
mport re #导入模块名
p= re.compile("^[0-9]")  #生成要匹配的正则对象 , ^代表从开头匹配,[0-9]代表匹配0至9的任意一个数字, 所以这里的意思是对传进来的字符串进行匹配,如果这个字符串的开头第一个字符是数字,就代表匹配上了
m= p.match('14534Abc')   #按上面生成的正则对象 去匹配 字符串, 如果能匹配成功,这个m就会有值, 否则m为None<br><br>if m: #不为空代表匹配上了print(m.group())    #m.group()返回匹配上的结果,此处为1,因为匹配上的是1这个字符<br>else:<br>  print("doesn't match.")

上面的第2 和第3行也可以合并成一行来写:

m = p.match("^[0-9]",'14534Abc')

效果是一样的,区别在于,第一种方式是提前对要匹配的格式进行了编译(对匹配公式进行解析),这样再去匹配的时候就不用在编译匹配的格式,第2种简写是每次匹配的时候 都 要进行一次匹配公式的编译,所以,如果你需要从一个5w行的文件中匹配出所有以数字开头的行,建议先把正则公式进行编译再匹配,这样速度会快点。


模式 描述
^ 匹配字符串的开头
$ 匹配字符串的末尾。
. 匹配任意字符,除了换行符,当re.DOTALL标记被指定时,则可以匹配包括换行符的任意字符。
[...] 用来表示一组字符,单独列出:[amk] 匹配 'a','m'或'k'
[^...] 不在[]中的字符:[^abc] 匹配除了a,b,c之外的字符。
re* 匹配0个或多个的表达式。
re+ 匹配1个或多个的表达式。
re? 匹配0个或1个由前面的正则表达式定义的片段,非贪婪方式
re{ n}

a= ''w= re.match("([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}",a)print(w.group())

re{ n,} 精确匹配n个前面表达式。
re{ n, m} 匹配 n 到 m 次由前面的正则表达式定义的片段,贪婪方式
a| b 匹配a或b
(re) G匹配括号内的表达式,也表示一个组
(?imx) 正则表达式包含三种可选标志:i, m, 或 x 。只影响括号中的区域。
(?-imx) 正则表达式关闭 i, m, 或 x 可选标志。只影响括号中的区域。
(?: re) 类似 (...), 但是不表示一个组
(?imx: re) 在括号中使用i, m, 或 x 可选标志
(?-imx: re) 在括号中不使用i, m, 或 x 可选标志
(?#...) 注释.
(?= re) 前向肯定界定符。如果所含正则表达式,以 ... 表示,在当前位置成功匹配时成功,否则失败。但一旦所含表达式已经尝试,匹配引擎根本没有提高;模式的剩余部分还要尝试界定符的右边。
(?! re) 前向否定界定符。与肯定界定符相反;当所含表达式不能在字符串当前位置匹配时成功
(?> re) 匹配的独立模式,省去回溯。
\w 匹配字母数字
\W 匹配非字母数字
\s 匹配任意空白字符,等价于 [\t\n\r\f].
\S 匹配任意非空字符
\d 匹配任意数字,等价于 [0-9].
\D 匹配任意非数字
\A 匹配字符串开始
\Z 匹配字符串结束,如果是存在换行,只匹配到换行前的结束字符串。c
\z 匹配字符串结束
\G 匹配最后匹配完成的位置。
\b 匹配一个单词边界,也就是指单词和空格间的位置。例如, 'er\b' 可以匹配"never" 中的 'er',但不能匹配 "verb" 中的 'er'。
\B 匹配非单词边界。'er\B' 能匹配 "verb" 中的 'er',但不能匹配 "never" 中的 'er'。
\n, \t, 等. 匹配一个换行符。匹配一个制表符。等
\1...\9 匹配第n个分组的子表达式。
\10 匹配第n个分组的子表达式,如果它经匹配。否则指的是八进制字符码的表达式。



re.match(pattern, string)     # 从头匹配

re.search(pattern, string)    # 匹配整个字符串,直到找到一个匹配

re.split()            # 将匹配到的格式当做分割点对字符串分割成列表

m = re.split("[0-9]", "aaa1bbb2ccc3ddd eel8")print(m)----------------------输出:

['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd eel', '']

re.findall()          # 找到所有要匹配的字符并返回列表格式

m = re.findall("[0-9]", "aaa1bbb2ccc3ddd eel8")print(m,type(m))------------------------------------输出:
['1', '2', '3', '8'] <class 'list'>

re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count,flag)    # 替换匹配到的字符,count=2 表示只替换两次

m = re.sub("[0-9]","|", "aaa1bbb2ccc3ddd eel8",count=2)# m = re.findall("[0-9]", "aaa1bbb2ccc3ddd eel8")print(m,type(m))
------------------------------输出: aaa|bbb|ccc3ddd eel8<class 'str'>



实例 描述
python 匹配 "python".


实例 描述
[Pp]ython 匹配 "Python" 或 "python"
rub[ye] 匹配 "ruby" 或 "rube"
[aeiou] 匹配中括号内的任意一个字母
[0-9] 匹配任何数字。类似于 [0123456789]
[a-z] 匹配任何小写字母
[A-Z] 匹配任何大写字母
[a-zA-Z0-9] 匹配任何字母及数字
[^aeiou] 除了aeiou字母以外的所有字符
[^0-9] 匹配除了数字外的字符


实例 描述
. 匹配除 "\n" 之外的任何单个字符。要匹配包括 '\n' 在内的任何字符,请使用象 '[.\n]' 的模式。
\d 匹配一个数字字符。等价于 [0-9]。
\D 匹配一个非数字字符。等价于 [^0-9]。
\s 匹配任何空白字符,包括空格、制表符、换页符等等。等价于 [ \f\n\r\t\v]。
\S 匹配任何非空白字符。等价于 [^ \f\n\r\t\v]。
\w 匹配包括下划线的任何单词字符。等价于'[A-Za-z0-9_]'。
\W 匹配任何非单词字符。等价于 '[^A-Za-z0-9_]'。




1 data = [10,4,33,21,54,3,8,11,5,22,2,1,17,13,6,99,1231,435,634573,45,78,234]2 print(data)3 #定义循环range(len(data)-1)次
4 #为了减少循环次数这里定义,range(1,len(data)): 1位起始位置len(data)为结束位置
5 for j in range(1,len(data)):6     #这里range(len(data)-j): 定义为循环一次减少一次
7     for i in range(len(data)-j):8         #如果data[i]虾标位置的4 大于 data[i+1]虾标位置加一,也就是 虾标位置的数值与虾标位置+1的数值相比较
9         #如果虾标数值大于虾标数值+1
10         if data[i] > data[i+1]:11             #如果大于为真则将虾标位置+1对应的数值 做一个变量tmp
12             tmp = data[i+1]13             #把虾标+1位置的数值放在第一个虾标位置
14             data[i+1] =data[i]15             #把虾标位置的数值替换为 tmp数值
16             data[i] =tmp17
18 print(data)19 ----------------------------------
20 输出:21 [10, 4, 33, 21, 54, 3, 8, 11, 5, 22, 2, 1, 17, 13, 6]22 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 21, 22, 33, 54]


(2)时间复杂度 在刚才提到的时间频度中,n称为问题的规模,当n不断变化时,时间频度T(n)也会不断变化。但有时我们想知道它变化时呈现什么规律。为此,我们引入时间复杂度概念。 一般情况下,算法中基本操作重复执行的次数是问题规模n的某个函数,用T(n)表示,若有某个辅助函数f(n),使得当n趋近于无穷大时,T(n)/f(n)的极限值为不等于零的常数,则称f(n)是T(n)的同数量级函数。记作T(n)=O(f(n)),O(f(n)) 为算法的渐进时间复杂度,简称时间复杂度。

for (i=1; i<=n; i++)x++;for (i=1; i<=n; i++)for (j=1; j<=n; j++)x++;





若算法的T(n) = O(log n),则称其具有对数时间



递归地将字符串砍半并且输出是这个类别函数的一个简单例子。它需要O(log n)的时间因为每次输出之前我们都将字符串砍半。 这意味着,如果我们想增加输出的次数,我们需要将字符串长度加倍。





  时间模块:time &datetime  





  •   json & picle
  •   shelve
  •   xml处理
  •   yaml处理
  •   configparser
  •   hashlib
  •   subprocess
  •   logging模块


类似于函数式编程和面向过程编程,函数式编程则完成一个功能,其他代码用来调用即可,提供了代码的重用性和代码间的耦合。而对于一个复杂的功能来,可能需要多个函数才能完成(函数又可以在不同的.py文件中),n个 .py 文件组成的代码集合就称为模块。

如:os 是系统相关的模块;file是文件操作相关的模块


  • 自定义模块
  • 内置标准模块(又称标准库)
  • 开源模块

自定义模块 和开源模块的使用参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/4963027.html 

 time & datetime模块




1 yum2 pip3 apt-get4 ...


1 下载源码2 解压源码3 进入目录4 编译源码    python setup.py build5 安装源码    python setup.py install



yum install gcc
yum install python-devel
apt-get python-dev

安装成功后,模块会自动安装到 sys.path 中的某个目录中,如:


  • 自定义模块







import os print(os.path.abspath(__file__))


importos#打印的时候每多加一层os.path.dirname 将会少打印一级目录

__author__ = 'Administrator'
from backend.logic importhandle#执行handle中的home函数
handle.home()--------------------------------------------------------handle内容:__author__ = 'Administrator'
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-#导入backend目录下的db目录下的sql_api程序里的 select 函数
from backend.db.sql_api importselect#from backend.db.sql_api import selectdefhome():print("welcome to home page...")#给select函数传入参数q_data = select("user",'ddd')print("qeury res:",q_data)deftv():print("welcome to tv page...")defmovie():print("welcome to movie page...")-------------------------------------------------------------sql_api内容:__author__ = 'Administrator'
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-#导入config目录下的 settings 程序内容
from config importsettings#定义一个函数db_auth并且定义一个参数configs用来接收下边传来的settings参数
defdb_auth(configs):#判断settings程序中的DATABASE里定义的user用户是否等于root,密码是否等于123if configs.DATABASE["user"] == "root" and configs.DATABASE["password"] == '123':#如果上边两个条件都符合则为真,打印如下内容print("db authentication passed!")#上面内容都为真则通过return返回TruereturnTrueelse:#如果上边的判断内容 用户名和密码有一项不为真,则打印如下内容print("db login error...")defselect(table, column):ifdb_auth(settings):if table == 'user':user_info={"001": ['aaa', 22, 'engineer'],"002": ['bbb', 23, 'chef'],"003": ['ccc', 24, 'ermao'],}returnuser_info-------------------------------------------------
#setting内容:__author__ = 'Administrator'
#-*- CODING:UTF-8 -*-
DATABASE ={"engine":"mysql","host":"localhost","port":"3306","user":"root","password":"123"}


importsysimport multiprocessing as mult



importmodulefrom module.xx.xx importxxfrom module.xx.xx importxx as renamefrom module.xx.xx import *


  • 导入一个py文件,解释器解释该py文件
  • 导入一个包,解释器解释该包下的 __init__.py 文件


importsysprint sys.path

如果sys.path路径列表没有你想要的路径,可以通过 sys.path.append('路径') 添加。

importsysimportospre_path= os.path.abspath('../')

time & datetime模块

1 #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
2 importtime3 importdatetime4
5 print(time.clock()) #返回处理器时间,3.3开始已废弃
6 print(time.process_time()) #返回处理器时间,3.3开始已废弃
7 print(time.time()) #返回当前系统时间戳
8 print(time.ctime()) #输出Tue Jan 26 18:23:48 2016 ,当前系统时间
9 print(time.ctime(time.time()-86640)) #将时间戳转为字符串格式
10 print(time.gmtime(time.time()-86640)) #将时间戳转换成struct_time格式
11 print(time.localtime(time.time()-86640)) #将时间戳转换成struct_time格式,但返回 的本地时间
12 print(time.mktime(time.localtime())) #与time.localtime()功能相反,将struct_time格式转回成时间戳格式
13 #time.sleep(4) #sleep
14 print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.gmtime()) ) #将struct_time格式转成指定的字符串格式
15 print(time.strptime("2016-01-28","%Y-%m-%d") ) #将字符串格式转换成struct_time格式
17 #datetime module
19 print(datetime.date.today()) #输出格式 2016-01-26
20 print(datetime.date.fromtimestamp(time.time()-864400) ) #2016-01-16 将时间戳转成日期格式
21 current_time = datetime.datetime.now() #22 print(current_time) #输出2016-01-26 19:04:30.335935
23 print(current_time.timetuple()) #返回struct_time格式
25 #datetime.replace([year[, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, microsecond[, tzinfo]]]]]]]])
26 print(current_time.replace(2014,9,12)) #输出2014-09-12 19:06:24.074900,返回当前时间,但指定的值将被替换
28 str_to_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("21/11/06 16:30", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M") #将字符串转换成日期格式
29 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=10) #比现在加10天
30 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=-10) #比现在减10天
31 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=-10) #比现在减10小时
32 new_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=120) #比现在+120s
33 print(new_date)

Directive Meaning Notes
%a Locale’s abbreviated weekday name.  
%A Locale’s full weekday name.  
%b Locale’s abbreviated month name.  
%B Locale’s full month name.  
%c Locale’s appropriate date and time representation.  
%d Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].  
%H Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].  
%I Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].  
%j Day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].  
%m Month as a decimal number [01,12].  
%M Minute as a decimal number [00,59].  
%p Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM. (1)
%S Second as a decimal number [00,61]. (2)
%U Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0. (3)
%w Weekday as a decimal number [0(Sunday),6].  
%W Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0. (3)
%x Locale’s appropriate date representation.  
%X Locale’s appropriate time representation.  
%y Year without century as a decimal number [00,99].  
%Y Year with century as a decimal number.  
%z Time zone offset indicating a positive or negative time difference from UTC/GMT of the form +HHMM or -HHMM, where H represents decimal hour digits and M represents decimal minute digits [-23:59, +23:59].  
%Z Time zone name (no characters if no time zone exists).  

A literal '%' character.



mport randomprintrandom.random()print random.randint(1,2)print random.randrange(1,10)


check_code = ""
for i in range(4):current= random.randint(0,4)if current !=i:#chr 把一个数字转换为asscc码里对应的字母取出来temp = chr(random.randint(65,90))else:temp= random.randint(0,9)check_code+=str(temp)print(check_code)



os.getcwd() 获取当前工作目录,即当前python脚本工作的目录路径
os.chdir("dirname")  改变当前脚本工作目录;相当于shell下cd
os.curdir  返回当前目录: ('.')
os.pardir  获取当前目录的父目录字符串名:('..')
os.makedirs('dirname1/dirname2')    可生成多层递归目录
os.removedirs('dirname1')    若目录为空,则删除,并递归到上一级目录,如若也为空,则删除,依此类推
os.mkdir('dirname')    生成单级目录;相当于shell中mkdir dirname
os.rmdir('dirname')    删除单级空目录,若目录不为空则无法删除,报错;相当于shell中rmdir dirname
os.listdir('dirname')    列出指定目录下的所有文件和子目录,包括隐藏文件,并以列表方式打印
os.remove()  删除一个文件
os.rename("oldname","newname")  重命名文件/目录
os.stat('path/filename')  获取文件/目录信息
os.sep    输出操作系统特定的路径分隔符,win下为"\\",Linux下为"/"os.linesep    输出当前平台使用的行终止符,win下为"\t\n",Linux下为"\n"os.pathsep    输出用于分割文件路径的字符串
os.name    输出字符串指示当前使用平台。win->'nt'; Linux->'posix'os.system("bash command")  运行shell命令,直接显示
os.environ  获取系统环境变量
os.path.abspath(path)  返回path规范化的绝对路径
os.path.split(path)  将path分割成目录和文件名二元组返回
os.path.dirname(path)  返回path的目录。其实就是os.path.split(path)的第一个元素
os.path.basename(path)  返回path最后的文件名。如何path以/或\结尾,那么就会返回空值。即os.path.split(path)的第二个元素
os.path.exists(path)  如果path存在,返回True;如果path不存在,返回False
os.path.isabs(path)  如果path是绝对路径,返回True
os.path.isfile(path)  如果path是一个存在的文件,返回True。否则返回False
os.path.isdir(path)  如果path是一个存在的目录,则返回True。否则返回False
os.path.join(path1[, path2[, ...]])  将多个路径组合后返回,第一个绝对路径之前的参数将被忽略
os.path.getatime(path)  返回path所指向的文件或者目录的最后存取时间
os.path.getmtime(path)  返回path所指向的文件或者目录的最后修改时间



sys.argv           命令行参数List,第一个元素是程序本身路径
sys.exit(n)        退出程序,正常退出时exit(0)
sys.version        获取Python解释程序的版本信息
sys.maxint         最大的Int值
sys.path           返回模块的搜索路径,初始化时使用PYTHONPATH环境变量的值
sys.platform       返回操作系统平台名称
sys.stdout.write('please:')__author__ = 'Administrator'
import sysimport timefor i in range(10):    sys.stdout.write("*")    sys.stdout.flush()    time.sleep(0.3)
val= sys.stdin.readline()[:-1]

shutil 模块

高级的 文件、文件夹、压缩包 处理模块

shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst[, length])

def copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst, length=16*1024):"""copy data from file-like object fsrc to file-like object fdst"""while 1:buf=fsrc.read(length)if notbuf:breakfdst.write(buf)

shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

1 defcopyfile(src, dst):2     """Copy data from src to dst"""
3     if_samefile(src, dst):4         raise Error("`%s` and `%s` are the same file" %(src, dst))5
6     for fn in[src, dst]:7         try:8             st =os.stat(fn)9         exceptOSError:10             #File most likely does not exist
11             pass
12         else:13             #XXX What about other special files? (sockets, devices...)
14             ifstat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode):15                 raise SpecialFileError("`%s` is a named pipe" %fn)16
17     with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:18         with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:19             copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst)


shutil.copymode(src, dst)

1 defcopymode(src, dst):2     """Copy mode bits from src to dst"""
3     if hasattr(os, 'chmod'):4         st =os.stat(src)5         mode =stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)6         os.chmod(dst, mode)

shutil.copymode(src, dst)

shutil.copystat(src, dst)
拷贝状态的信息,包括:mode bits, atime, mtime, flags

1 defcopystat(src, dst):2     """Copy all stat info (mode bits, atime, mtime, flags) from src to dst"""
3     st =os.stat(src)4     mode =stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)5     if hasattr(os, 'utime'):6 os.utime(dst, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))7     if hasattr(os, 'chmod'):8 os.chmod(dst, mode)9     if hasattr(os, 'chflags') and hasattr(st, 'st_flags'):10         try:11 os.chflags(dst, st.st_flags)12         exceptOSError, why:13             for err in 'EOPNOTSUPP', 'ENOTSUP':14                 if hasattr(errno, err) and why.errno ==getattr(errno, err):15                     break
16             else:17                 raise

shutil.copystat(src, dst)

shutil.copy(src, dst)

1 defcopy(src, dst):2     """Copy data and mode bits ("cp src dst").3
4 The destination may be a directory.5
6     """
7     ifos.path.isdir(dst):8         dst =os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(src))9 copyfile(src, dst)10     copymode(src, dst)

shutil.copy(src, dst)

shutil.copy2(src, dst)

1 defcopy2(src, dst):2     """Copy data and all stat info ("cp -p src dst").3
4 The destination may be a directory.5
6     """
7     ifos.path.isdir(dst):8         dst =os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(src))9 copyfile(src, dst)10     copystat(src, dst)

shutil.copy2(src, dst)

shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None)

例如:copytree(source, destination, ignore=ignore_patterns('*.pyc', 'tmp*'))

1 def ignore_patterns(*patterns):2     """Function that can be used as copytree() ignore parameter.3
4 Patterns is a sequence of glob-style patterns5 that are used to exclude files"""
6     def_ignore_patterns(path, names):7         ignored_names =[]8         for pattern inpatterns:9 ignored_names.extend(fnmatch.filter(names, pattern))10         returnset(ignored_names)11     return_ignore_patterns12
13 def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None):14     """Recursively copy a directory tree using copy2().15
16 The destination directory must not already exist.17 If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons.18
19 If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the20 source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if21 it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic22 links are copied.23
24 The optional ignore argument is a callable. If given, it25 is called with the `src` parameter, which is the directory26 being visited by copytree(), and `names` which is the list of27 `src` contents, as returned by os.listdir():28
29 callable(src, names) -> ignored_names30
31 Since copytree() is called recursively, the callable will be32 called once for each directory that is copied. It returns a33 list of names relative to the `src` directory that should34 not be copied.35
36 XXX Consider this example code rather than the ultimate tool.37
38     """
39     names =os.listdir(src)40     if ignore is notNone:41         ignored_names =ignore(src, names)42     else:43         ignored_names =set()44
45 os.makedirs(dst)46     errors =[]47     for name innames:48         if name inignored_names:49             continue
50         srcname =os.path.join(src, name)51         dstname =os.path.join(dst, name)52         try:53             if symlinks andos.path.islink(srcname):54                 linkto =os.readlink(srcname)55 os.symlink(linkto, dstname)56             elifos.path.isdir(srcname):57 copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks, ignore)58             else:59                 #Will raise a SpecialFileError for unsupported file types
60 copy2(srcname, dstname)61         #catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
62         #continue with other files
63         exceptError, err:64 errors.extend(err.args[0])65         exceptEnvironmentError, why:66 errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))67     try:68 copystat(src, dst)69     exceptOSError, why:70         if WindowsError is not None andisinstance(why, WindowsError):71             #Copying file access times may fail on Windows
72             pass
73         else:74 errors.append((src, dst, str(why)))75     iferrors:76         raise Error, errors

shutil.ignore_patterns(*patterns) shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None

shutil.rmtree(path[, ignore_errors[, onerror]])

1 def rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, οnerrοr=None):2     """Recursively delete a directory tree.3
4 If ignore_errors is set, errors are ignored; otherwise, if onerror5 is set, it is called to handle the error with arguments (func,6 path, exc_info) where func is os.listdir, os.remove, or os.rmdir;7 path is the argument to that function that caused it to fail; and8 exc_info is a tuple returned by sys.exc_info().  If ignore_errors9 is false and onerror is None, an exception is raised.10
11     """
12     ifignore_errors:13         def onerror(*args):14             pass
15     elif onerror isNone:16         def onerror(*args):17             raise
18     try:19         ifos.path.islink(path):20             #symlinks to directories are forbidden, see bug #1669
21             raise OSError("Cannot call rmtree on a symbolic link")22     exceptOSError:23 onerror(os.path.islink, path, sys.exc_info())24         #can't continue even if onerror hook returns
25         return
26     names =[]27     try:28         names =os.listdir(path)29     exceptos.error, err:30 onerror(os.listdir, path, sys.exc_info())31     for name innames:32         fullname =os.path.join(path, name)33         try:34             mode =os.lstat(fullname).st_mode35         exceptos.error:36             mode =037         ifstat.S_ISDIR(mode):38 rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)39         else:40             try:41 os.remove(fullname)42             exceptos.error, err:43 onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())44     try:45 os.rmdir(path)46     exceptos.error:47         onerror(os.rmdir, path, sys.exc_info())

shutil.rmtree(path[, ignore_errors[, onerror]])

shutil.move(src, dst)

1 defmove(src, dst):2     """Recursively move a file or directory to another location. This is3 similar to the Unix "mv" command.4
5 If the destination is a directory or a symlink to a directory, the source6 is moved inside the directory. The destination path must not already7 exist.8
9 If the destination already exists but is not a directory, it may be10 overwritten depending on os.rename() semantics.11
12 If the destination is on our current filesystem, then rename() is used.13 Otherwise, src is copied to the destination and then removed.14 A lot more could be done here...  A look at a mv.c shows a lot of15 the issues this implementation glosses over.16
17     """
18     real_dst =dst19     ifos.path.isdir(dst):20         if_samefile(src, dst):21             #We might be on a case insensitive filesystem,
22             #perform the rename anyway.
23 os.rename(src, dst)24             return
26         real_dst =os.path.join(dst, _basename(src))27         ifos.path.exists(real_dst):28             raise Error, "Destination path '%s' already exists" %real_dst29     try:30 os.rename(src, real_dst)31     exceptOSError:32         ifos.path.isdir(src):33             if_destinsrc(src, dst):34                 raise Error, "Cannot move a directory '%s' into itself '%s'." %(src, dst)35             copytree(src, real_dst, symlinks=True)36 rmtree(src)37         else:38 copy2(src, real_dst)39             os.unlink(src)

shutil.move(src, dst)

shutil.make_archive(base_name, format,...)


  • base_name: 压缩包的文件名,也可以是压缩包的路径。只是文件名时,则保存至当前目录,否则保存至指定路径,
    如:www                        =>保存至当前路径
    如:/Users/wupeiqi/www =>保存至/Users/wupeiqi/
  • format: 压缩包种类,“zip”, “tar”, “bztar”,“gztar”
  • root_dir: 要压缩的文件夹路径(默认当前目录)
  • owner: 用户,默认当前用户
  • group: 组,默认当前组
  • logger: 用于记录日志,通常是logging.Logger对象
#将 /Users/wupeiqi/Downloads/test 下的文件打包放置当前程序目录importshutil
ret= shutil.make_archive("wwwwwwwwww", 'gztar', root_dir='/Users/wupeiqi/Downloads/test')#将 /Users/wupeiqi/Downloads/test 下的文件打包放置 /Users/wupeiqi/目录
ret= shutil.make_archive("/Users/wupeiqi/wwwwwwwwww", 'gztar', root_dir='/Users/wupeiqi/Downloads/test')

1 def make_archive(base_name, format, root_dir=None, base_dir=None, verbose=0,2                  dry_run=0, owner=None, group=None, logger=None):3     """Create an archive file (eg. zip or tar).4
5 'base_name' is the name of the file to create, minus any format-specific6 extension; 'format' is the archive format: one of "zip", "tar", "bztar"7 or "gztar".8
9 'root_dir' is a directory that will be the root directory of the10 archive; ie. we typically chdir into 'root_dir' before creating the11 archive.  'base_dir' is the directory where we start archiving from;12 ie. 'base_dir' will be the common prefix of all files and13 directories in the archive.  'root_dir' and 'base_dir' both default14 to the current directory.  Returns the name of the archive file.15
16 'owner' and 'group' are used when creating a tar archive. By default,17 uses the current owner and group.18     """
19     save_cwd =os.getcwd()20     if root_dir is notNone:21         if logger is notNone:22             logger.debug("changing into '%s'", root_dir)23         base_name =os.path.abspath(base_name)24         if notdry_run:25 os.chdir(root_dir)26
27     if base_dir isNone:28         base_dir =os.curdir29
30     kwargs = {'dry_run': dry_run, 'logger': logger}31
32     try:33         format_info =_ARCHIVE_FORMATS[format]34     exceptKeyError:35         raise ValueError, "unknown archive format '%s'" %format36
37     func =format_info[0]38     for arg, val in format_info[1]:39         kwargs[arg] =val40
41     if format != 'zip':42         kwargs['owner'] =owner43         kwargs['group'] =group44
45     try:46         filename = func(base_name, base_dir, **kwargs)47     finally:48         if root_dir is notNone:49             if logger is notNone:50                 logger.debug("changing back to '%s'", save_cwd)51 os.chdir(save_cwd)52
53     return filename

View Code

shutil 对压缩包的处理是调用 ZipFile 和 TarFile 两个模块来进行的,详细:

1 importzipfile2
3 #压缩
4 z = zipfile.ZipFile('laxi.zip', 'w')5 z.write('a.log')6 z.write('data.data')7 z.close()8
9 #解压
10 z = zipfile.ZipFile('laxi.zip', 'r')11 z.extractall()12 z.close()13
14 zipfile 压缩解压

对压缩包的处理是调用 ZipFile 和 TarFile 两个模块来进行的

1 importtarfile2
3 #压缩
4 tar = tarfile.open('your.tar','w')5 tar.add('/Users/wupeiqi/PycharmProjects/bbs2.zip', arcname='bbs2.zip')6 tar.add('/Users/wupeiqi/PycharmProjects/cmdb.zip', arcname='cmdb.zip')7 tar.close()8
9 #解压
10 tar = tarfile.open('your.tar','r')11 tar.extractall()  #可设置解压地址
12 tar.close()13
14 tarfile 压缩解压

tarfile 压缩解压

1 classZipFile(object):2     """Class with methods to open, read, write, close, list zip files.3
4 z = ZipFile(file, mode="r", compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=False)5
6 file: Either the path to the file, or a file-like object.7 If it is a path, the file will be opened and closed by ZipFile.8 mode: The mode can be either read "r", write "w" or append "a".9 compression: ZIP_STORED (no compression) or ZIP_DEFLATED (requires zlib).10 allowZip64: if True ZipFile will create files with ZIP64 extensions when11 needed, otherwise it will raise an exception when this would12 be necessary.13
14     """
16     fp = None                   #Set here since __del__ checks it
18     def __init__(self, file, mode="r", compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=False):19         """Open the ZIP file with mode read "r", write "w" or append "a"."""
20         if mode not in ("r", "w", "a"):21             raise RuntimeError('ZipFile() requires mode "r", "w", or "a"')22
23         if compression ==ZIP_STORED:24             pass
25         elif compression ==ZIP_DEFLATED:26             if notzlib:27                 raiseRuntimeError,\28                       "Compression requires the (missing) zlib module"
29         else:30             raise RuntimeError, "That compression method is not supported"
32         self._allowZip64 =allowZip6433         self._didModify =False34         self.debug = 0  #Level of printing: 0 through 3
35         self.NameToInfo = {}    #Find file info given name
36         self.filelist = []      #List of ZipInfo instances for archive
37         self.compression = compression  #Method of compression
38         self.mode = key = mode.replace('b', '')[0]39         self.pwd =None40         self._comment = ''
42         #Check if we were passed a file-like object
43         ifisinstance(file, basestring):44             self._filePassed =045             self.filename =file46             modeDict = {'r' : 'rb', 'w': 'wb', 'a' : 'r+b'}47             try:48                 self.fp =open(file, modeDict[mode])49             exceptIOError:50                 if mode == 'a':51                     mode = key = 'w'
52                     self.fp =open(file, modeDict[mode])53                 else:54                     raise
55         else:56             self._filePassed = 1
57             self.fp =file58             self.filename = getattr(file, 'name', None)59
60         try:61             if key == 'r':62 self._RealGetContents()63             elif key == 'w':64                 #set the modified flag so central directory gets written
65                 #even if no files are added to the archive
66                 self._didModify =True67             elif key == 'a':68                 try:69                     #See if file is a zip file
70 self._RealGetContents()71                     #seek to start of directory and overwrite
72 self.fp.seek(self.start_dir, 0)73                 exceptBadZipfile:74                     #file is not a zip file, just append
75                     self.fp.seek(0, 2)76
77                     #set the modified flag so central directory gets written
78                     #even if no files are added to the archive
79                     self._didModify =True80             else:81                 raise RuntimeError('Mode must be "r", "w" or "a"')82         except:83             fp =self.fp84             self.fp =None85             if notself._filePassed:86 fp.close()87             raise
89     def __enter__(self):90         returnself91
92     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):93 self.close()94
95     def_RealGetContents(self):96         """Read in the table of contents for the ZIP file."""
97         fp =self.fp98         try:99             endrec =_EndRecData(fp)100         exceptIOError:101             raise BadZipfile("File is not a zip file")102         if notendrec:103             raise BadZipfile, "File is not a zip file"
104         if self.debug > 1:105             printendrec106         size_cd = endrec[_ECD_SIZE]             #bytes in central directory
107         offset_cd = endrec[_ECD_OFFSET]         #offset of central directory
108         self._comment = endrec[_ECD_COMMENT]    #archive comment
110         #"concat" is zero, unless zip was concatenated to another file
111         concat = endrec[_ECD_LOCATION] - size_cd -offset_cd112         if endrec[_ECD_SIGNATURE] ==stringEndArchive64:113             #If Zip64 extension structures are present, account for them
114             concat -= (sizeEndCentDir64 +sizeEndCentDir64Locator)115
116         if self.debug > 2:117             inferred = concat +offset_cd118             print "given, inferred, offset", offset_cd, inferred, concat119         #self.start_dir:  Position of start of central directory
120         self.start_dir = offset_cd +concat121 fp.seek(self.start_dir, 0)122         data =fp.read(size_cd)123         fp =cStringIO.StringIO(data)124         total =0125         while total <size_cd:126             centdir =fp.read(sizeCentralDir)127             if len(centdir) !=sizeCentralDir:128                 raise BadZipfile("Truncated central directory")129             centdir =struct.unpack(structCentralDir, centdir)130             if centdir[_CD_SIGNATURE] !=stringCentralDir:131                 raise BadZipfile("Bad magic number for central directory")132             if self.debug > 2:133                 printcentdir134             filename =fp.read(centdir[_CD_FILENAME_LENGTH])135             #Create ZipInfo instance to store file information
136             x =ZipInfo(filename)137             x.extra =fp.read(centdir[_CD_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH])138             x.comment =fp.read(centdir[_CD_COMMENT_LENGTH])139             x.header_offset =centdir[_CD_LOCAL_HEADER_OFFSET]140 (x.create_version, x.create_system, x.extract_version, x.reserved,141 x.flag_bits, x.compress_type, t, d,142                 x.CRC, x.compress_size, x.file_size) = centdir[1:12]143             x.volume, x.internal_attr, x.external_attr = centdir[15:18]144             #Convert date/time code to (year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
145             x._raw_time =t146             x.date_time = ( (d>>9)+1980, (d>>5)&0xF, d&0x1F,147                                      t>>11, (t>>5)&0x3F, (t&0x1F) * 2)148
149 x._decodeExtra()150             x.header_offset = x.header_offset +concat151             x.filename =x._decodeFilename()152 self.filelist.append(x)153             self.NameToInfo[x.filename] =x154
155             #update total bytes read from central directory
156             total = (total + sizeCentralDir +centdir[_CD_FILENAME_LENGTH]157                      +centdir[_CD_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]158                      +centdir[_CD_COMMENT_LENGTH])159
160             if self.debug > 2:161                 print "total", total162
164     defnamelist(self):165         """Return a list of file names in the archive."""
166         l =[]167         for data inself.filelist:168 l.append(data.filename)169         returnl170
171     definfolist(self):172         """Return a list of class ZipInfo instances for files in the173 archive."""
174         returnself.filelist175
176     defprintdir(self):177         """Print a table of contents for the zip file."""
178         print "%-46s %19s %12s" % ("File Name", "Modified", "Size")179         for zinfo inself.filelist:180             date = "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % zinfo.date_time[:6]181             print "%-46s %s %12d" %(zinfo.filename, date, zinfo.file_size)182
183     deftestzip(self):184         """Read all the files and check the CRC."""
185         chunk_size = 2 ** 20
186         for zinfo inself.filelist:187             try:188                 #Read by chunks, to avoid an OverflowError or a
189                 #MemoryError with very large embedded files.
190                 with self.open(zinfo.filename, "r") as f:191                     while f.read(chunk_size):     #Check CRC-32
192                         pass
193             exceptBadZipfile:194                 returnzinfo.filename195
196     defgetinfo(self, name):197         """Return the instance of ZipInfo given 'name'."""
198         info =self.NameToInfo.get(name)199         if info isNone:200             raiseKeyError(201                 'There is no item named %r in the archive' %name)202
203         returninfo204
205     defsetpassword(self, pwd):206         """Set default password for encrypted files."""
207         self.pwd =pwd208
209 @property210     defcomment(self):211         """The comment text associated with the ZIP file."""
212         returnself._comment213
214 @comment.setter215     defcomment(self, comment):216         #check for valid comment length
217         if len(comment) >ZIP_MAX_COMMENT:218             importwarnings219             warnings.warn('Archive comment is too long; truncating to %d bytes'
220                           % ZIP_MAX_COMMENT, stacklevel=2)221             comment =comment[:ZIP_MAX_COMMENT]222         self._comment =comment223         self._didModify =True224
225     def read(self, name, pwd=None):226         """Return file bytes (as a string) for name."""
227         return self.open(name, "r", pwd).read()228
229     def open(self, name, mode="r", pwd=None):230         """Return file-like object for 'name'."""
231         if mode not in ("r", "U", "rU"):232             raise RuntimeError, 'open() requires mode "r", "U", or "rU"'
233         if notself.fp:234             raiseRuntimeError, \235                   "Attempt to read ZIP archive that was already closed"
237         #Only open a new file for instances where we were not
238         #given a file object in the constructor
239         ifself._filePassed:240             zef_file =self.fp241             should_close =False242         else:243             zef_file = open(self.filename, 'rb')244             should_close =True245
246         try:247             #Make sure we have an info object
248             ifisinstance(name, ZipInfo):249                 #'name' is already an info object
250                 zinfo =name251             else:252                 #Get info object for name
253                 zinfo =self.getinfo(name)254
255 zef_file.seek(zinfo.header_offset, 0)256
257             #Skip the file header:
258             fheader =zef_file.read(sizeFileHeader)259             if len(fheader) !=sizeFileHeader:260                 raise BadZipfile("Truncated file header")261             fheader =struct.unpack(structFileHeader, fheader)262             if fheader[_FH_SIGNATURE] !=stringFileHeader:263                 raise BadZipfile("Bad magic number for file header")264
265             fname =zef_file.read(fheader[_FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])266             iffheader[_FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]:267 zef_file.read(fheader[_FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH])268
269             if fname !=zinfo.orig_filename:270                 raiseBadZipfile, \271                         'File name in directory "%s" and header "%s" differ.' %(272 zinfo.orig_filename, fname)273
274             #check for encrypted flag & handle password
275             is_encrypted = zinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
276             zd =None277             ifis_encrypted:278                 if notpwd:279                     pwd =self.pwd280                 if notpwd:281                     raise RuntimeError, "File %s is encrypted,"\282                         "password required for extraction" %name283
284                 zd =_ZipDecrypter(pwd)285                 #The first 12 bytes in the cypher stream is an encryption header
286                 #used to strengthen the algorithm. The first 11 bytes are
287                 #completely random, while the 12th contains the MSB of the CRC,
288                 #or the MSB of the file time depending on the header type
289                 #and is used to check the correctness of the password.
290                 bytes = zef_file.read(12)291                 h = map(zd, bytes[0:12])292                 if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x8:293                     #compare against the file type from extended local headers
294                     check_byte = (zinfo._raw_time >> 8) & 0xff
295                 else:296                     #compare against the CRC otherwise
297                     check_byte = (zinfo.CRC >> 24) & 0xff
298                 if ord(h[11]) !=check_byte:299                     raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file", name)300
301             returnZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd,302                     close_fileobj=should_close)303         except:304             ifshould_close:305 zef_file.close()306             raise
308     def extract(self, member, path=None, pwd=None):309         """Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory,310 using its full name. Its file information is extracted as accurately311 as possible. `member' may be a filename or a ZipInfo object. You can312 specify a different directory using `path'.313         """
314         if notisinstance(member, ZipInfo):315             member =self.getinfo(member)316
317         if path isNone:318             path =os.getcwd()319
320         returnself._extract_member(member, path, pwd)321
322     def extractall(self, path=None, members=None, pwd=None):323         """Extract all members from the archive to the current working324 directory. `path' specifies a different directory to extract to.325 `members' is optional and must be a subset of the list returned326 by namelist().327         """
328         if members isNone:329             members =self.namelist()330
331         for zipinfo inmembers:332 self.extract(zipinfo, path, pwd)333
334     def_extract_member(self, member, targetpath, pwd):335         """Extract the ZipInfo object 'member' to a physical336 file on the path targetpath.337         """
338         #build the destination pathname, replacing
339         #forward slashes to platform specific separators.
340         arcname = member.filename.replace('/', os.path.sep)341
342         ifos.path.altsep:343             arcname =arcname.replace(os.path.altsep, os.path.sep)344         #interpret absolute pathname as relative, remove drive letter or
345         #UNC path, redundant separators, "." and ".." components.
346         arcname = os.path.splitdrive(arcname)[1]347         arcname = os.path.sep.join(x for x inarcname.split(os.path.sep)348                     if x not in ('', os.path.curdir, os.path.pardir))349         if os.path.sep == '\\':350             #filter illegal characters on Windows
351             illegal = ':<>|"?*'
352             ifisinstance(arcname, unicode):353                 table = {ord(c): ord('_') for c inillegal}354             else:355                 table = string.maketrans(illegal, '_' *len(illegal))356             arcname =arcname.translate(table)357             #remove trailing dots
358             arcname = (x.rstrip('.') for x inarcname.split(os.path.sep))359             arcname = os.path.sep.join(x for x in arcname ifx)360
361         targetpath =os.path.join(targetpath, arcname)362         targetpath =os.path.normpath(targetpath)363
364         #Create all upper directories if necessary.
365         upperdirs =os.path.dirname(targetpath)366         if upperdirs and notos.path.exists(upperdirs):367 os.makedirs(upperdirs)368
369         if member.filename[-1] == '/':370             if notos.path.isdir(targetpath):371 os.mkdir(targetpath)372             returntargetpath373
374         with self.open(member, pwd=pwd) as source, \375              file(targetpath, "wb") as target:376 shutil.copyfileobj(source, target)377
378         returntargetpath379
380     def_writecheck(self, zinfo):381         """Check for errors before writing a file to the archive."""
382         if zinfo.filename inself.NameToInfo:383             importwarnings384             warnings.warn('Duplicate name: %r' % zinfo.filename, stacklevel=3)385         if self.mode not in ("w", "a"):386             raise RuntimeError, 'write() requires mode "w" or "a"'
387         if notself.fp:388             raiseRuntimeError, \389                   "Attempt to write ZIP archive that was already closed"
390         if zinfo.compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED and notzlib:391             raiseRuntimeError, \392                   "Compression requires the (missing) zlib module"
393         if zinfo.compress_type not in(ZIP_STORED, ZIP_DEFLATED):394             raiseRuntimeError, \395                   "That compression method is not supported"
396         if notself._allowZip64:397             requires_zip64 =None398             if len(self.filelist) >=ZIP_FILECOUNT_LIMIT:399                 requires_zip64 = "Files count"
400             elif zinfo.file_size >ZIP64_LIMIT:401                 requires_zip64 = "Filesize"
402             elif zinfo.header_offset >ZIP64_LIMIT:403                 requires_zip64 = "Zipfile size"
404             ifrequires_zip64:405                 raise LargeZipFile(requires_zip64 +
406                                    "would require ZIP64 extensions")407
408     def write(self, filename, arcname=None, compress_type=None):409         """Put the bytes from filename into the archive under the name410 arcname."""
411         if notself.fp:412             raiseRuntimeError(413                   "Attempt to write to ZIP archive that was already closed")414
415         st =os.stat(filename)416         isdir =stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)417         mtime =time.localtime(st.st_mtime)418         date_time = mtime[0:6]419         #Create ZipInfo instance to store file information
420         if arcname isNone:421             arcname =filename422         arcname = os.path.normpath(os.path.splitdrive(arcname)[1])423         while arcname[0] in(os.sep, os.altsep):424             arcname = arcname[1:]425         ifisdir:426             arcname += '/'
427         zinfo =ZipInfo(arcname, date_time)428         zinfo.external_attr = (st[0] & 0xFFFF) << 16L      #Unix attributes
429         if compress_type isNone:430             zinfo.compress_type =self.compression431         else:432             zinfo.compress_type =compress_type433
434         zinfo.file_size =st.st_size435         zinfo.flag_bits = 0x00
436         zinfo.header_offset = self.fp.tell()    #Start of header bytes
438 self._writecheck(zinfo)439         self._didModify =True440
441         ifisdir:442             zinfo.file_size =0443             zinfo.compress_size =0444             zinfo.CRC =0445             zinfo.external_attr |= 0x10  #MS-DOS directory flag
446 self.filelist.append(zinfo)447             self.NameToInfo[zinfo.filename] =zinfo448 self.fp.write(zinfo.FileHeader(False))449             return
451         with open(filename, "rb") as fp:452             #Must overwrite CRC and sizes with correct data later
453             zinfo.CRC = CRC =0454             zinfo.compress_size = compress_size =0455             #Compressed size can be larger than uncompressed size
456             zip64 = self._allowZip64 and\457                     zinfo.file_size * 1.05 >ZIP64_LIMIT458 self.fp.write(zinfo.FileHeader(zip64))459             if zinfo.compress_type ==ZIP_DEFLATED:460                 cmpr =zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,461                      zlib.DEFLATED, -15)462             else:463                 cmpr =None464             file_size =0465             while 1:466                 buf = fp.read(1024 * 8)467                 if notbuf:468                     break
469                 file_size = file_size +len(buf)470                 CRC = crc32(buf, CRC) & 0xffffffff
471                 ifcmpr:472                     buf =cmpr.compress(buf)473                     compress_size = compress_size +len(buf)474 self.fp.write(buf)475         ifcmpr:476             buf =cmpr.flush()477             compress_size = compress_size +len(buf)478 self.fp.write(buf)479             zinfo.compress_size =compress_size480         else:481             zinfo.compress_size =file_size482         zinfo.CRC =CRC483         zinfo.file_size =file_size484         if not zip64 andself._allowZip64:485             if file_size >ZIP64_LIMIT:486                 raise RuntimeError('File size has increased during compressing')487             if compress_size >ZIP64_LIMIT:488                 raise RuntimeError('Compressed size larger than uncompressed size')489         #Seek backwards and write file header (which will now include
490         #correct CRC and file sizes)
491         position = self.fp.tell()       #Preserve current position in file
492 self.fp.seek(zinfo.header_offset, 0)493 self.fp.write(zinfo.FileHeader(zip64))494 self.fp.seek(position, 0)495 self.filelist.append(zinfo)496         self.NameToInfo[zinfo.filename] =zinfo497
498     def writestr(self, zinfo_or_arcname, bytes, compress_type=None):499         """Write a file into the archive.  The contents is the string500 'bytes'.  'zinfo_or_arcname' is either a ZipInfo instance or501 the name of the file in the archive."""
502         if notisinstance(zinfo_or_arcname, ZipInfo):503             zinfo = ZipInfo(filename=zinfo_or_arcname,504                             date_time=time.localtime(time.time())[:6])505
506             zinfo.compress_type =self.compression507             if zinfo.filename[-1] == '/':508                 zinfo.external_attr = 0o40775 << 16   #drwxrwxr-x
509                 zinfo.external_attr |= 0x10           #MS-DOS directory flag
510             else:511                 zinfo.external_attr = 0o600 << 16     #?rw-------
512         else:513             zinfo =zinfo_or_arcname514
515         if notself.fp:516             raiseRuntimeError(517                   "Attempt to write to ZIP archive that was already closed")518
519         if compress_type is notNone:520             zinfo.compress_type =compress_type521
522         zinfo.file_size = len(bytes)            #Uncompressed size
523         zinfo.header_offset = self.fp.tell()    #Start of header bytes
524 self._writecheck(zinfo)525         self._didModify =True526         zinfo.CRC = crc32(bytes) & 0xffffffff       #CRC-32 checksum
527         if zinfo.compress_type ==ZIP_DEFLATED:528             co =zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,529                  zlib.DEFLATED, -15)530             bytes = co.compress(bytes) +co.flush()531             zinfo.compress_size = len(bytes)    #Compressed size
532         else:533             zinfo.compress_size =zinfo.file_size534         zip64 = zinfo.file_size > ZIP64_LIMIT or\535                 zinfo.compress_size >ZIP64_LIMIT536         if zip64 and notself._allowZip64:537             raise LargeZipFile("Filesize would require ZIP64 extensions")538 self.fp.write(zinfo.FileHeader(zip64))539 self.fp.write(bytes)540         if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x08:541             #Write CRC and file sizes after the file data
542             fmt = '<LQQ' if zip64 else '<LLL'
543 self.fp.write(struct.pack(fmt, zinfo.CRC, zinfo.compress_size,544 zinfo.file_size))545 self.fp.flush()546 self.filelist.append(zinfo)547         self.NameToInfo[zinfo.filename] =zinfo548
549     def __del__(self):550         """Call the "close()" method in case the user forgot."""
551 self.close()552
553     defclose(self):554         """Close the file, and for mode "w" and "a" write the ending555 records."""
556         if self.fp isNone:557             return
559         try:560             if self.mode in ("w", "a") and self._didModify: #write ending records
561                 pos1 =self.fp.tell()562                 for zinfo in self.filelist:         #write central directory
563                     dt =zinfo.date_time564                     dosdate = (dt[0] - 1980) << 9 | dt[1] << 5 | dt[2]565                     dostime = dt[3] << 11 | dt[4] << 5 | (dt[5] // 2)566                     extra =[]567                     if zinfo.file_size >ZIP64_LIMIT \568                             or zinfo.compress_size >ZIP64_LIMIT:569 extra.append(zinfo.file_size)570 extra.append(zinfo.compress_size)571                         file_size = 0xffffffff
572                         compress_size = 0xffffffff
573                     else:574                         file_size =zinfo.file_size575                         compress_size =zinfo.compress_size576
577                     if zinfo.header_offset >ZIP64_LIMIT:578 extra.append(zinfo.header_offset)579                         header_offset = 0xffffffffL
580                     else:581                         header_offset =zinfo.header_offset582
583                     extra_data =zinfo.extra584                     ifextra:585                         #Append a ZIP64 field to the extra's
586                         extra_data =struct.pack(587                                 '<HH' + 'Q'*len(extra),588                                 1, 8*len(extra), *extra) +extra_data589
590                         extract_version = max(45, zinfo.extract_version)591                         create_version = max(45, zinfo.create_version)592                     else:593                         extract_version =zinfo.extract_version594                         create_version =zinfo.create_version595
596                     try:597                         filename, flag_bits =zinfo._encodeFilenameFlags()598                         centdir =struct.pack(structCentralDir,599 stringCentralDir, create_version,600 zinfo.create_system, extract_version, zinfo.reserved,601 flag_bits, zinfo.compress_type, dostime, dosdate,602 zinfo.CRC, compress_size, file_size,603 len(filename), len(extra_data), len(zinfo.comment),604 0, zinfo.internal_attr, zinfo.external_attr,605 header_offset)606                     exceptDeprecationWarning:607                         print >>sys.stderr, (structCentralDir,608 stringCentralDir, create_version,609 zinfo.create_system, extract_version, zinfo.reserved,610 zinfo.flag_bits, zinfo.compress_type, dostime, dosdate,611 zinfo.CRC, compress_size, file_size,612 len(zinfo.filename), len(extra_data), len(zinfo.comment),613 0, zinfo.internal_attr, zinfo.external_attr,614 header_offset)615                         raise
616 self.fp.write(centdir)617 self.fp.write(filename)618 self.fp.write(extra_data)619 self.fp.write(zinfo.comment)620
621                 pos2 =self.fp.tell()622                 #Write end-of-zip-archive record
623                 centDirCount =len(self.filelist)624                 centDirSize = pos2 -pos1625                 centDirOffset =pos1626                 requires_zip64 =None627                 if centDirCount >ZIP_FILECOUNT_LIMIT:628                     requires_zip64 = "Files count"
629                 elif centDirOffset >ZIP64_LIMIT:630                     requires_zip64 = "Central directory offset"
631                 elif centDirSize >ZIP64_LIMIT:632                     requires_zip64 = "Central directory size"
633                 ifrequires_zip64:634                     #Need to write the ZIP64 end-of-archive records
635                     if notself._allowZip64:636                         raise LargeZipFile(requires_zip64 +
637                                            "would require ZIP64 extensions")638                     zip64endrec =struct.pack(639 structEndArchive64, stringEndArchive64,640                             44, 45, 45, 0, 0, centDirCount, centDirCount,641 centDirSize, centDirOffset)642 self.fp.write(zip64endrec)643
644                     zip64locrec =struct.pack(645 structEndArchive64Locator,646                             stringEndArchive64Locator, 0, pos2, 1)647 self.fp.write(zip64locrec)648                     centDirCount = min(centDirCount, 0xFFFF)649                     centDirSize = min(centDirSize, 0xFFFFFFFF)650                     centDirOffset = min(centDirOffset, 0xFFFFFFFF)651
652                 endrec =struct.pack(structEndArchive, stringEndArchive,653 0, 0, centDirCount, centDirCount,654 centDirSize, centDirOffset, len(self._comment))655 self.fp.write(endrec)656 self.fp.write(self._comment)657 self.fp.flush()658         finally:659             fp =self.fp660             self.fp =None661             if notself._filePassed:662 fp.close()663
664 ZipFile


1 classTarFile(object):2     """The TarFile Class provides an interface to tar archives.3     """
5     debug = 0                   #May be set from 0 (no msgs) to 3 (all msgs)
7     dereference = False         #If true, add content of linked file to the
8                                 #tar file, else the link.
10     ignore_zeros = False        #If true, skips empty or invalid blocks and
11                                 #continues processing.
13     errorlevel = 1              #If 0, fatal errors only appear in debug
14                                 #messages (if debug >= 0). If > 0, errors
15                                 #are passed to the caller as exceptions.
17     format = DEFAULT_FORMAT     #The format to use when creating an archive.
19     encoding = ENCODING         #Encoding for 8-bit character strings.
21     errors = None               #Error handler for unicode conversion.
23     tarinfo = TarInfo           #The default TarInfo class to use.
25     fileobject = ExFileObject   #The default ExFileObject class to use.
27     def __init__(self, name=None, mode="r", fileobj=None, format=None,28             tarinfo=None, dereference=None, ignore_zeros=None, encoding=None,29             errors=None, pax_headers=None, debug=None, errorlevel=None):30         """Open an (uncompressed) tar archive `name'. `mode' is either 'r' to31 read from an existing archive, 'a' to append data to an existing32 file or 'w' to create a new file overwriting an existing one. `mode'33 defaults to 'r'.34 If `fileobj' is given, it is used for reading or writing data. If it35 can be determined, `mode' is overridden by `fileobj's mode.36 `fileobj' is not closed, when TarFile is closed.37         """
38         modes = {"r": "rb", "a": "r+b", "w": "wb"}39         if mode not inmodes:40             raise ValueError("mode must be 'r', 'a' or 'w'")41         self.mode =mode42         self._mode =modes[mode]43
44         if notfileobj:45             if self.mode == "a" and notos.path.exists(name):46                 #Create nonexistent files in append mode.
47                 self.mode = "w"
48                 self._mode = "wb"
49             fileobj =bltn_open(name, self._mode)50             self._extfileobj =False51         else:52             if name is None and hasattr(fileobj, "name"):53                 name =fileobj.name54             if hasattr(fileobj, "mode"):55                 self._mode =fileobj.mode56             self._extfileobj =True57         self.name = os.path.abspath(name) if name elseNone58         self.fileobj =fileobj59
60         #Init attributes.
61         if format is notNone:62             self.format =format63         if tarinfo is notNone:64             self.tarinfo =tarinfo65         if dereference is notNone:66             self.dereference =dereference67         if ignore_zeros is notNone:68             self.ignore_zeros =ignore_zeros69         if encoding is notNone:70             self.encoding =encoding71
72         if errors is notNone:73             self.errors =errors74         elif mode == "r":75             self.errors = "utf-8"
76         else:77             self.errors = "strict"
79         if pax_headers is not None and self.format ==PAX_FORMAT:80             self.pax_headers =pax_headers81         else:82             self.pax_headers ={}83
84         if debug is notNone:85             self.debug =debug86         if errorlevel is notNone:87             self.errorlevel =errorlevel88
89         #Init datastructures.
90         self.closed =False91         self.members = []       #list of members as TarInfo objects
92         self._loaded = False    #flag if all members have been read
93         self.offset =self.fileobj.tell()94                                 #current position in the archive file
95         self.inodes = {}        #dictionary caching the inodes of
96                                 #archive members already added
98         try:99             if self.mode == "r":100                 self.firstmember =None101                 self.firstmember =self.next()102
103             if self.mode == "a":104                 #Move to the end of the archive,
105                 #before the first empty block.
106                 whileTrue:107 self.fileobj.seek(self.offset)108                     try:109                         tarinfo =self.tarinfo.fromtarfile(self)110 self.members.append(tarinfo)111                     exceptEOFHeaderError:112 self.fileobj.seek(self.offset)113                         break
114                     exceptHeaderError, e:115                         raiseReadError(str(e))116
117             if self.mode in "aw":118                 self._loaded =True119
120                 ifself.pax_headers:121                     buf =self.tarinfo.create_pax_global_header(self.pax_headers.copy())122 self.fileobj.write(buf)123                     self.offset +=len(buf)124         except:125             if notself._extfileobj:126 self.fileobj.close()127             self.closed =True128             raise
130     def_getposix(self):131         return self.format ==USTAR_FORMAT132     def_setposix(self, value):133         importwarnings134         warnings.warn("use the format attribute instead", DeprecationWarning,135                       2)136         ifvalue:137             self.format =USTAR_FORMAT138         else:139             self.format =GNU_FORMAT140     posix =property(_getposix, _setposix)141
142     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
143     #Below are the classmethods which act as alternate constructors to the
144     #TarFile class. The open() method is the only one that is needed for
145     #public use; it is the "super"-constructor and is able to select an
146     #adequate "sub"-constructor for a particular compression using the mapping
147     #from OPEN_METH.
148     #149     #This concept allows one to subclass TarFile without losing the comfort of
150     #the super-constructor. A sub-constructor is registered and made available
151     #by adding it to the mapping in OPEN_METH.
153 @classmethod154     def open(cls, name=None, mode="r", fileobj=None, bufsize=RECORDSIZE, **kwargs):155         """Open a tar archive for reading, writing or appending. Return156 an appropriate TarFile class.157
158 mode:159 'r' or 'r:*' open for reading with transparent compression160 'r:'         open for reading exclusively uncompressed161 'r:gz'       open for reading with gzip compression162 'r:bz2'      open for reading with bzip2 compression163 'a' or 'a:'  open for appending, creating the file if necessary164 'w' or 'w:'  open for writing without compression165 'w:gz'       open for writing with gzip compression166 'w:bz2'      open for writing with bzip2 compression167
168 'r|*'        open a stream of tar blocks with transparent compression169 'r|'         open an uncompressed stream of tar blocks for reading170 'r|gz'       open a gzip compressed stream of tar blocks171 'r|bz2'      open a bzip2 compressed stream of tar blocks172 'w|'         open an uncompressed stream for writing173 'w|gz'       open a gzip compressed stream for writing174 'w|bz2'      open a bzip2 compressed stream for writing175         """
177         if not name and notfileobj:178             raise ValueError("nothing to open")179
180         if mode in ("r", "r:*"):181             #Find out which *open() is appropriate for opening the file.
182             for comptype incls.OPEN_METH:183                 func =getattr(cls, cls.OPEN_METH[comptype])184                 if fileobj is notNone:185                     saved_pos =fileobj.tell()186                 try:187                     return func(name, "r", fileobj, **kwargs)188                 except(ReadError, CompressionError), e:189                     if fileobj is notNone:190 fileobj.seek(saved_pos)191                     continue
192             raise ReadError("file could not be opened successfully")193
194         elif ":" inmode:195             filemode, comptype = mode.split(":", 1)196             filemode = filemode or "r"
197             comptype = comptype or "tar"
199             #Select the *open() function according to
200             #given compression.
201             if comptype incls.OPEN_METH:202                 func =getattr(cls, cls.OPEN_METH[comptype])203             else:204                 raise CompressionError("unknown compression type %r" %comptype)205             return func(name, filemode, fileobj, **kwargs)206
207         elif "|" inmode:208             filemode, comptype = mode.split("|", 1)209             filemode = filemode or "r"
210             comptype = comptype or "tar"
212             if filemode not in ("r", "w"):213                 raise ValueError("mode must be 'r' or 'w'")214
215             stream =_Stream(name, filemode, comptype, fileobj, bufsize)216             try:217                 t = cls(name, filemode, stream, **kwargs)218             except:219 stream.close()220                 raise
221             t._extfileobj =False222             returnt223
224         elif mode in ("a", "w"):225             return cls.taropen(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs)226
227         raise ValueError("undiscernible mode")228
229 @classmethod230     def taropen(cls, name, mode="r", fileobj=None, **kwargs):231         """Open uncompressed tar archive name for reading or writing.232         """
233         if mode not in ("r", "a", "w"):234             raise ValueError("mode must be 'r', 'a' or 'w'")235         return cls(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs)236
237 @classmethod238     def gzopen(cls, name, mode="r", fileobj=None, compresslevel=9, **kwargs):239         """Open gzip compressed tar archive name for reading or writing.240 Appending is not allowed.241         """
242         if mode not in ("r", "w"):243             raise ValueError("mode must be 'r' or 'w'")244
245         try:246             importgzip247 gzip.GzipFile248         except(ImportError, AttributeError):249             raise CompressionError("gzip module is not available")250
251         try:252             fileobj =gzip.GzipFile(name, mode, compresslevel, fileobj)253         exceptOSError:254             if fileobj is not None and mode == 'r':255                 raise ReadError("not a gzip file")256             raise
258         try:259             t = cls.taropen(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs)260         exceptIOError:261 fileobj.close()262             if mode == 'r':263                 raise ReadError("not a gzip file")264             raise
265         except:266 fileobj.close()267             raise
268         t._extfileobj =False269         returnt270
271 @classmethod272     def bz2open(cls, name, mode="r", fileobj=None, compresslevel=9, **kwargs):273         """Open bzip2 compressed tar archive name for reading or writing.274 Appending is not allowed.275         """
276         if mode not in ("r", "w"):277             raise ValueError("mode must be 'r' or 'w'.")278
279         try:280             importbz2281         exceptImportError:282             raise CompressionError("bz2 module is not available")283
284         if fileobj is notNone:285             fileobj =_BZ2Proxy(fileobj, mode)286         else:287             fileobj = bz2.BZ2File(name, mode, compresslevel=compresslevel)288
289         try:290             t = cls.taropen(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs)291         except(IOError, EOFError):292 fileobj.close()293             if mode == 'r':294                 raise ReadError("not a bzip2 file")295             raise
296         except:297 fileobj.close()298             raise
299         t._extfileobj =False300         returnt301
302     #All *open() methods are registered here.
303     OPEN_METH ={304         "tar": "taropen",   #uncompressed tar
305         "gz":  "gzopen",    #gzip compressed tar
306         "bz2": "bz2open"    #bzip2 compressed tar
307 }308
309     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
310     #The public methods which TarFile provides:
312     defclose(self):313         """Close the TarFile. In write-mode, two finishing zero blocks are314 appended to the archive.315         """
316         ifself.closed:317             return
319         if self.mode in "aw":320             self.fileobj.write(NUL * (BLOCKSIZE * 2))321             self.offset += (BLOCKSIZE * 2)322             #fill up the end with zero-blocks
323             #(like option -b20 for tar does)
324             blocks, remainder =divmod(self.offset, RECORDSIZE)325             if remainder >0:326                 self.fileobj.write(NUL * (RECORDSIZE -remainder))327
328         if notself._extfileobj:329 self.fileobj.close()330         self.closed =True331
332     defgetmember(self, name):333         """Return a TarInfo object for member `name'. If `name' can not be334 found in the archive, KeyError is raised. If a member occurs more335 than once in the archive, its last occurrence is assumed to be the336 most up-to-date version.337         """
338         tarinfo =self._getmember(name)339         if tarinfo isNone:340             raise KeyError("filename %r not found" %name)341         returntarinfo342
343     defgetmembers(self):344         """Return the members of the archive as a list of TarInfo objects. The345 list has the same order as the members in the archive.346         """
347 self._check()348         if not self._loaded:    #if we want to obtain a list of
349             self._load()        #all members, we first have to
350                                 #scan the whole archive.
351         returnself.members352
353     defgetnames(self):354         """Return the members of the archive as a list of their names. It has355 the same order as the list returned by getmembers().356         """
357         return [tarinfo.name for tarinfo inself.getmembers()]358
359     def gettarinfo(self, name=None, arcname=None, fileobj=None):360         """Create a TarInfo object for either the file `name' or the file361 object `fileobj' (using os.fstat on its file descriptor). You can362 modify some of the TarInfo's attributes before you add it using363 addfile(). If given, `arcname' specifies an alternative name for the364 file in the archive.365         """
366         self._check("aw")367
368         #When fileobj is given, replace name by
369         #fileobj's real name.
370         if fileobj is notNone:371             name =fileobj.name372
373         #Building the name of the member in the archive.
374         #Backward slashes are converted to forward slashes,
375         #Absolute paths are turned to relative paths.
376         if arcname isNone:377             arcname =name378         drv, arcname =os.path.splitdrive(arcname)379         arcname = arcname.replace(os.sep, "/")380         arcname = arcname.lstrip("/")381
382         #Now, fill the TarInfo object with
383         #information specific for the file.
384         tarinfo =self.tarinfo()385         tarinfo.tarfile =self386
387         #Use os.stat or os.lstat, depending on platform
388         #and if symlinks shall be resolved.
389         if fileobj isNone:390             if hasattr(os, "lstat") and notself.dereference:391                 statres =os.lstat(name)392             else:393                 statres =os.stat(name)394         else:395             statres =os.fstat(fileobj.fileno())396         linkname = ""
398         stmd =statres.st_mode399         ifstat.S_ISREG(stmd):400             inode =(statres.st_ino, statres.st_dev)401             if not self.dereference and statres.st_nlink > 1 and\402                     inode in self.inodes and arcname !=self.inodes[inode]:403                 #Is it a hardlink to an already
404                 #archived file?
405                 type =LNKTYPE406                 linkname =self.inodes[inode]407             else:408                 #The inode is added only if its valid.
409                 #For win32 it is always 0.
410                 type =REGTYPE411                 ifinode[0]:412                     self.inodes[inode] =arcname413         elifstat.S_ISDIR(stmd):414             type =DIRTYPE415         elifstat.S_ISFIFO(stmd):416             type =FIFOTYPE417         elifstat.S_ISLNK(stmd):418             type =SYMTYPE419             linkname =os.readlink(name)420         elifstat.S_ISCHR(stmd):421             type =CHRTYPE422         elifstat.S_ISBLK(stmd):423             type =BLKTYPE424         else:425             returnNone426
427         #Fill the TarInfo object with all
428         #information we can get.
429         tarinfo.name =arcname430         tarinfo.mode =stmd431         tarinfo.uid =statres.st_uid432         tarinfo.gid =statres.st_gid433         if type ==REGTYPE:434             tarinfo.size =statres.st_size435         else:436             tarinfo.size =0L437         tarinfo.mtime =statres.st_mtime438         tarinfo.type =type439         tarinfo.linkname =linkname440         ifpwd:441             try:442                 tarinfo.uname =pwd.getpwuid(tarinfo.uid)[0]443             exceptKeyError:444                 pass
445         ifgrp:446             try:447                 tarinfo.gname =grp.getgrgid(tarinfo.gid)[0]448             exceptKeyError:449                 pass
451         if type in(CHRTYPE, BLKTYPE):452             if hasattr(os, "major") and hasattr(os, "minor"):453                 tarinfo.devmajor =os.major(statres.st_rdev)454                 tarinfo.devminor =os.minor(statres.st_rdev)455         returntarinfo456
457     def list(self, verbose=True):458         """Print a table of contents to sys.stdout. If `verbose' is False, only459 the names of the members are printed. If it is True, an `ls -l'-like460 output is produced.461         """
462 self._check()463
464         for tarinfo inself:465             ifverbose:466                 printfilemode(tarinfo.mode),467                 print "%s/%s" % (tarinfo.uname ortarinfo.uid,468                                  tarinfo.gname ortarinfo.gid),469                 if tarinfo.ischr() ortarinfo.isblk():470                     print "%10s" % ("%d,%d"\471                                     %(tarinfo.devmajor, tarinfo.devminor)),472                 else:473                     print "%10d" %tarinfo.size,474                 print "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"\475                       % time.localtime(tarinfo.mtime)[:6],476
477             print tarinfo.name + ("/" if tarinfo.isdir() else ""),478
479             ifverbose:480                 iftarinfo.issym():481                     print "->", tarinfo.linkname,482                 iftarinfo.islnk():483                     print "link to", tarinfo.linkname,484             print
486     def add(self, name, arcname=None, recursive=True, exclude=None, filter=None):487         """Add the file `name' to the archive. `name' may be any type of file488 (directory, fifo, symbolic link, etc.). If given, `arcname'489 specifies an alternative name for the file in the archive.490 Directories are added recursively by default. This can be avoided by491 setting `recursive' to False. `exclude' is a function that should492 return True for each filename to be excluded. `filter' is a function493 that expects a TarInfo object argument and returns the changed494 TarInfo object, if it returns None the TarInfo object will be495 excluded from the archive.496         """
497         self._check("aw")498
499         if arcname isNone:500             arcname =name501
502         #Exclude pathnames.
503         if exclude is notNone:504             importwarnings505             warnings.warn("use the filter argument instead",506                     DeprecationWarning, 2)507             ifexclude(name):508                 self._dbg(2, "tarfile: Excluded %r" %name)509                 return
511         #Skip if somebody tries to archive the archive...
512         if self.name is not None and os.path.abspath(name) ==self.name:513             self._dbg(2, "tarfile: Skipped %r" %name)514             return
516         self._dbg(1, name)517
518         #Create a TarInfo object from the file.
519         tarinfo =self.gettarinfo(name, arcname)520
521         if tarinfo isNone:522             self._dbg(1, "tarfile: Unsupported type %r" %name)523             return
525         #Change or exclude the TarInfo object.
526         if filter is notNone:527             tarinfo =filter(tarinfo)528             if tarinfo isNone:529                 self._dbg(2, "tarfile: Excluded %r" %name)530                 return
532         #Append the tar header and data to the archive.
533         iftarinfo.isreg():534             with bltn_open(name, "rb") as f:535 self.addfile(tarinfo, f)536
537         eliftarinfo.isdir():538 self.addfile(tarinfo)539             ifrecursive:540                 for f inos.listdir(name):541 self.add(os.path.join(name, f), os.path.join(arcname, f),542 recursive, exclude, filter)543
544         else:545 self.addfile(tarinfo)546
547     def addfile(self, tarinfo, fileobj=None):548         """Add the TarInfo object `tarinfo' to the archive. If `fileobj' is549 given, tarinfo.size bytes are read from it and added to the archive.550 You can create TarInfo objects using gettarinfo().551 On Windows platforms, `fileobj' should always be opened with mode552 'rb' to avoid irritation about the file size.553         """
554         self._check("aw")555
556         tarinfo =copy.copy(tarinfo)557
558         buf =tarinfo.tobuf(self.format, self.encoding, self.errors)559 self.fileobj.write(buf)560         self.offset +=len(buf)561
562         #If there's data to follow, append it.
563         if fileobj is notNone:564 copyfileobj(fileobj, self.fileobj, tarinfo.size)565             blocks, remainder =divmod(tarinfo.size, BLOCKSIZE)566             if remainder >0:567                 self.fileobj.write(NUL * (BLOCKSIZE -remainder))568                 blocks += 1
569             self.offset += blocks *BLOCKSIZE570
571 self.members.append(tarinfo)572
573     def extractall(self, path=".", members=None):574         """Extract all members from the archive to the current working575 directory and set owner, modification time and permissions on576 directories afterwards. `path' specifies a different directory577 to extract to. `members' is optional and must be a subset of the578 list returned by getmembers().579         """
580         directories =[]581
582         if members isNone:583             members =self584
585         for tarinfo inmembers:586             iftarinfo.isdir():587                 #Extract directories with a safe mode.
588 directories.append(tarinfo)589                 tarinfo =copy.copy(tarinfo)590                 tarinfo.mode = 0700
591 self.extract(tarinfo, path)592
593         #Reverse sort directories.
594         directories.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('name'))595 directories.reverse()596
597         #Set correct owner, mtime and filemode on directories.
598         for tarinfo indirectories:599             dirpath =os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name)600             try:601 self.chown(tarinfo, dirpath)602 self.utime(tarinfo, dirpath)603 self.chmod(tarinfo, dirpath)604             exceptExtractError, e:605                 if self.errorlevel > 1:606                     raise
607                 else:608                     self._dbg(1, "tarfile: %s" %e)609
610     def extract(self, member, path=""):611         """Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory,612 using its full name. Its file information is extracted as accurately613 as possible. `member' may be a filename or a TarInfo object. You can614 specify a different directory using `path'.615         """
616         self._check("r")617
618         ifisinstance(member, basestring):619             tarinfo =self.getmember(member)620         else:621             tarinfo =member622
623         #Prepare the link target for makelink().
624         iftarinfo.islnk():625             tarinfo._link_target =os.path.join(path, tarinfo.linkname)626
627         try:628 self._extract_member(tarinfo, os.path.join(path, tarinfo.name))629         exceptEnvironmentError, e:630             if self.errorlevel >0:631                 raise
632             else:633                 if e.filename isNone:634                     self._dbg(1, "tarfile: %s" %e.strerror)635                 else:636                     self._dbg(1, "tarfile: %s %r" %(e.strerror, e.filename))637         exceptExtractError, e:638             if self.errorlevel > 1:639                 raise
640             else:641                 self._dbg(1, "tarfile: %s" %e)642
643     defextractfile(self, member):644         """Extract a member from the archive as a file object. `member' may be645 a filename or a TarInfo object. If `member' is a regular file, a646 file-like object is returned. If `member' is a link, a file-like647 object is constructed from the link's target. If `member' is none of648 the above, None is returned.649 The file-like object is read-only and provides the following650 methods: read(), readline(), readlines(), seek() and tell()651         """
652         self._check("r")653
654         ifisinstance(member, basestring):655             tarinfo =self.getmember(member)656         else:657             tarinfo =member658
659         iftarinfo.isreg():660             returnself.fileobject(self, tarinfo)661
662         elif tarinfo.type not inSUPPORTED_TYPES:663             #If a member's type is unknown, it is treated as a
664             #regular file.
665             returnself.fileobject(self, tarinfo)666
667         elif tarinfo.islnk() ortarinfo.issym():668             ifisinstance(self.fileobj, _Stream):669                 #A small but ugly workaround for the case that someone tries
670                 #to extract a (sym)link as a file-object from a non-seekable
671                 #stream of tar blocks.
672                 raise StreamError("cannot extract (sym)link as file object")673             else:674                 #A (sym)link's file object is its target's file object.
675                 returnself.extractfile(self._find_link_target(tarinfo))676         else:677             #If there's no data associated with the member (directory, chrdev,
678             #blkdev, etc.), return None instead of a file object.
679             returnNone680
681     def_extract_member(self, tarinfo, targetpath):682         """Extract the TarInfo object tarinfo to a physical683 file called targetpath.684         """
685         #Fetch the TarInfo object for the given name
686         #and build the destination pathname, replacing
687         #forward slashes to platform specific separators.
688         targetpath = targetpath.rstrip("/")689         targetpath = targetpath.replace("/", os.sep)690
691         #Create all upper directories.
692         upperdirs =os.path.dirname(targetpath)693         if upperdirs and notos.path.exists(upperdirs):694             #Create directories that are not part of the archive with
695             #default permissions.
696 os.makedirs(upperdirs)697
698         if tarinfo.islnk() ortarinfo.issym():699             self._dbg(1, "%s -> %s" %(tarinfo.name, tarinfo.linkname))700         else:701             self._dbg(1, tarinfo.name)702
703         iftarinfo.isreg():704 self.makefile(tarinfo, targetpath)705         eliftarinfo.isdir():706 self.makedir(tarinfo, targetpath)707         eliftarinfo.isfifo():708 self.makefifo(tarinfo, targetpath)709         elif tarinfo.ischr() ortarinfo.isblk():710 self.makedev(tarinfo, targetpath)711         elif tarinfo.islnk() ortarinfo.issym():712 self.makelink(tarinfo, targetpath)713         elif tarinfo.type not inSUPPORTED_TYPES:714 self.makeunknown(tarinfo, targetpath)715         else:716 self.makefile(tarinfo, targetpath)717
718 self.chown(tarinfo, targetpath)719         if nottarinfo.issym():720 self.chmod(tarinfo, targetpath)721 self.utime(tarinfo, targetpath)722
723     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
724     #Below are the different file methods. They are called via
725     #_extract_member() when extract() is called. They can be replaced in a
726     #subclass to implement other functionality.
728     defmakedir(self, tarinfo, targetpath):729         """Make a directory called targetpath.730         """
731         try:732             #Use a safe mode for the directory, the real mode is set
733             #later in _extract_member().
734             os.mkdir(targetpath, 0700)735         exceptEnvironmentError, e:736             if e.errno !=errno.EEXIST:737                 raise
739     defmakefile(self, tarinfo, targetpath):740         """Make a file called targetpath.741         """
742         source =self.extractfile(tarinfo)743         try:744             with bltn_open(targetpath, "wb") as target:745 copyfileobj(source, target)746         finally:747 source.close()748
749     defmakeunknown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):750         """Make a file from a TarInfo object with an unknown type751 at targetpath.752         """
753 self.makefile(tarinfo, targetpath)754         self._dbg(1, "tarfile: Unknown file type %r,"\755                      "extracted as regular file." %tarinfo.type)756
757     defmakefifo(self, tarinfo, targetpath):758         """Make a fifo called targetpath.759         """
760         if hasattr(os, "mkfifo"):761 os.mkfifo(targetpath)762         else:763             raise ExtractError("fifo not supported by system")764
765     defmakedev(self, tarinfo, targetpath):766         """Make a character or block device called targetpath.767         """
768         if not hasattr(os, "mknod") or not hasattr(os, "makedev"):769             raise ExtractError("special devices not supported by system")770
771         mode =tarinfo.mode772         iftarinfo.isblk():773             mode |=stat.S_IFBLK774         else:775             mode |=stat.S_IFCHR776
777 os.mknod(targetpath, mode,778 os.makedev(tarinfo.devmajor, tarinfo.devminor))779
780     defmakelink(self, tarinfo, targetpath):781         """Make a (symbolic) link called targetpath. If it cannot be created782 (platform limitation), we try to make a copy of the referenced file783 instead of a link.784         """
785         if hasattr(os, "symlink") and hasattr(os, "link"):786             #For systems that support symbolic and hard links.
787             iftarinfo.issym():788                 ifos.path.lexists(targetpath):789 os.unlink(targetpath)790 os.symlink(tarinfo.linkname, targetpath)791             else:792                 #See extract().
793                 ifos.path.exists(tarinfo._link_target):794                     ifos.path.lexists(targetpath):795 os.unlink(targetpath)796 os.link(tarinfo._link_target, targetpath)797                 else:798 self._extract_member(self._find_link_target(tarinfo), targetpath)799         else:800             try:801 self._extract_member(self._find_link_target(tarinfo), targetpath)802             exceptKeyError:803                 raise ExtractError("unable to resolve link inside archive")804
805     defchown(self, tarinfo, targetpath):806         """Set owner of targetpath according to tarinfo.807         """
808         if pwd and hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() ==0:809             #We have to be root to do so.
810             try:811                 g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]812             exceptKeyError:813                 g =tarinfo.gid814             try:815                 u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]816             exceptKeyError:817                 u =tarinfo.uid818             try:819                 if tarinfo.issym() and hasattr(os, "lchown"):820 os.lchown(targetpath, u, g)821                 else:822                     if sys.platform != "os2emx":823 os.chown(targetpath, u, g)824             exceptEnvironmentError, e:825                 raise ExtractError("could not change owner")826
827     defchmod(self, tarinfo, targetpath):828         """Set file permissions of targetpath according to tarinfo.829         """
830         if hasattr(os, 'chmod'):831             try:832 os.chmod(targetpath, tarinfo.mode)833             exceptEnvironmentError, e:834                 raise ExtractError("could not change mode")835
836     defutime(self, tarinfo, targetpath):837         """Set modification time of targetpath according to tarinfo.838         """
839         if not hasattr(os, 'utime'):840             return
841         try:842 os.utime(targetpath, (tarinfo.mtime, tarinfo.mtime))843         exceptEnvironmentError, e:844             raise ExtractError("could not change modification time")845
846     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
847     defnext(self):848         """Return the next member of the archive as a TarInfo object, when849 TarFile is opened for reading. Return None if there is no more850 available.851         """
852         self._check("ra")853         if self.firstmember is notNone:854             m =self.firstmember855             self.firstmember =None856             returnm857
858         #Read the next block.
859 self.fileobj.seek(self.offset)860         tarinfo =None861         whileTrue:862             try:863                 tarinfo =self.tarinfo.fromtarfile(self)864             exceptEOFHeaderError, e:865                 ifself.ignore_zeros:866                     self._dbg(2, "0x%X: %s" %(self.offset, e))867                     self.offset +=BLOCKSIZE868                     continue
869             exceptInvalidHeaderError, e:870                 ifself.ignore_zeros:871                     self._dbg(2, "0x%X: %s" %(self.offset, e))872                     self.offset +=BLOCKSIZE873                     continue
874                 elif self.offset ==0:875                     raiseReadError(str(e))876             exceptEmptyHeaderError:877                 if self.offset ==0:878                     raise ReadError("empty file")879             exceptTruncatedHeaderError, e:880                 if self.offset ==0:881                     raiseReadError(str(e))882             exceptSubsequentHeaderError, e:883                 raiseReadError(str(e))884             break
886         if tarinfo is notNone:887 self.members.append(tarinfo)888         else:889             self._loaded =True890
891         returntarinfo892
893     #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
894     #Little helper methods:
896     def _getmember(self, name, tarinfo=None, normalize=False):897         """Find an archive member by name from bottom to top.898 If tarinfo is given, it is used as the starting point.899         """
900         #Ensure that all members have been loaded.
901         members =self.getmembers()902
903         #Limit the member search list up to tarinfo.
904         if tarinfo is notNone:905             members =members[:members.index(tarinfo)]906
907         ifnormalize:908             name =os.path.normpath(name)909
910         for member inreversed(members):911             ifnormalize:912                 member_name =os.path.normpath(member.name)913             else:914                 member_name =member.name915
916             if name ==member_name:917                 returnmember918
919     def_load(self):920         """Read through the entire archive file and look for readable921 members.922         """
923         whileTrue:924             tarinfo =self.next()925             if tarinfo isNone:926                 break
927         self._loaded =True928
929     def _check(self, mode=None):930         """Check if TarFile is still open, and if the operation's mode931 corresponds to TarFile's mode.932         """
933         ifself.closed:934             raise IOError("%s is closed" % self.__class__.__name__)935         if mode is not None and self.mode not inmode:936             raise IOError("bad operation for mode %r" %self.mode)937
938     def_find_link_target(self, tarinfo):939         """Find the target member of a symlink or hardlink member in the940 archive.941         """
942         iftarinfo.issym():943             #Always search the entire archive.
944             linkname = "/".join(filter(None, (os.path.dirname(tarinfo.name), tarinfo.linkname)))945             limit =None946         else:947             #Search the archive before the link, because a hard link is
948             #just a reference to an already archived file.
949             linkname =tarinfo.linkname950             limit =tarinfo951
952         member = self._getmember(linkname, tarinfo=limit, normalize=True)953         if member isNone:954             raise KeyError("linkname %r not found" %linkname)955         returnmember956
957     def __iter__(self):958         """Provide an iterator object.959         """
960         ifself._loaded:961             returniter(self.members)962         else:963             returnTarIter(self)964
965     def_dbg(self, level, msg):966         """Write debugging output to sys.stderr.967         """
968         if level <=self.debug:969             print >>sys.stderr, msg970
971     def __enter__(self):972 self._check()973         returnself974
975     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):976         if type isNone:977 self.close()978         else:979             #An exception occurred. We must not call close() because
980             #it would try to write end-of-archive blocks and padding.
981             if notself._extfileobj:982 self.fileobj.close()983             self.closed =True984 #class TarFile
986 TarFile


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