
什么是MATLAB? (What is MATLAB?)

MATLAB is a software which is particularly designed for engineers and scientists. It is a software which expresses matrix and array mathematics directly. As the full form of MATLAB is matrix laboratory which is a multi-paradigm language which supports the GUI and as well as can work with other software also directly.

MATLAB是专门为工程师和科学家设计的软件。 它是一个直接表达矩阵和数组数学的软件。 作为MATLAB的完整形式,矩阵实验室是一种支持GUI的多范式语言,并且可以直接与其他软件一起使用。

The recent or stable release of MATLAB version is R2019a which was released on 20 March 19. It can work with an operating system like Windows, macOS, and Linux also.


您可以使用MATLAB做什么? (What can you do with MATLAB?)

We can perform various tasks by the help of MATLAB like,


  1. We can analyze the data.


  2. It will help us to create the graph workflow and its domain.


  3. Helps a person to develop a different kind of algorithm.


  4. We can create our models and different types of applications.


  5. It also helps us to develop our stimulation with the help of the integrated graphics and GUI(graphical user interface).


  6. It helps a person to solve the various complex equations and can be used to check the validity of the equation by the various means.


The provided language and apps, as well as the math function, enables a person to quickly and easily explore the multiple approaches to arrive at a solution. MATLAB helps a person to take your idea from the research to production by the help of the enterprise application and embedded devices, as well as by running the simulation also and the various designs which are based on the various model.

所提供的语言和应用程序以及数学功能使一个人可以快速轻松地探索多种方法以获得解决方案。 MATLAB借助企业应用程序和嵌入式设备,以及通过运行仿真以及基于各种模型的各种设计,可以帮助您将您的想法从研究带到生产。

谁使用MATLAB? (Who to use the MATLAB?)

Currently more than 3.2 million people are using MATLAB in order to pursue their research or solving the complex problem or either verifying their solution by running the simulation of the design or model developed by a person, basically it is being used by engineers, researchers, scientists and, as well as it is also being used in the colleges to help the students in their various work field like in the field of economics to calculate the growth rate of a particular place or the deprecation of machine instrument with time as well as it also helps them to calculate the S.I and C.I also. You can use the MATLAB for a range of applications, which includes machine learning, processing in the form of binary code of 1 and 0.

目前,有超过320万人使用MATLAB来进行研究或解决复杂的问题,或者通过运行人开发的设计或模型的仿真来验证其解决方案,基本上,工程师,研究人员,科学家都在使用它此外,它还被用于大学中,以帮助他们在各个领域的学生,例如经济学领域的学生,计算特定地点的增长率或随着时间推移对机器的弃用,以及还帮助他们计算SI和CI。 您可以将MATLAB用于一系列应用程序,包括机器学习,二进制代码1和0的处理。

It is also currently being used in deep learning, communication, image, and video processing, in the field of finance for the computation of finance and biology. At last, it is also used in the control systems to control the various panels and other instruments.

它目前还被用于金融领域的深度学习,通信,图像和视频处理中,用于计算金融和生物学。 最后,它还用于控制系统中,以控制各种面板和其他仪器。

MATLAB中有哪些主题? (What are various topics in MATLAB?)

Topics are mainly the subpart of the whole software through which a person can understand the whole working of the software It includes topics like,


  1. Starting with MATLAB.


  2. Creating of arrays.


  3. Mathematical operations with arrays.


  4. Script files.


  5. Two-dimensional plots.


  6. Function and function files.


  7. Programming in MATLAB.


  8. Polynomials, curve fitting, and interpolation.


  9. Three- dimensional plots.


  10. Application in numerical analysis.





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