if you back them up yourself.

为什么要(并且应该)备份Evernote笔记本有几个原因。 原则上的原因是因为当前的Evernote安排实际上不是备份系统,而是同步系统。 这样,您的数据就可以在本地设备和Evernote服务器之间高效地同步。 同步不是备份,尽管Evernote软件中内置有针对此的防护措施,但在绝对糟糕的情况下(可能落在任何已同步的系统上),可以擦除远程文件存储,而可以跟随本地文件存储。 您绝对可以绝对肯定Evernote笔记本电脑真正安全的唯一方法是自行备份。

Now, if even you’re not worried about Evernote causing you a headache (and they certainly have a good record for data reliability and security), you should worry about yourself. There is no system in place powerful enough to protect you from accidentally or misguidedly deleting your own stuff. Once you drop the hammer on your own data, Evernote (like any other automated synchronization tool) isn’t going to judge you, it’s just going to carry out your orders and wipe your data. Without a backup, there’s no restoring a notebook you trashed last week.

现在,即使您不担心Evernote会让您头疼(并且他们的数据可靠性和安全性记录良好),您也应该担心自己。 没有可用的强大系统来保护您避免意外或误导删除自己的东西。 一旦您对自己的数据投入重击,Evernote(就像任何其他自动同步工具一样)将无法判断您,而只是执行您的订单并擦除您的数据。 没有备份,就无法恢复上周丢掉的笔记本。

Read along as we highlight how you can manually backup your Evernote notebooks, both back up and sync them to cloud-based storage services outside of Evernote, and dedicated backup services focused exclusively on backing up cloud-based data services like Evernote.


我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

The only absolutely critical component of today’s tutorial is an installed copy of Evernote’s desktop application for either Windows or OS X.

今天的教程中唯一绝对关键的组件是适用于Windows或OS X的Evernote桌面应用程序的已安装副本。

  • Evernote for Windows


  • Evernote for OS X

    Evernote OS X版

Even if you’re not regularly a desktop app user, you’ll still need it. Without it, there’s no way to take advantage of backing up a local database or exporting files.

即使您不是经常使用桌面应用程序的用户,也仍然需要它。 没有它,就无法利用备份本地数据库或导出文件的优势。

设置手动和自动备份 (Setting Up Manual and Automated Backups)

There are two ways to back up your Evernote data independently of the Evernote server. You can export your notebooks from the Evernote application, and you can back up the actual Evernote database files on your computer. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to both methods, so let’s take a closer look.

有两种方法可以独立于Evernote服务器来备份Evernote数据。 您可以从Evernote应用程序中导出笔记本,也可以在计算机上备份实际的Evernote数据库文件。 两种方法都有各自的优缺点,所以让我们仔细看看。

Exporting your notebooks: Within the Evernote application there is a pretty straightforward export/import functionality. You can right click on any notebook in Evernote, select “Export Notes…” and you will be presented with an Export dialog box.

导出笔记本: Evernote应用程序中有一个非常简单的导出/导入功能。 您可以在Evernote中的任何笔记本上单击鼠标右键,选择“导出笔记…”,然后将显示一个“导出”对话框。

Not only can you export the notebook in Evernote’s native format, but you can also export the contents of your notebook in more open standards like plain old HTML. When exporting into formats besides Evernote’s ENEX format, you can click on “Options…” to select which note attributes you want to be included in the exported files.

您不仅可以以Evernote的本机格式导出笔记本,还可以以更开放的标准(例如纯旧HTML)导出笔记本的内容。 当导出为Evernote的ENEX格式以外的格式时,可以单击“选项...”以选择要包含在导出文件中的音符属性。

Where the in-app export feature really shines is when it comes time to restore data. You can import the exported notebook as a wholesale replacement for the missing notebook, or you can import the notebook as a kind of temporary holding pen (where you can then root around and look for the individual notes you accidentally deleted).

应用内导出功能真正发挥作用的地方是还原数据的时间。 您可以将导出的笔记本作为批量丢失的笔记本的替代品导入,或者可以将笔记本作为一种临时握笔导入(然后您可以在其中扎根,查找意外删除的单个便笺)。

Manually backing up your Evernote database: If you wish to outright copy everything that is synced with the Evernote servers including notebooks, tags, etc. then exporting won’t cut it. You will need to backup your local Evernote database files. The database files are located here:

手动备份Evernote数据库:如果您希望直接复制与Evernote服务器同步的所有内容,包括笔记本,标签等,则导出不会削减它。 您将需要备份本地Evernote数据库文件。 数据库文件位于此处:

Windows: C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases

Windows:C:\ Users \ [您的用户名] \ AppData \ Local \ Evernote \ Evernote \ Databases

OS X: /Users/[Your Username]/Library/Application Support/Evernote

OS X:/用户/ [您的用户名] /库/应用程序支持/ Evernote

You can manually copy all the file found there to a safe location (the most important file is the one labeled yourEvernoteUsername.exb) and then restore them into Evernote at a later date.


There is a distinct downside to this technique. Unless you’re looking to completely back up and completely restore your data, it’s not particularly user-friendly. You can’t, for example, simply open up a single notebook, save a single note, and then keep on working. You’re stuck either restoring from the backup or keeping your current database; there is no way to only import select items.

这种技术有一个明显的缺点。 除非您希望完全备份并完全还原数据,否则它并不是特别友好。 例如,您不能简单地打开一个笔记本,保存单个便笺,然后继续工作。 您无法从备份中恢复,也无法保留当前数据库。 无法仅导入选择的项目。

Automating the backup process: There’s no way to automate the export-from-Evernote workflow, but you can easily automate backing up the local Evernote databases. Whether you use the native Windows backup tool or you use a third-party backup tool like CrashPlan, you can check to make sure the directory where your Evernote database is stored is part of the backup routine.

自动化备份过程:无法自动化从Evernote导出工作流,但是您可以轻松地自动备份本地Evernote数据库。 无论使用本机Windows备份工具还是使用CrashPlan之类的第三方备份工具,都可以检查以确保存储Evernote数据库的目录是备份例程的一部分。

Backing up attachments with cloud-based services: As we stressed in the beginning of the tutorial, syncing is not a true backup as the syncing system can fail and possibly destroy the synced files. That said, if you like to add layers to your data storage plan, there’s a very clever way to integrate cloud-based storage with Evernote.

使用基于云的服务备份附件:正如我们在本教程开始时强调的那样,同步不是真正的备份,因为同步系统可能会失败并可能破坏已同步的文件。 就是说,如果您想在数据存储计划中添加层,则有一种非常聪明的方法将基于云的存储与Evernote集成在一起。

Start off by making a folder within the root directory of your cloud-storage service (e.g. /My Documents/My Dropbox) called Evernote Import. Once you’ve created the folder, load up the Evernote desktop application. Within the Evernote desktop application click on Tools -> Import Folders.

首先在您的云存储服务的根目录(例如/ My Documents / My Dropbox)中创建一个名为Evernote Import的文件夹。 创建文件夹后,加载Evernote桌面应用程序。 在Evernote桌面应用程序中,单击工具->导入文件夹。

Select the Evernote folder from your Dropbox directory. Select the Notebook you want to use and make sure the Source option is set to “Keep” in order to preserve the files in the folder upon import.

从您的Dropbox目录中选择Evernote文件夹。 选择要使用的笔记本,并确保“源”选项设置为“保留”,以便在导入时将文件保留在文件夹中。

While this doesn’t backup your existing attachments, it does create a handy safe zone for your imported files. From now on, when you go to import documents, images, or other files into Evernote, place them into Evernote Import folder. Evernote will import them but leave them intact within that folder. In such a fashion, an imported PDF will exist simultaneously on your computer, on the Evernote servers, on the Dropbox servers, and (if you include your Dropbox folders in your local backup routine) within your local backup archive.

虽然这不会备份您现有的附件,但确实为导入的文件创建了一个方便的安全区域。 从现在开始,当您将文档,图像或其他文件导入Evernote时,请将它们放入Evernote导入文件夹中。 Evernote将导入它们,但将其保留在该文件夹中。 以这种方式,导入的PDF将同时存在于您的计算机,Evernote服务器,Dropbox服务器以及本地备份存档中(如果您在本地备份例程中包括了Dropbox文件夹)。

Even if you don’t go to the trouble of setting up the Import folder, Dropbox is still a great place to stash extra copies of your Evernote exports.


Armed with these tips and tricks, you can manually and automatically backup your existing Evernote notebooks as well as enjoy a bonus layer of data security by syncing your Evernote attachments and imports to the cloud.


Have a backup tip or trick of your own to share? Join in the conversation below to help your fellow readers ensure they have the smoothest backup routine on the block.

有自己的备用秘诀或技巧可分享吗? 加入下面的对话,以帮助您的其他读者确保他们在该区块上拥有最流畅的备份例程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/163349/how-to-backup-your-evernote-notebooks-just-in-case/

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