

id=100; name=测试; token=957439858943845;




from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literalsfrom django.utils.encoding import force_str
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.six.moves import http_cookies# Some versions of Python 2.7 and later won't need this encoding bug fix:
_cookie_encodes_correctly = http_cookies.SimpleCookie().value_encode(';') == (';', '"\\073"')
# See ticket #13007, http://bugs.python.org/issue2193 and http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/2256
_tc = http_cookies.SimpleCookie()
try:_tc.load(str('foo:bar=1'))_cookie_allows_colon_in_names = True
except http_cookies.CookieError:_cookie_allows_colon_in_names = Falseif _cookie_encodes_correctly and _cookie_allows_colon_in_names:SimpleCookie = http_cookies.SimpleCookie
else:Morsel = http_cookies.Morselclass SimpleCookie(http_cookies.SimpleCookie):if not _cookie_encodes_correctly:def value_encode(self, val):# Some browsers do not support quoted-string from RFC 2109,# including some versions of Safari and Internet Explorer.# These browsers split on ';', and some versions of Safari# are known to split on ', '. Therefore, we encode ';' and ','# SimpleCookie already does the hard work of encoding and decoding.# It uses octal sequences like '\\012' for newline etc.# and non-ASCII chars. We just make use of this mechanism, to# avoid introducing two encoding schemes which would be confusing# and especially awkward for javascript.# NB, contrary to Python docs, value_encode returns a tuple containing# (real val, encoded_val)val, encoded = super(SimpleCookie, self).value_encode(val)encoded = encoded.replace(";", "\\073").replace(",","\\054")# If encoded now contains any quoted chars, we need double quotes# around the whole string.if "\\" in encoded and not encoded.startswith('"'):encoded = '"' + encoded + '"'return val, encodedif not _cookie_allows_colon_in_names:def load(self, rawdata):self.bad_cookies = set()if not six.PY3 and isinstance(rawdata, six.text_type):rawdata = force_str(rawdata)super(SimpleCookie, self).load(rawdata)for key in self.bad_cookies:del self[key]# override private __set() method:# (needed for using our Morsel, and for laxness with CookieErrordef _BaseCookie__set(self, key, real_value, coded_value):key = force_str(key)try:M = self.get(key, Morsel())M.set(key, real_value, coded_value)dict.__setitem__(self, key, M)except http_cookies.CookieError:self.bad_cookies.add(key)dict.__setitem__(self, key, http_cookies.Morsel())def parse_cookie(cookie):if cookie == '':return {}if not isinstance(cookie, http_cookies.BaseCookie):try:c = SimpleCookie()c.load(cookie)except http_cookies.CookieError:# Invalid cookiereturn {}else:c = cookiecookiedict = {}for key in c.keys():cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).valuereturn cookiedict

关于Cookie.SimpleCookie,Cooke模块中定义了4个直接操作Cookie的类:BaseCookie、SimpleCookie、SerialCookie、 SmartCookie。其中,BaseCookie是基类,定义了操作Cookie的公共部分,其他3个类都继承自BaseCookie,它们之间的区 别仅仅在于序列化数据的方式不同。

BaseCookie基类: BaseCookies的行为非常像dict,可以用键/值对的形式来操作它,但是kye必须是字符串,value是Morsel对象 。BaseCookies定义了编码/解码,输入/输出操作的公共规范。

Morsel类 : 用于表示Cookie中每一项数据的属性而抽象的类。这些属性包括:expires, path, comment, domain, max-age, secure, version等等



from __future__ import unicode_literalsimport sysfrom django.utils import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from django.utils.six.moves import http_cookies# Some versions of Python 2.7 and later won't need this encoding bug fix:
_cookie_encodes_correctly = http_cookies.SimpleCookie().value_encode(';') == (';', '"\\073"')
# See ticket #13007, http://bugs.python.org/issue2193 and http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/2256
_tc = http_cookies.SimpleCookie()
try:_tc.load(str('foo:bar=1'))_cookie_allows_colon_in_names = True
except http_cookies.CookieError:_cookie_allows_colon_in_names = False# Cookie pickling bug is fixed in Python 2.7.9 and Python 3.4.3+
# http://bugs.python.org/issue22775
cookie_pickles_properly = ((sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7) and sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 9)) orsys.version_info >= (3, 4, 3)
)if _cookie_encodes_correctly and _cookie_allows_colon_in_names and cookie_pickles_properly:SimpleCookie = http_cookies.SimpleCookie
else:Morsel = http_cookies.Morselclass SimpleCookie(http_cookies.SimpleCookie):if not cookie_pickles_properly:def __setitem__(self, key, value):# Apply the fix from http://bugs.python.org/issue22775 where# it's not fixed in Python itselfif isinstance(value, Morsel):# allow assignment of constructed Morsels (e.g. for pickling)dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)else:super(SimpleCookie, self).__setitem__(key, value)if not _cookie_encodes_correctly:def value_encode(self, val):# Some browsers do not support quoted-string from RFC 2109,# including some versions of Safari and Internet Explorer.# These browsers split on ';', and some versions of Safari# are known to split on ', '. Therefore, we encode ';' and ','# SimpleCookie already does the hard work of encoding and decoding.# It uses octal sequences like '\\012' for newline etc.# and non-ASCII chars. We just make use of this mechanism, to# avoid introducing two encoding schemes which would be confusing# and especially awkward for javascript.# NB, contrary to Python docs, value_encode returns a tuple containing# (real val, encoded_val)val, encoded = super(SimpleCookie, self).value_encode(val)encoded = encoded.replace(";", "\\073").replace(",", "\\054")# If encoded now contains any quoted chars, we need double quotes# around the whole string.if "\\" in encoded and not encoded.startswith('"'):encoded = '"' + encoded + '"'return val, encodedif not _cookie_allows_colon_in_names:def load(self, rawdata):self.bad_cookies = set()if six.PY2 and isinstance(rawdata, six.text_type):rawdata = force_str(rawdata)super(SimpleCookie, self).load(rawdata)for key in self.bad_cookies:del self[key]# override private __set() method:# (needed for using our Morsel, and for laxness with CookieErrordef _BaseCookie__set(self, key, real_value, coded_value):key = force_str(key)try:M = self.get(key, Morsel())M.set(key, real_value, coded_value)dict.__setitem__(self, key, M)except http_cookies.CookieError:if not hasattr(self, 'bad_cookies'):self.bad_cookies = set()self.bad_cookies.add(key)dict.__setitem__(self, key, http_cookies.Morsel())def parse_cookie(cookie):"""Return a dictionary parsed from a `Cookie:` header string."""cookiedict = {}if six.PY2:cookie = force_str(cookie)for chunk in cookie.split(str(';')):if str('=') in chunk:key, val = chunk.split(str('='), 1)else:# Assume an empty name per# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169091key, val = str(''), chunkkey, val = key.strip(), val.strip()if key or val:# unquote using Python's algorithm.cookiedict[key] = http_cookies._unquote(val)return cookiedict


from http import cookies# For backwards compatibility in Django 2.1.
SimpleCookie = cookies.SimpleCookiedef parse_cookie(cookie):"""Return a dictionary parsed from a `Cookie:` header string."""cookiedict = {}for chunk in cookie.split(';'):if '=' in chunk:key, val = chunk.split('=', 1)else:# Assume an empty name per# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169091key, val = '', chunkkey, val = key.strip(), val.strip()if key or val:# unquote using Python's algorithm.cookiedict[key] = cookies._unquote(val)return cookiedict

至此,升级下django就可以解决这个问题啦。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻


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