
文件类型1:Certificate Trust List

文件说明:List of predefined items that have been signed by a trusted entity; may consist of a list of filenames or a list of certificates; each item in the list has been approved by the signing entity.

Certificate trust lists (CTLs) are used by Microsoft IIS to store trusted websites and other addresses that require a secure connection.


Mac OS

WindowsMicrosoft Internet Information Services (IIS)




文件类型2:Fireworks Style Library

文件说明:Library of styles referenced by Macromedia (now Adobe) Fireworks; may be used to apply Stroke, Fill, Effect, and Text attributes to an object within an open Fireworks project; can be helpful for creating a uniform look across multiple objects.

Some styles are included with Fireworks, though additional styles may be added to the program; to add extra styles, click the small icon in the top right corner of the Styles panel in Fireworks and select Import Styles; then browse to an STL file and click OK to add the style library to your current collection.


Mac OSAdobe Fireworks

WindowsAdobe Fireworks



文件类型3:Stereolithography File

文件说明:Design format used for stereolithography, a rapid prototyping technology used for producing three-dimensional parts; contains a 3D design used as a master model for creating numerous prototypes.

Stereolithography is an interchange file format; it is used to save CAD files in a standard format that can be read by multiple CAD applications.


Mac OSIMSI TurboCAD Deluxe v5



WindowsIMSI TurboCAD Deluxe 17

Rapidform Basis


Dassault Systemes CATIA



Dassault Systemes CATIA





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