



AlertManager 是处理对应用程序的告警的,比如Promethus的服务端。对于输入的告警,会经过分组、抑制、静默、去重等步骤,最终并将告警发送到接受者(邮箱等)。

alertManager 的框架图如下:

今天主要是分享 AlertManager 中 Pipeline 相关的流程代码,pipeline 主要是用来处理分组后的告警,经过抑制、静默、去重,然后发送。

首先在创建 Pipeline 的时候,会创建 GossipSettleStage 、MuteStage(包含抑制和静默)、WaitStage 、DedupStage 、RetryStage 、SetNotifiesStage 。

// New returns a map of receivers to Stages.
func (pb *PipelineBuilder) New(receivers map[string][]Integration,wait func() time.Duration,inhibitor *inhibit.Inhibitor,silencer *silence.Silencer,notificationLog NotificationLog,peer *cluster.Peer,
) RoutingStage {rs := make(RoutingStage, len(receivers))ms := NewGossipSettleStage(peer)is := NewMuteStage(inhibitor)ss := NewMuteStage(silencer)for name := range receivers {st := createReceiverStage(name, receivers[name], wait, notificationLog, pb.metrics)rs[name] = MultiStage{ms, is, ss, st}}return rs
// createReceiverStage creates a pipeline of stages for a receiver.
func createReceiverStage(name string,integrations []Integration,wait func() time.Duration,notificationLog NotificationLog,metrics *metrics,
) Stage {var fs FanoutStagefor i := range integrations {recv := &nflogpb.Receiver{GroupName:   name,Integration: integrations[i].Name(),Idx:         uint32(integrations[i].Index()),}var s MultiStages = append(s, NewWaitStage(wait))s = append(s, NewDedupStage(&integrations[i], notificationLog, recv))s = append(s, NewRetryStage(integrations[i], name, metrics))s = append(s, NewSetNotifiesStage(notificationLog, recv))fs = append(fs, s)}return fs

从上面的代码可以看到 AlertManager 在某一通道处理时会经过 GossipSettleStage 、MuteStage(包含抑制和静默)、WaitStage 、DedupStage 、RetryStage 、SetNotifiesStage 这7个 stage ,并且顺序执行。

Pipeline 的执行是遍历了所有的 stage ,每次执行 Exec 方法(见代码的第8行),且每次执行后返回的 alert 列表是下一步的参数(第8行的代码对传入的参数alerts赋予新的告警值,再下次执行Exec的时候传入的alerts的值是新的值),最终得到的alert列表是经过每次过滤后的告警列表

func (ms MultiStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {var err errorfor _, s := range ms {if len(alerts) == 0 {return ctx, nil, nil}ctx, alerts, err = s.Exec(ctx, l, alerts...)if err != nil {return ctx, nil, err}}return ctx, alerts, nil



func (n *GossipSettleStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {if n.peer != nil {n.peer.WaitReady()}return ctx, alerts, nil

Inhibitor 抑制


func (n *MuteStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {var filtered []*types.Alertfor _, a := range alerts {// TODO(fabxc): increment total alerts counter.// Do not send the alert if muted.if !n.muter.Mutes(a.Labels) {filtered = append(filtered, a)} else {n.postMuteHandle(a)}// TODO(fabxc): increment muted alerts counter if muted.}return ctx, filtered, nil


我们在设置抑制规则时,会设置抑制源和抑制目标。在启动 Inhibitor 的时候,会先匹配抑制源(也就是Source),如果某条告警的 label 满足抑制源的条件,则会被放入 scache 中(第17行进行匹配,在21行时匹配成功写入 scache 中)。

func (ih *Inhibitor) run(ctx context.Context) {it := ih.alerts.Subscribe()defer it.Close()for {select {case <-ctx.Done():returncase a := <-it.Next():if err := it.Err(); err != nil {level.Error(ih.logger).Log("msg", "Error iterating alerts", "err", err)continue}// Update the inhibition rules' cache.for _, r := range ih.rules {if r.IsExpressionMatch {if matched, err := r.SourceExpMatcher.Match(a.Labels); err != nil {level.Error(ih.logger).Log("msg", "Error expression match alerts", "err", err)continue} else if matched {if err := r.scache.Set(a); err != nil {level.Error(ih.logger).Log("msg", "error on set alert", "err", err)}}} else if r.SourceMatchers.Match(a.Labels) {if err := r.scache.Set(a); err != nil {level.Error(ih.logger).Log("msg", "error on set alert", "err", err)}}}}}

此时如果有新产生的告警正好满足抑制规则的抑制目标(也就是 target)规则,那么这条规则会被通过方法 SetInhibited 设置成为抑制。在被设置为抑制时,被抑制的告警也会被设置抑制源告警的指纹。

// Mutes returns true if the given label set is muted. It implements the Muter
// interface.
func (ih *Inhibitor) Mutes(lset model.LabelSet) bool {
fp := lset.Fingerprint()for _, r := range ih.rules {
if r.IsExpressionMatch {if targetMatched, err := r.TargetExpMatcher.Match(lset); err != nil {level.Error(ih.logger).Log("msg", "Error inhibitor expression match alerts", "err", err)continue} else {if !targetMatched {continue}}} else {if !r.TargetMatchers.Match(lset) {// If target side of rule doesn't match, we don't need to look any further.continue}}// If we are here, the target side matches. If the source side matches, too, we// need to exclude inhibiting alerts for which the same is true.sourceMatched := falseif r.IsExpressionMatch {if matched, err := r.SourceExpMatcher.Match(lset); err != nil {level.Error(ih.logger).Log("msg", "Error inhibitor expression match alerts", "err", err)continue} else {sourceMatched = matched}} else {sourceMatched = r.SourceMatchers.Match(lset)}if inhibitedByFP, eq := r.hasEqual(ih.logger, lset, sourceMatched); eq {ih.marker.SetInhibited(fp, inhibitedByFP.String())return true}}ih.marker.SetInhibited(fp)return false

Silencer 静默


// Mutes implements the Muter interface.
func (s *Silencer) Mutes(lset model.LabelSet) bool {fp := lset.Fingerprint()ids, markerVersion, _ := s.marker.Silenced(fp)var (err        errorsils       []*pb.SilencenewVersion = markerVersion)if markerVersion == s.silences.Version() {// No new silences added, just need to check which of the old// silences are still revelant.if len(ids) == 0 {// Super fast path: No silences ever applied to this// alert, none have been added. We are done.return false}// This is still a quite fast path: No silences have been added,// we only need to check which of the applicable silences are// currently active. Note that newVersion is left at// markerVersion because the Query call might already return a// newer version, which is not the version our old list of// applicable silences is based on.sils, _, err = s.silences.Query(QIDs(ids...),QState(types.SilenceStateActive),)} else {// New silences have been added, do a full query.sils, newVersion, err = s.silences.Query(QState(types.SilenceStateActive),QMatches(lset),)}if err != nil {level.Error(s.logger).Log("msg", "Querying silences failed, alerts might not get silenced correctly", "err", err)}if len(sils) == 0 {s.marker.SetSilenced(fp, newVersion)return false}idsChanged := len(sils) != len(ids)if !idsChanged {// Length is the same, but is the content the same?for i, s := range sils {if ids[i] != s.Id {idsChanged = truebreak}}}if idsChanged {// Need to recreate ids.ids = make([]string, len(sils))for i, s := range sils {ids[i] = s.Id}sort.Strings(ids) // For comparability.}if idsChanged || newVersion != markerVersion {// Update marker only if something changed.s.marker.SetSilenced(fp, newVersion, ids...)}return true


WaitStage 表示向其他实例发送 Notification Log 的时间间隔,只是单纯的时间等待。

// Exec implements the Stage interface.
func (ws *WaitStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {select {case <-time.After(ws.wait()):case <-ctx.Done():return ctx, nil, ctx.Err()}return ctx, alerts, nil


DedupStage 主要是通过计算告警的hash值来起到去重的作用。

func (n *DedupStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {gkey, ok := GroupKey(ctx)if !ok {return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("group key missing")}repeatInterval, ok := RepeatInterval(ctx)if !ok {return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("repeat interval missing")}firingSet := map[uint64]struct{}{}resolvedSet := map[uint64]struct{}{}firing := []uint64{}resolved := []uint64{}var hash uint64for _, a := range alerts {hash = n.hash(a)if a.Resolved() {resolved = append(resolved, hash)resolvedSet[hash] = struct{}{}} else {firing = append(firing, hash)firingSet[hash] = struct{}{}}}ctx = WithFiringAlerts(ctx, firing)ctx = WithResolvedAlerts(ctx, resolved)entries, err := n.nflog.Query(nflog.QGroupKey(gkey), nflog.QReceiver(n.recv))if err != nil && err != nflog.ErrNotFound {return ctx, nil, err}var entry *nflogpb.Entryswitch len(entries) {case 0:case 1:entry = entries[0]default:return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected entry result size %d", len(entries))}if n.needsUpdate(entry, firingSet, resolvedSet, repeatInterval) {return ctx, alerts, nil}return ctx, nil, nil



func (r RetryStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {var sent []*types.Alert// If we shouldn't send notifications for resolved alerts, but there are only// resolved alerts, report them all as successfully notified (we still want the// notification log to log them for the next run of DedupStage).if !r.integration.SendResolved() {firing, ok := FiringAlerts(ctx)if !ok {return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("firing alerts missing")}if len(firing) == 0 {return ctx, alerts, nil}for _, a := range alerts {if a.Status() != model.AlertResolved {sent = append(sent, a)}}} else {sent = alerts}var (i    = 0b    = backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()tick = backoff.NewTicker(b)iErr error)defer tick.Stop()for {i++// Always check the context first to not notify again.select {case <-ctx.Done():if iErr != nil {return ctx, nil, iErr}return ctx, nil, ctx.Err()default:}select {case <-tick.C:now := time.Now()retry, err := r.integration.Notify(ctx, sent...)r.metrics.notificationLatencySeconds.WithLabelValues(r.integration.Name()).Observe(time.Since(now).Seconds())r.metrics.numNotifications.WithLabelValues(r.integration.Name()).Inc()if err != nil {r.metrics.numFailedNotifications.WithLabelValues(r.integration.Name()).Inc()level.Debug(l).Log("msg", "Notify attempt failed", "attempt", i, "integration", r.integration.Name(), "receiver", r.groupName, "err", err)if !retry {return ctx, alerts, fmt.Errorf("cancelling notify retry for %q due to unrecoverable error: %s", r.integration.Name(), err)}// Save this error to be able to return the last seen error by an// integration upon context timeout.iErr = err} else {return ctx, alerts, nil}case <-ctx.Done():if iErr != nil {return ctx, nil, iErr}return ctx, nil, ctx.Err()}}


SetNotifiesStage 主要是用来确保告警已经发送给 了通道,并记录到 alertManager 的日志中。

func (n SetNotifiesStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {
gkey, ok := GroupKey(ctx)
if !ok {
return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("group key missing")
}firing, ok := FiringAlerts(ctx)
if !ok {
return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("firing alerts missing")
}resolved, ok := ResolvedAlerts(ctx)
if !ok {
return ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("resolved alerts missing")
}return ctx, alerts, n.nflog.Log(n.recv, gkey, firing, resolved)

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