


Vue3 Extraneous non-props attributes (id) were passed to component but could not be automatically相关推荐

  1. Vue3报错:Extraneous non-props attributes (ref_key) were passed to component but could not be automatic

    Vue3报错:Extraneous non-props attributes (ref_key) were passed to component but could not be automatic ...

  2. [vue]Extraneous non-emits event listeners (x) were passed to component but could not be automatica

    vue报错说: [Vue warn]: Extraneous non-emits event listeners (addToCart) were passed to component but co ...

  3. were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment

    自定义VUE子组件需要用div包裹 <div> <selfcontrol /> </div>

  4. vue3.0中props父子传值的改动

    前言: 对vue3.0的学习以及对技术更新升级内容的整理与使用,这里分析下他的props父子传值的改动. vue官方入口 目录 一.vue2.0中props的用法 1.父组件中 a.vue中 2.子组 ...

  5. [Vue warn]: Attribute id is ignored on component div because the component is a fragment instanc

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    今天在使用vue框架搭建环境时,遇到这个错误提示: [Vue warn]: Attribute "id" is i ...

  6. route config component for path:cannot be a string id. Use an actual component instead

    首先通过报错信息,我们分析如下: 1. 和vue-router相关的 2.然后是配置组件的时候,config "component" 3.cannot be a string id ...

  7. 【报错】route config “component“ for path: /test cannot be a string id. Use an actual component instead.

    vue-router配置组件:config component 这个是错误代码 const routes = [{path: '/test',name: '路由测试',component: './vi ...

  8. Vue3传值(一) props: 父组件向子组件传值

    Vue3 props 组件传值 目录 Vue3 props 组件传值 一.props传值 普普通通的props props类型限制 总结 一.props传值 props允许在子元素中接收父元素传来的数 ...

  9. vue3 setup中props和emit用法

    在 <script setup> const props = defineProps({foo: String })const emit = defineEmits(['change', ...

  10. 解决:id you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the “name



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