1. go for further study. 继续深造
2. refuse an invitation. 拒绝邀请
3. take a break  休息一下
4. be connected with 与什么有关
5. make an effort 努力
6. pay off   值得的
7. make up one's mind to do sth. 决心做sth
8. make a mistake 犯错误
9. keep on doing sth. 继续做sth
10. would you like to camp with us 你想和我们一起野营么
11. take ecomonics classes             上经济课程
12. my classes are scheduled for every weekend. 我每个周末上课
13. must be exhausted after a week's work 完成一周的工作一定很累吧
14. my work demands   我的工作要求
15. prompt me to learn ecomonics 激励我学习经济
16. I'm a English major  我是英语专业
17. know little about ...  对..了解很少
18. get more development opportunities 得到更多的发展机会 
19. pay the check yourself    自费
20. Otherwise I can never be prompted or get a pay raise. 否则的话,我将不会升职加薪
21. doing a full-time job.  全职工作
22. it must be very tiring  一定很累吧
23. no pain, no gain.  没有付诸,没有回报
24. you really make great efforts  你真的付出很大的努力
25. your hard work will definitely pay off.  天道酬勤
26. Thanks for your encouragement. 谢谢鼓励
27. various kinds of jobs such as...   存在着诸如....这种各种各样的工作
28. ideal careers  理想的职业
29. every one has his or her own interest. 每个人都有自己的兴趣
30. I like to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. 喜欢学校的时间安排
31. sth1 offers me a opportunity to do sth2.... sth1给了我做sth2
32. reflection(沉思)
33. like the freedom to do sth ... 喜欢自由
34. make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and students 自己犯错误,自学,自励
35. keep on learning... 持续学习
36. I will grow and change with them 我和他们一起成长和改变
37. being around with students who are growing and changing in front of me. 和我面前这些不断成长和改变的学生在一起
38. it is not a easy job at all 这个工作并不简单
39. an architect of man's soul 灵魂工程师
40. obtain more knowledge. 获得更多知识
41. purify myself  净化自己
42. at the same time. 同时
43. being around with 在一起

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