
Chromium...sounds like something on the Periodic Table (it is) or something superheroes would use to defeat their enemies.

Chrome...听起来像是元素周期表上的某物( 它是 )或超级英雄用来击败敌人的某物。

Fun fact: it's also a browser that sounds a lot like Google's Chrome. And funny enough, the two are quite closely related in certain ways.

有趣的事实:它还是一个听起来很像Google Chrome的浏览器。 有趣的是,两者在某些方面密切相关。

So let's learn a bit more about Chromium - what it is, and how it's different than Chrome.


什么是Chrome? (What is Chromium?)

Chromium is an open source web browser run by the Chromium Project, first released in 2008. Any developer can modify or update the source code (but only small number of Chromium devs can actually add their very own code).

Chromium是由Chromium Project (于2008年首次发布)运行的开源Web浏览器。任何开发人员都可以修改或更新源代码(但只有少数Chromium开发人员实际上可以添加自己的代码)。

And Chromium has a rather active community of contributors supporting it. Because of this the browser is updated often, which is great. Its different parts are registered under various different licenses, like the BSD License (for the parts written by Google - more on that below) and MIT, LGPL, and others for the rest.

Chrome拥有相当活跃的贡献者社区来支持它。 因此,浏览器会经常更新,这很棒。 它的不同部分根据各种不同的许可进行注册,例如BSD许可 (针对Google编写的部分-下文中有更多介绍)以及MIT , LGPL以及其余的许可 。

If you wanna check it out, download it here.


什么是Chrome? (What is Chrome?)

Chrome is Google's web browser. The devs at Google develop, maintain, and release it. But here's a cool fact: Chrome is built on top of Chromium's open-source code.

Chrome是Google的网络浏览器。 Google的开发人员开发,维护和发布它。 但这是一个很酷的事实:Chrome是基于Chromium的开源代码构建的。

So how does this work? Well, Google devs take that Chromium code and build their own, proprietary features on top of it. Which gives us Chrome. So Chrome has some extra features like auto-updating, browser data tracking, and native support for Flash.

那么这是如何工作的呢? 嗯,Google开发人员可以使用Chromium代码并在其之上构建自己的专有功能。 这给了我们Chrome。 因此,Chrome具有一些额外的功能,例如自动更新,浏览器数据跟踪以及对Flash的本机支持。

Some of these features are helpful, and some (like data tracking) make developers nervous.


If you're a fan, you can download it here.


它们如何相似 (How they're similar)

Since Google's Chrome is actually built on top of Chromium's source code they share the same bones, as we've already established.


Their logos are also quite similar. Chrome's is Google-themed multi-color, and Chromium's is a few shades of blue.

他们的徽标也非常相似。 Chrome的颜色是Google主题的多色,而Chromium的颜色是蓝色。

But you're probably far more concerned with the differences, so let's take a look at them.


Chromium和Chrome之间的最大区别 (The biggest differences between Chromium and Chrome)

他们以不同的方式处理更新 (They handle updates differently)

Chromium updates all the time since devs are constantly modifying the source code. The trouble (or cool thing?) is, you need to manually update the browser as it won't update on its own.

由于开发人员不断修改源代码,因此Chromium一直在更新。 麻烦(还是很酷的事情?)是,您需要手动更新浏览器,因为它不会自行更新。

Chrome, on the other hand, updates automatically every so often. So you don't have to remember to update your browser. But it doesn't update nearly as often as Chromium.

另一方面,Chrome会经常自动更新。 因此,您不必记住要更新浏览器。 但是它的更新频率不及Chromium。

So if you want to see the latest and greatest source code from the Chromium Project right when it's out, then it's best to use the Chromium browser.


隐私问题 (Privacy concerns)

Sure, Chrome is super easy to use. But if Chrome is your browser of choice, Google will be tracking your info. Chromium doesn't do this.

当然,Chrome非常易于使用。 但是,如果您选择使用Chrome浏览器,则Google会跟踪您的信息 。 Chrome不会这样做。

If this makes you uncomfortable, but you still like Chrome as a browser, perhaps Chromium is a better option for you. Your privacy will be more protected but you still get the Chromium source code-based experience.

如果这让您感到不舒服,但是您仍然喜欢Chrome浏览器,那么Chromium可能是您更好的选择。 您的隐私将得到更多保护,但是您仍然可以获得基于Chromium源代码的体验。

支持Adobe Flash (Support for Adobe Flash)

Google Chrome has built-in support for Adobe's Flash player. But since Flash's code isn't open source the Chromium project won't use it. So if you use Chromium and want to enable Flash, you have to jump through some hoops.

Google Chrome浏览器内置了对Adobe Flash Player的支持。 但是由于Flash的代码不是开源的,因此Chromium项目不会使用它。 因此,如果您使用Chromium并想启用Flash,则必须跳过一些箍 。

Do note, however, that since Flash is being phased out as of 2020 in favor of HTML5 this shouldn't be a huge deal in the near future.


我的编解码器王国 (My kingdom for a codec)

What is a codec, you might ask? A codec (combo of code and decode) is a computer program that converts between analog and digital sound while compressing and shrinking large file formats.

您可能会问,什么是编解码器? 编解码器 (编码和解码的组合)是一种计算机程序,可以在模拟和数字声音之间进行转换,同时压缩和缩小大文件格式。

Since music and video files are huge, codecs were created to encode (or shrink down) those files and then decode them when ready for viewing or editing.


So why do we need these? If you've had a long week and just want to Netflix and chill this evening you'll need those codecs to allow that content to play.

那么为什么我们需要这些呢? 如果您度过了漫长的一周,并且只想今天晚上去Netflix放松一下,则需要使用这些编解码器来播放该内容。

While Chrome comes with built-in media codecs (like AAC, H.264, and MP3), Chromium does not. Therefore, if you want to stream/binge watch some shows, you'll either need to use Chrome or install those codecs manually in Chromium.

Chrome具有内置的媒体编解码器(例如AAC,H.264和MP3),而Chromium没有。 因此,如果您想流式传输/观看某些节目,则需要使用Chrome或在Chromium中手动安装这些编解码器。

Google Play商店与外部扩展 (Google Play store vs outside extensions)

If you want to download an extension in Chrome you can only do so from the Google Play Store (on Mac and Windows). If you want to get your hands on some outside extensions you have to enable developer mode.

如果要在Chrome中下载扩展程序,则只能从Google Play商店 (在Mac和Windows上)下载。 如果您想使用一些外部扩展,则必须启用开发人员模式 。

If you're using Chromium, on the other hand, feel free to grab any extensions you want.


安全沙箱模式 (Security sandbox mode)

When you're using plug-ins in Chrome the browser limits their functionality so that they can only perform the function for which you downloaded them. That is, they're "sandboxed" or constrained just to that purpose. Chrome restricts these plugins automatically for you.

当您在Chrome中使用插件时,浏览器会限制其功能,以便它们只能执行您为其下载的功能。 也就是说,它们只是出于此目的而被“沙盒化”或受约束。 Chrome会自动为您限制这些插件。

This is usually a good thing for security reasons. But Chromium doesn't always have sandbox mode enabled right off the bat. You can learn more about that here.

出于安全原因,这通常是一件好事。 但是,Chromium并不总是立即启用沙箱模式。 您可以在此处了解更多信息。

哪种浏览器适合您? (Which browser is right for you?)

In the end, it depends on what you want out of your browsing experience.


If you want a simple out-of-the-box browser that doesn't require a lot of attention, Chrome might be for you.


But if you have privacy concerns and don't mind digging in and doing some work, Chromium could provide a rewarding experience.


Happy browsing!




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