
















;/* S3C2440.S: Startup file for Samsung S3C440                                */
;/* <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>                          */
;/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.                   */
;/* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Keil Software. All rights reserved.               */
;/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,       */
;/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software      */
;/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software. */
; *  The S3C2440.S code is executed after CPU Reset. This file may be
; *  translated with the following SET symbols. In uVision these SET
; *  symbols are entered under Options - ASM - Define.
; *
; *  NO_CLOCK_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Clock
; *  (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini
; *  file).
; *
; *  NO_MC_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Memory
; *  Controller (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script
; *  .ini file).
; *
; *  NO_GP_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize General Ports
; *  (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini
; *  file).
; *
; *  RAM_INTVEC: when set the startup code copies exception vectors
; *  from execution address to on-chip RAM.
; */;=================
SRCPND      EQU  0x4a000000    ;Interrupt request status
INTMOD      EQU  0x4a000004    ;Interrupt mode control
INTMSK      EQU  0x4a000008    ;Interrupt mask control
PRIORITY    EQU  0x4a00000c    ;IRQ priority control           <-- May 06, 2002 SOP
INTPND      EQU  0x4a000010    ;Interrupt request status
INTOFFSET   EQU  0x4a000014    ;Interruot request source offset
SUSSRCPND   EQU  0x4a000018    ;Sub source pending
INTSUBMSK   EQU  0x4a00001c    ;Interrupt sub mask
_ISR_STARTADDRESS   EQU 0x33ffff00; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRsMode_USR        EQU     0x10
Mode_FIQ        EQU     0x11
Mode_IRQ        EQU     0x12
Mode_SVC        EQU     0x13
Mode_ABT        EQU     0x17
Mode_UND        EQU     0x1B
Mode_SYS        EQU     0x1FI_Bit           EQU     0x80            ; when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled
F_Bit           EQU     0x40            ; when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled;----------------------- Stack and Heap Definitions ----------------------------;// <h> Stack Configuration (Stack Sizes in Bytes)
;//   <o0> Undefined Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o1> Supervisor Mode     <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o2> Abort Mode          <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o3> Fast Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o4> Interrupt Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o5> User/System Mode    <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// </h>UND_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
SVC_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000008
ABT_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
FIQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
IRQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000080
USR_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000400ISR_Stack_Size  EQU     (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + \FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size)AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3Stack_Mem       SPACE   USR_Stack_Size
__initial_sp    SPACE   ISR_Stack_Size
Stack_Top;// <h> Heap Configuration
;//   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF>
;// </h>Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000000AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
__heap_limit;----------------------- Memory Definitions ------------------------------------; Internal Memory Base Addresses
IRAM_BASE       EQU     0x40000000;----------------------- Watchdog Timer Definitions ----------------------------WT_BASE         EQU     0x53000000      ; Watchdog Timer Base Address
WTCON_OFS       EQU     0x00            ; Watchdog Timer Control Register Offset
WTDAT_OFS       EQU     0x04            ; Watchdog Timer Data Register    Offset
WTCNT_OFS       EQU     0x08            ; Watchdog Timer Count Register   Offset;// <e> Watchdog Timer Setup
;//   <h> Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCON)
;//     <o1.8..15>  Prescaler Value <0-255>
;//     <o1.5>      Watchdog Timer Enable
;//     <o1.3..4>   Clock Division Factor
;//       <0=> 16   <1=> 32  <2=> 64  <3=> 128
;//     <o1.2>      Interrupt Generation Enable
;//     <o1.0>      Reset Enable
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Watchdog Timer Data Register (WTDAT)
;//     <o2.0..15>  Count Reload Value <0-65535>
;//   </h>
;// </e> Watchdog Timer Setup
WT_SETUP        EQU     1
WTCON_Val       EQU     0x00000000
WTDAT_Val       EQU     0x00008000;----------------------- Clock and Power Management Definitions ----------------CLOCK_BASE      EQU     0x4C000000      ; Clock Base Address
LOCKTIME_OFS    EQU     0x00            ; PLL Lock Time Count Register   Offset
MPLLCON_OFS     EQU     0x04            ; MPLL Configuration Register    Offset
UPLLCON_OFS     EQU     0x08            ; UPLL Configuration Register    Offset
CLKCON_OFS      EQU     0x0C            ; Clock Generator Control Reg    Offset
CLKSLOW_OFS     EQU     0x10            ; Clock Slow Control Register    Offset
CLKDIVN_OFS     EQU     0x14            ; Clock Divider Control Register Offset
CAMDIVN_OFS     EQU     0x18            ; Camera Clock Divider Register  Offset;// <e> Clock Setup
;//   <h> PLL Lock Time Count Register (LOCKTIME)
;//     <o1.16..31> U_LTIME: UPLL Lock Time Count Value for UCLK <0x0-0xFFFF>
;//     <o1.0..15>  M_LTIME: MPLL Lock Time Count Value for FCLK, HCLK and PCLK <0x0-0xFFFF>
;//   </h>
;//   <h> MPLL Configuration Register (MPLLCON)
;//     <i> MPLL = (2 * m * Fin) / (p * 2^s)
;//     <o2.12..19> m: Main Divider m Value <9-256><#-8>
;//       <i> m = MDIV + 8
;//     <o2.4..9>   p: Pre-divider p Value <3-64><#-2>
;//       <i> p = PDIV + 2
;//     <o2.0..1>   s: Post Divider s Value <0-3>
;//       <i> s = SDIV
;//   </h>
;//   <h> UPLL Configuration Register (UPLLCON)
;//     <i> UPLL = ( m * Fin) / (p * 2^s)
;//     <o3.12..19> m: Main Divider m Value <8-263><#-8>
;//       <i> m = MDIV + 8
;//     <o3.4..9>   p: Pre-divider p Value <2-65><#-2>
;//       <i> p = PDIV + 2
;//     <o3.0..1>   s: Post Divider s Value <0-3>
;//       <i> s = SDIV
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Clock Generation Control Register (CLKCON)
;//     <o4.20>     AC97 Enable
;//     <o4.19>     Camera Enable
;//     <o4.18>     SPI Enable
;//     <o4.17>     IIS Enable
;//     <o4.16>     IIC Enable
;//     <o4.15>     ADC + Touch Screen Enable
;//     <o4.14>     RTC Enable
;//     <o4.13>     GPIO Enable
;//     <o4.12>     UART2 Enable
;//     <o4.11>     UART1 Enable
;//     <o4.10>     UART0 Enable
;//     <o4.9>      SDI Enable
;//     <o4.8>      PWMTIMER Enable
;//     <o4.7>      USB Device Enable
;//     <o4.6>      USB Host Enable
;//     <o4.5>      LCDC Enable
;//     <o4.4>      NAND FLASH Controller Enable
;//     <o4.3>      SLEEP Enable
;//     <o4.2>      IDLE BIT Enable
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Clock Slow Control Register (CLKSLOW)
;//     <o5.7>      UCLK_ON: UCLK ON
;//     <o5.5>      MPLL_OFF: Turn off PLL
;//     <o5.4>      SLOW_BIT: Slow Mode Enable
;//     <o5.0..2>   SLOW_VAL: Slow Clock Divider <0-7>
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Clock Divider Control Register (CLKDIVN)
;//     <o6.3>      DIVN_UPLL: UCLK Select
;//       <0=> UCLK = UPLL clock
;//       <1=> UCLK = UPLL clock / 2
;//     <o6.1..2>   HDIVN: HCLK Select
;//       <0=> HCLK = FCLK
;//       <1=> HCLK = FCLK / 2
;//       <2=> HCLK = FCLK / 4 if HCLK4_HALF = 0 in CAMDIVN, else HCLK = FCLK / 8
;//       <3=> HCLK = FCLK / 3 if HCLK3_HALF = 0 in CAMDIVN, else HCLK = FCLK / 6
;//     <o6.0>      PDIVN: PCLK Select
;//       <0=> PCLK = HCLK
;//       <1=> PCLK = HCLK / 2
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Camera Clock Divider Control Register (CAMDIVN)
;//     <o7.12>     DVS_EN: ARM Core Clock Select
;//       <0=> ARM core runs at FCLK
;//       <1=> ARM core runs at HCLK
;//     <o7.9>      HCLK4_HALF: HDIVN Division Rate Change Bit
;//       <0=> If HDIVN = 2 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 4
;//       <1=> If HDIVN = 2 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 8
;//     <o7.8>      HCLK3_HALF: HDIVN Division Rate Change Bit
;//       <0=> If HDIVN = 3 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 3
;//       <1=> If HDIVN = 3 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 6
;//     <o7.4>      CAMCLK Select
;//       <0=> CAMCLK = UPLL
;//       <1=> CAMCLK = UPLL / CAMCLK_DIV
;//     <o7.0..3>   CAMCLK_DIV: CAMCLK Divider <0-15>
;//       <i> Camera Clock = UPLL / (2 * (CAMCLK_DIV + 1))
;//       <i> Divider is used only if CAMCLK_SEL = 1
;//   </h>
;// </e> Clock Setup
MPLLCON_Val     EQU     0x00043011
UPLLCON_Val     EQU     0x00038021
CLKCON_Val      EQU     0x001FFFF0
CLKSLOW_Val     EQU     0x00000004
CLKDIVN_Val     EQU     0x0000000F
CAMDIVN_Val     EQU     0x00000000;----------------------- Memory Controller Definitions -------------------------MC_BASE         EQU     0x48000000      ; Memory Controller Base Address
BWSCON_OFS      EQU     0x00            ; Bus Width and Wait Status Ctrl Offset
BANKCON0_OFS    EQU     0x04            ; Bank 0 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON1_OFS    EQU     0x08            ; Bank 1 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON2_OFS    EQU     0x0C            ; Bank 2 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON3_OFS    EQU     0x10            ; Bank 3 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON4_OFS    EQU     0x14            ; Bank 4 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON5_OFS    EQU     0x18            ; Bank 5 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON6_OFS    EQU     0x1C            ; Bank 6 Control Register        Offset
BANKCON7_OFS    EQU     0x20            ; Bank 7 Control Register        Offset
REFRESH_OFS     EQU     0x24            ; SDRAM Refresh Control Register Offset
BANKSIZE_OFS    EQU     0x28            ; Flexible Bank Size Register    Offset
MRSRB6_OFS      EQU     0x2C            ; Bank 6 Mode Register           Offset
MRSRB7_OFS      EQU     0x30            ; Bank 7 Mode Register           Offset;// <e> Memory Controller Setup
;//   <h> Bus Width and Wait Control Register (BWSCON)
;//     <o1.31>     ST7: Use UB/LB for Bank 7
;//     <o1.30>     WS7: Enable Wait Status for Bank 7
;//     <o1.28..29> DW7: Data Bus Width for Bank 7
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.27>     ST6: Use UB/LB for Bank 6
;//     <o1.26>     WS6: Enable Wait Status for Bank 6
;//     <o1.24..25> DW6: Data Bus Width for Bank 6
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.23>     ST5: Use UB/LB for Bank 5
;//     <o1.22>     WS5: Enable Wait Status for Bank 5
;//     <o1.20..21> DW5: Data Bus Width for Bank 5
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.19>     ST4: Use UB/LB for Bank 4
;//     <o1.18>     WS4: Enable Wait Status for Bank 4
;//     <o1.16..17> DW4: Data Bus Width for Bank 4
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.15>     ST3: Use UB/LB for Bank 3
;//     <o1.14>     WS3: Enable Wait Status for Bank 3
;//     <o1.12..13> DW3: Data Bus Width for Bank 3
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.11>     ST2: Use UB/LB for Bank 2
;//     <o1.10>     WS2: Enable Wait Status for Bank 2
;//     <o1.8..9>   DW2: Data Bus Width for Bank 2
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.7>      ST1: Use UB/LB for Bank 1
;//     <o1.6>      WS1: Enable Wait Status for Bank 1
;//     <o1.4..5>   DW1: Data Bus Width for Bank 1
;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o1.1..2>   DW0: Indicate Data Bus Width for Bank 0
;//       <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 0 Control Register (BANKCON0)
;//     <o2.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o2.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o2.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o2.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o2.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o2.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o2.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 1 Control Register (BANKCON1)
;//     <o3.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o3.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o3.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o3.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o3.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o3.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o3.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 2 Control Register (BANKCON2)
;//     <o4.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o4.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o4.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o4.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o4.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o4.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o4.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 3 Control Register (BANKCON3)
;//     <o5.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o5.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o5.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o5.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o5.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o5.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o5.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 4 Control Register (BANKCON4)
;//     <o6.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o6.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o6.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o6.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o6.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o6.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o6.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 5 Control Register (BANKCON5)
;//     <o7.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o7.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o7.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o7.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o7.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o7.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o7.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 6 Control Register (BANKCON6)
;//     <o8.15..16> Memory Type Selection
;//       <0=> ROM or SRAM  <3=> SDRAM
;//     <o8.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o8.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o8.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o8.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o8.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o8.2..3>   Tacp/Trcd: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode / RAS to CAS Delay
;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is Tacp,
;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is Trcd
;//       <i>  For SDRAM 6 cycles setting is not allowed
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o8.0..1>   PMC/SCAN: Page Mode Configuration / Column Address Number <0-3>
;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is PMC,
;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is SCAN
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Bank 7 Control Register (BANKCON7)
;//     <o9.15..16> Memory Type Selection
;//       <0=> ROM or SRAM  <3=> SDRAM
;//     <o9.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o9.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o9.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
;//     <o9.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o9.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
;//     <o9.2..3>   Tacp/Trcd: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode / RAS to CAS Delay
;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is Tacp,
;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is Trcd
;//       <i>  For SDRAM 6 cycles setting is not allowed
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
;//     <o9.0..1>   PMC/SCAN: Page Mode Configuration / Column Address Number <0-3>
;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is PMC,
;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is SCAN
;//   </h>
;//   <h> SDRAM Refresh Control Register (REFRESH)
;//     <o10.23>    REFEN: SDRAM Refresh Enable
;//     <o10.22>    TREFMD: SDRAM Refresh Mode
;//       <0=> CBR/Auto Refresh  <1=> Self Refresh
;//     <o10.20..21> Trp: SDRAM RAS Pre-charge Time
;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> Reserved
;//     <o10.18..19> Tsrc: SDRAM Semi Row Cycle Time
;//       <i> SDRAM Row cycle time: Trc = Tsrc + Trp
;//       <0=> 4 clocks  <1=> 5 clocks  <2=> 6 clocks  <3=> 7 clocks
;//     <o10.0..10> Refresh Counter <0-1023>
;//       <i> Refresh Period = (2048 - Refresh Count + 1) / HCLK
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Flexible Bank Size Register (BANKSIZE)
;//     <o11.7>     BURST_EN: ARM Core Burst Operation Enable
;//     <o11.5>     SCKE_EN: SDRAM Power Down Mode Enable
;//     <o11.4>     SCLK_EN: SCLK Enabled During SDRAM Access Cycle
;//       <0=> SCLK is always active  <1=> SCLK is active only during the access
;//     <o11.0..2>  BK76MAP: BANK6 and BANK7 Memory Map
;//       <0=> 32MB / 32MB  <1=> 64MB / 64MB  <2=> 128MB / 128MB
;//       <4=> 2MB / 2MB    <5=> 4MB / 4MB    <6=> 8MB / 8MB      <7=> 16MB / 16MB
;//     <o11.0..10> Refresh Counter <0-1023>
;//       <i> Refresh Period = (2048 - Refresh Count + 1) / HCLK
;//   </h>
;//   <h> SDRAM Mode Register Set Register 6 (MRSRB6)
;//     <o12.7>     WBL: Write Burst Length
;//       <0=> Burst (Fixed)
;//     <o12.7..8>  TM: Test Mode
;//       <0=> Mode register set (Fixed)
;//     <o12.4..6>  CL: CAS Latency
;//       <0=> 1 clocks  <1=> 2 clocks  <2=> 3 clocks
;//     <o12.3>     BT: Burst Type
;//       <0=> Sequential (Fixed)
;//     <o12.0..2>  BL: Burst Length
;//       <0=> 1 (Fixed)
;//   </h>
;//   <h> SDRAM Mode Register Set Register 7 (MRSRB7)
;//     <o13.7>     WBL: Write Burst Length
;//       <0=> Burst (Fixed)
;//     <o13.7..8>  TM: Test Mode
;//       <0=> Mode register set (Fixed)
;//     <o13.4..6>  CL: CAS Latency
;//       <0=> 1 clocks  <1=> 2 clocks  <2=> 3 clocks
;//     <o13.3>     BT: Burst Type
;//       <0=> Sequential (Fixed)
;//     <o13.0..2>  BL: Burst Length
;//       <0=> 1 (Fixed)
;//   </h>
;// </e> Memory Controller Setup
MC_SETUP        EQU     1
BWSCON_Val      EQU     0x22000000
BANKCON0_Val    EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON1_Val    EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON2_Val    EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON3_Val    EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON4_Val    EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON5_Val    EQU     0x00000700
BANKCON6_Val    EQU     0x00018005
BANKCON7_Val    EQU     0x00018005
REFRESH_Val     EQU     0x008404F3
BANKSIZE_Val    EQU     0x00000032
MRSRB6_Val      EQU     0x00000020
MRSRB7_Val      EQU     0x00000020;----------------------- I/O Port Definitions ----------------------------------GPA_BASE        EQU     0x56000000      ; GPA Base Address
GPB_BASE        EQU     0x56000010      ; GPB Base Address
GPC_BASE        EQU     0x56000020      ; GPC Base Address
GPD_BASE        EQU     0x56000030      ; GPD Base Address
GPE_BASE        EQU     0x56000040      ; GPE Base Address
GPF_BASE        EQU     0x56000050      ; GPF Base Address
GPG_BASE        EQU     0x56000060      ; GPG Base Address
GPH_BASE        EQU     0x56000070      ; GPH Base Address
GPJ_BASE        EQU     0x560000D0      ; GPJ Base Address
GPCON_OFS       EQU     0x00            ; Control Register Offset
GPDAT_OFS       EQU     0x04            ; Data Register Offset
GPUP_OFS        EQU     0x08            ; Pull-up Disable Register Offset;// <e> I/O Setup
GP_SETUP        EQU     1;//   <e> Port A Settings
;//     <h> Port A Control Register (GPACON)
;//         <o1.22>     GPA22     <0=> Output   <1=> nFCE
;//         <o1.21>     GPA21     <0=> Output   <1=> nRSTOUT
;//         <o1.20>     GPA20     <0=> Output   <1=> nFRE
;//         <o1.19>     GPA19     <0=> Output   <1=> nFWE
;//         <o1.18>     GPA18     <0=> Output   <1=> ALE
;//         <o1.17>     GPA17     <0=> Output   <1=> CLE
;//         <o1.16>     GPA16     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[5]
;//         <o1.15>     GPA15     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[4]
;//         <o1.14>     GPA14     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[3]
;//         <o1.13>     GPA13     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[2]
;//         <o1.12>     GPA12     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[1]
;//         <o1.11>     GPA11     <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR26
;//         <o1.10>     GPA10     <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR25
;//         <o1.9>      GPA9      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR24
;//         <o1.8>      GPA8      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR23
;//         <o1.7>      GPA7      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR22
;//         <o1.6>      GPA6      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR21
;//         <o1.5>      GPA5      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR20
;//         <o1.4>      GPA4      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR19
;//         <o1.3>      GPA3      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR18
;//         <o1.2>      GPA2      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR17
;//         <o1.1>      GPA1      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR16
;//         <o1.0>      GPA0      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR0
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPA_SETUP       EQU     0
GPACON_Val      EQU     0x000003FF;//   <e> Port B Settings
;//     <h> Port B Control Register (GPBCON)
;//       <o1.20..21> GPB10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDREQ0 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.18..19> GPB9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDACK0 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.16..17> GPB8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDREQ1 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.14..15> GPB7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDACK1 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.12..13> GPB6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXBREQ  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.10..11> GPB5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXBACK  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPB4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TCLK[0] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPB3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT3   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPB2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT2   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPB1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT1   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPB0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT0   <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port B Pull-up Settings Register (GPBUP)
;//       <o2.10>     GPB10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPB9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPB8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPB7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPB6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPB5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPB4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPB3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPB2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPB1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPB0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPB_SETUP       EQU     0
GPBCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPBUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000 ;//   <e> Port C Settings
;//     <h> Port C Control Register (GPCCON)
;//       <o1.30..31> GPC15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[7]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.28..29> GPC14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[6]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.26..27> GPC13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[5]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.24..25> GPC12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[4]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.22..23> GPC11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[3]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.20..21> GPC10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[2]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.18..19> GPC9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[1]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.16..17> GPC8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[0]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.14..15> GPC7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCREVB <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.12..13> GPC6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCREV  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.10..11> GPC5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCOE   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPC4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VM      <3=> I2SSDI
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPC3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VFRAME  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPC2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VLINE   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPC1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VCLK    <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPC0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LEND    <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port C Pull-up Settings Register (GPCUP)
;//       <o2.15>     GPC15 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.14>     GPC14 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.13>     GPC13 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.12>     GPC12 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.11>     GPC11 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.10>     GPC10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPC9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPC8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPC7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPC6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPC5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPC4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPC3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPC2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPC1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPC0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPC_SETUP       EQU     0
GPCCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPCUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000;//   <e> Port D Settings
;//     <h> Port D Control Register (GPDCON)
;//       <o1.30..31> GPD15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[23]  <3=> nSS0
;//       <o1.28..29> GPD14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[22]  <3=> nSS1
;//       <o1.26..27> GPD13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[21]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.24..25> GPD12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[20]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.22..23> GPD11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[19]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.20..21> GPD10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[18]  <3=> SPICLK1
;//       <o1.18..19> GPD9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[17]  <3=> SPIMOSI1
;//       <o1.16..17> GPD8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[16]  <3=> SPIMISO1
;//       <o1.14..15> GPD7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[15]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.12..13> GPD6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[14]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.10..11> GPD5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[13]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPD4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[12]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPD3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[11]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPD2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[10]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPD1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[9]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPD0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[8]   <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port D Pull-up Settings Register (GPDUP)
;//       <o2.15>     GPD15 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.14>     GPD14 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.13>     GPD13 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.12>     GPD12 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.11>     GPD11 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.10>     GPD10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPD9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPD8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPD7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPD6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPD5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPD4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPD3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPD2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPD1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPD0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPD_SETUP       EQU     0
GPDCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPDUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000;//   <e> Port E Settings
;//     <h> Port E Control Register (GPECON)
;//       <o1.30..31> GPE15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> IICSDA  <3=> Reserved
;//         <i> This pad is open-drain, and has no pull-up option.
;//       <o1.28..29> GPE14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> IICSCL  <3=> Reserved
;//         <i> This pad is open-drain, and has no pull-up option.
;//       <o1.26..27> GPE13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPICLK0 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.24..25> GPE12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPIMOSI0 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.22..23> GPE11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPIMISO0 <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.20..21> GPE10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT3  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.18..19> GPE9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT2  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.16..17> GPE8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT1  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.14..15> GPE7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT0  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.12..13> GPE6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDCMD   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.10..11> GPE5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDCLK   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPE4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SDO   <3=> AC_SDATA_OUT
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPE3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SDI   <3=> AC_SDATA_IN
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPE2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CDCLK   <3=> AC_nRESET
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPE1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SSCLK <3=> AC_BIT_CLK
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPE0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SLRCK <3=> AC_SYNC
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port E Pull-up Settings Register (GPEUP)
;//       <o2.13>     GPE13 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.12>     GPE12 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.11>     GPE11 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.10>     GPE10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPE9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPE8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPE7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPE6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPE5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPE4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPE3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPE2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPE1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPE0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPE_SETUP       EQU     0
GPECON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPEUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000;//   <e> Port F Settings
;//     <h> Port F Control Register (GPFCON)
;//       <o1.14..15> GPF7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[7] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.12..13> GPF6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[6] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.10..11> GPF5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[5] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPF4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[4] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPF3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[3] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPF2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[2] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPF1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[1] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPF0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[0] <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port F Pull-up Settings Register (GPFUP)
;//       <o2.7>      GPF7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPF6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPF5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPF4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPF3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPF2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPF1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPF0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPF_SETUP       EQU     0
GPFCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPFUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000;//   <e> Port G Settings
;//     <h> Port G Control Register (GPGCON)
;//       <o1.30..31> GPG15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[23] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.28..29> GPG14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[22] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.26..27> GPG13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[21] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.24..25> GPG12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[20] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.22..23> GPG11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[19] <3=> TCLK[1]
;//       <o1.20..21> GPG10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[18] <3=> nCTS1
;//       <o1.18..19> GPG9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[17] <3=> nRTS1
;//       <o1.16..17> GPG8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[16] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.14..15> GPG7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[15] <3=> SPICLK1
;//       <o1.12..13> GPG6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[14] <3=> SPIMOSI1
;//       <o1.10..11> GPG5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[13] <3=> SPIMISO1
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPG4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[12] <3=> LCD_PWRDN
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPG3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[11] <3=> nSS1
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPG2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[10] <3=> nSS0
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPG1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[9]  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPG0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[8]  <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port G Pull-up Settings Register (GPGUP)
;//       <o2.15>     GPG15 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.14>     GPG14 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.13>     GPG13 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.12>     GPG12 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.11>     GPG11 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.10>     GPG10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPG9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPG8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPG7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPG6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPG5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPG4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPG3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPG2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPG1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPG0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPG_SETUP       EQU     0
GPGCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPGUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000;//   <e> Port H Settings
;//     <h> Port H Control Register (GPHCON)
;//       <o1.20..21> GPH10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CLKOUT1  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.18..19> GPH9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CLKOUT0  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.16..17> GPH8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> UEXTCLK  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.14..15> GPH7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[2]   <3=> nCTS1
;//       <o1.12..13> GPH6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[2]   <3=> nRTS1
;//       <o1.10..11> GPH5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[1]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPH4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[1]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPH3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[0]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPH2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[0]   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPH1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nRTS0    <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPH0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nCTS0    <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port H Pull-up Settings Register (GPHUP)
;//       <o2.10>     GPH10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPH9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPH8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPH7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPH6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPH5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPH4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPH3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPH2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPH1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPH0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPH_SETUP       EQU     0
GPHCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPHUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000 ;//   <e> Port J Settings
;//     <h> Port J Control Register (GPJCON)
;//       <o1.24..25> GPJ12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMRESET   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.22..23> GPJ11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMCLKOUT  <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.20..21> GPJ10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMHREF    <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.18..19> GPJ9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMVSYNC   <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.16..17> GPJ8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMPCLK    <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.14..15> GPJ7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[7] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.12..13> GPJ6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[6] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.10..11> GPJ5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[5] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.8..9>   GPJ4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[4] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.6..7>   GPJ3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[3] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.4..5>   GPJ2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[2] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.2..3>   GPJ1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[1] <3=> Reserved
;//       <o1.0..1>   GPJ0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[0] <3=> Reserved
;//     </h>
;//     <h> Port J Pull-up Settings Register (GPJUP)
;//       <o2.12>     GPJ12 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.11>     GPJ11 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.10>     GPJ10 Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.9>      GPJ9  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.8>      GPJ8  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.7>      GPJ7  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.6>      GPJ6  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.5>      GPJ5  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.4>      GPJ4  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.3>      GPJ3  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.2>      GPJ2  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.1>      GPJ1  Pull-up Disable
;//       <o2.0>      GPJ0  Pull-up Disable
;//     </h>
;//   </e>
GPJ_SETUP       EQU     0
GPJCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
GPJUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000;// </e> I/O SetupMACRO
$HandlerLabel HANDLER $HandleLabel$HandlerLabelsub sp,sp,#4    ;decrement sp(to store jump address)stmfd   sp!,{r0}    ;PUSH the work register to stack(lr does not push because it return to original address)ldr     r0,=$HandleLabel;load the address of HandleXXX to r0ldr     r0,[r0]  ;load the contents(service routine start address) of HandleXXXstr     r0,[sp,#4]      ;store the contents(ISR) of HandleXXX to stackldmfd   sp!,{r0,pc}     ;POP the work register and pc(jump to ISR)MEND;----------------------- CODE --------------------------------------------------PRESERVE8; Area Definition and Entry Point
;  Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.AREA    RESET, CODE, READONLYARMIF      :LNOT::DEF:__EVAL IMPORT  ||Image$$ER_ROM1$$RO$$Length||IMPORT  ||Image$$RW_RAM1$$RW$$Length||ENDIF; Exception Vectors
;  Mapped to Address 0.
;  Absolute addressing mode must be used.
;  Dummy Handlers are implemented as infinite loops which can be modified.EXPORT __ENTRY
__ENTRYVectors         LDR     PC, Reset_Addr         LDR     PC, Undef_AddrLDR     PC, SWI_AddrLDR     PC, PAbt_AddrLDR     PC, DAbt_AddrIF      :DEF:__EVALDCD   0x4000ELSE DCD   ||Image$$ER_ROM1$$RO$$Length||+\||Image$$RW_RAM1$$RW$$Length||ENDIFLDR     PC, IRQ_AddrLDR     PC, FIQ_AddrIF      :DEF:__RTXIMPORT  SWI_HandlerIMPORT  IRQ_Handler_RTXENDIFReset_Addr      DCD     Reset_Handler
Undef_Addr      DCD     Undef_Handler
SWI_Addr        DCD     SWI_Handler
PAbt_Addr       DCD     PAbt_Handler
DAbt_Addr       DCD     DAbt_HandlerDCD     0                   ; Reserved Address IF      :DEF:__RTX
IRQ_Addr        DCD     IRQ_Handler_RTXELSE
IRQ_Addr        DCD     IRQ_HandlerENDIF
FIQ_Addr        DCD     FIQ_Handler;Undef_Handler   B       Undef_Handler;IF      :DEF:__RTX;ELSE
;SWI_Handler     B       SWI_Handler;ENDIF
;PAbt_Handler    B       PAbt_Handler
;DAbt_Handler    B       DAbt_Handler
;IRQ_Handler     PROC;EXPORT  IRQ_Handler               [WEAK];B       .;ENDP
;FIQ_Handler     B       FIQ_HandlerFIQ_Handler     HANDLER HandleFIQ
HandlerIRQ      HANDLER HandleIRQ
Undef_Handler   HANDLER HandleUndef
SWI_Handler     HANDLER HandleSWI
DAbt_Handler    HANDLER HandleDabort
PAbt_Handler    HANDLER HandlePabort;呵呵,来了来了.好戏来了,这一段程序就是用来进行第二次查表的过程了.
IRQ_Handlersub sp,sp,#4      ;给PC寄存器保留 reserved for PCstmfd sp!,{r8-r9} ;把r8-r9压入栈ldr r9,=INTOFFSET ;把INTOFFSET的地址装入r9  INTOFFSET是一个内部的寄存器,存着中断的偏移ldr r9,[r9]       ;I_ISRldr r8,=HandleEINT0 ;这就是我们第二个中断向量表的入口的,先装入r8
;哈哈,这查表方法够好了吧,r8(入口)+index*4(别望了一条指令是4 bytes的喔),
;==================================================================================add r8,r8,r9,lsl #2  ;地址对齐,因为每个中断向量占4个字节,即isr = IvectTable + Offeset * 4ldr r8,[r8]          ;装入中断服务程序的入口str r8,[sp,#8]       ;把入口也入栈,准备用旧招ldmfd sp!,{r8-r9,pc} ;施招,弹出栈,哈哈,顺便把r8弹出到PC了,跳转成功!; Reset HandlerEXPORT  Reset_Handler
Reset_Handler   ; Watchdog Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------IF      WT_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =WT_BASELDR     R1, =WTCON_ValLDR     R2, =WTDAT_ValSTR     R2, [R0, #WTCNT_OFS]STR     R2, [R0, #WTDAT_OFS]STR     R1, [R0, #WTCON_OFS]ENDIF; Clock Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_CLOCK_SETUP)):LAND:(CLOCK_SETUP != 0)LDR     R0, =CLOCK_BASELDR     R1,      =LOCKTIME_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #LOCKTIME_OFS]MOV     R1,      #CLKDIVN_Val  STR     R1, [R0, #CLKDIVN_OFS]LDR     R1,      =CAMDIVN_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #CAMDIVN_OFS]LDR     R1,      =MPLLCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #MPLLCON_OFS]LDR     R1,      =UPLLCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #UPLLCON_OFS]MOV     R1,      #CLKSLOW_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #CLKSLOW_OFS]LDR     R1,      =CLKCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #CLKCON_OFS]ENDIF; Memory Controller Setup ------------------------------------------------------IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_MC_SETUP)):LAND:(CLOCK_SETUP != 0)LDR     R0, =MC_BASELDR     R1,      =BWSCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BWSCON_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON0_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON0_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON1_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON1_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON2_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON2_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON3_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON3_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON4_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON4_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON5_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON5_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON6_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON6_OFS]LDR     R1,      =BANKCON7_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON7_OFS]LDR     R1,      =REFRESH_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #REFRESH_OFS]MOV     R1,      #BANKSIZE_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #BANKSIZE_OFS]MOV     R1,      #MRSRB6_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #MRSRB6_OFS]MOV     R1,      #MRSRB7_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #MRSRB7_OFS]ENDIF                           ; I/O Pins Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_GP_SETUP)):LAND:(GP_SETUP != 0)IF      GPA_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPA_BASELDR     R1, =GPACON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPB_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPB_BASELDR     R1, =GPBCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPBUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPC_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPC_BASELDR     R1, =GPCCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPCUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPD_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPD_BASELDR     R1, =GPDCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPDUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPE_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPE_BASELDR     R1, =GPECON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPEUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPF_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPF_BASELDR     R1, =GPFCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPFUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPG_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPG_BASELDR     R1, =GPGCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPGUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPH_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPH_BASELDR     R1, =GPHCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPHUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFIF      GPJ_SETUP != 0LDR     R0, =GPJ_BASELDR     R1, =GPJCON_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]LDR     R1, =GPJUP_ValSTR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]ENDIFENDIF; Copy Exception Vectors to Internal RAM ---------------------------------------IF      :DEF:RAM_INTVECADR     R8,  Vectors    ; SourceLDR     R9, =IRAM_BASE  ; DestinationLDMIA   R8!, {R0-R7}    ; Load Vectors STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}    ; Store Vectors LDMIA   R8!, {R0-R7}    ; Load Handler Addresses STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}    ; Store Handler AddressesENDIF; Setup Stack for each mode ----------------------------------------------------LDR     R0, =Stack_Top;  Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack PointerMSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_UND:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_BitMOV     SP, R0SUB     R0, R0, #UND_Stack_Size;  Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack PointerMSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_BitMOV     SP, R0SUB     R0, R0, #ABT_Stack_Size;  Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack PointerMSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_BitMOV     SP, R0SUB     R0, R0, #FIQ_Stack_Size;  Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack PointerMSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_BitMOV     SP, R0SUB     R0, R0, #IRQ_Stack_Size;  Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer;MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_BitMSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC:OR:F_BitMOV     SP, R0SUB     R0, R0, #SVC_Stack_Size;  Enter User Mode and set its Stack Pointer;MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_USR;MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_USR:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit;MOV     SP, R0;SUB     SL, SP, #USR_Stack_Size;  Enter User Mode and set its Stack Pointer;MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_USRIF      :DEF:__MICROLIBEXPORT __initial_spELSEMOV     SP, R0SUB     SL, SP, #USR_Stack_SizeENDIF; Enter the C code -------------------------------------------------------------IMPORT  __mainLDR     R0, =__mainBX      R0IF      :DEF:__MICROLIBEXPORT  __heap_baseEXPORT  __heap_limitELSE
; User Initial Stack & HeapAREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLYIMPORT  __use_two_region_memoryEXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
__user_initial_stackheapLDR     R0, =  Heap_MemLDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + USR_Stack_Size)LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +      Heap_Size)LDR     R3, = Stack_MemBX      LRENDIFALIGNAREA RamData, DATA, READWRITE^   _ISR_STARTADDRESS       ; _ISR_STARTADDRESS=0x33FF_FF00
HandleReset     #   4
HandleUndef     #   4
HandleSWI       #   4
HandlePabort    #   4
HandleDabort    #   4
HandleReserved  #   4
HandleIRQ       #   4
HandleFIQ       #   4;Do not use the label 'IntVectorTable',
;The value of IntVectorTable is different with the address you think it may be.
HandleEINT0     #   4
HandleEINT1     #   4
HandleEINT2     #   4
HandleEINT3     #   4
HandleEINT4_7   #   4
HandleEINT8_23  #   4
HandleCAM       #   4       ; Added for 2440.
HandleBATFLT    #   4
HandleTICK      #   4
HandleWDT       #   4
HandleTIMER0    #   4
HandleTIMER1    #   4
HandleTIMER2    #   4
HandleTIMER3    #   4
HandleTIMER4    #   4
HandleUART2     #   4
HandleLCD       #   4
HandleDMA0      #   4
HandleDMA1      #   4
HandleDMA2      #   4
HandleDMA3      #   4
HandleMMC       #   4
HandleSPI0      #   4
HandleUART1     #   4
HandleNFCON     #   4       ; Added for 2440.
HandleUSBD      #   4
HandleUSBH      #   4
HandleIIC       #   4
HandleUART0     #   4
HandleSPI1      #   4
HandleRTC       #   4
HandleADC       #   4



#include "S3C2440.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "uart.h"void __use_two_region_memory(void)
{}int __main()


#include "S3C2440.h"
#include "led.h"void UART0_putc(unsigned char c);
unsigned char UART0_getc(void);//中断服务函数
void __irq UART0_handler(void)
{unsigned char c;SUBSRCPND |= 0x3;SRCPND |= 0x1<<28;INTPND |= 0x1<<28;c=UART0_getc();delay(1000);UART0_putc(c);
}void UART0_Init(void)
{//设置GPH端口UART0模式,使能内部上拉GPHCON &= ~((3<<4)|(3<<6));GPHCON |= (2<<4)|(2<<6);       //GPH2-TXD, GPH3-RXDGPHUP &= ~((1<<2)|(1<<3));     //GPH2,GPH3 使能上拉//UART0配置ULCON0=0X03;/*8位数据位,无校验,1个停止位*/UCON0=0X005;/*PCLK时钟源50MHz,正常模式,中断/查询模式*/UFCON0=0X00;/*7:0设置FIFO寄存器,默认0*/UMCON0=0X00;/*7:0设置modem寄存器,默认0*//* 设置波特率BRDIVn = (int)( UART clock / ( buad rate x 16) ) –1UART clock =PCLK= 50MUBRDIVn = (int)( 50000000 / ( 115200 x 16) ) –1 = 26*/UBRDIV0=26;//UART0中断配置SRCPND |= 0x1<<28;/*清除UART0中断*/SUBSRCPND |= 0x3;/*清除UART0收发中断*/INTPND |= 0x1<<28;/*清除UART0中断*/INTSUBMSK &= ~(0x1);/*打开UART0接收中断,使能中断*/INTSUBMSK |= (0x1<<1);/*关闭UART0发送中断,禁止中断*/INTMSK &= ~(0x1<<28);/*打开UART0中断,使能中断*/pISR_UART0=(unsigned)UART0_handler;/*连接中断服务函数*/
}void UART0_putc(unsigned char c)
{while(!(UTRSTAT0&(1<<2)));UTXH0=c;}unsigned char UART0_getc(void)
{while(!(UTRSTAT0 & (1<<0)));return URXH0;


#ifndef __UART_H
#define __UART_Hvoid UART0_Init(void);
void UART0_putc(unsigned char c);
unsigned char UART0_getc(void);#endif


#include "S3C2440.h"//开发板4个LED初始化
void LED_Init(void)
void LED1_ON(void)
void LED4_ON(void)
void LED4_OFF(void)
}void delay(int temp)


#ifndef __LED_H
#define __LED_Hvoid LED_Init(void);
void LED1_ON(void);
void LED4_ON(void);
void LED4_OFF(void);void delay(unsigned temp);#endif


/*  This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools             */
/*  Copyright KEIL - An ARM Company 2002-2007                          */
/*                                                                     */
/*  S3C2440.H:  Header file for Samsung S3C2440                        */
/*                                                                     */
/***********************************************************************/#ifndef __S3C2440_H
#define __S3C2440_H#define _ISR_STARTADDRESS    0x33ffff00// Memory Controllers
#define BWSCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000000)
#define BANKCON0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000004)
#define BANKCON1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000008)
#define BANKCON2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4800000C)
#define BANKCON3             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000010)
#define BANKCON4             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000014)
#define BANKCON5             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000018)
#define BANKCON6             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4800001C)
#define BANKCON7             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000020)
#define REFRESH              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000024)
#define BANKSIZE             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000028)
#define MRSRB6               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4800002C)
#define MRSRB7               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x48000030)// USB Host Controller
#define HcRevision           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000000)
#define HcControl            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000004)
#define HcCommonStatus       (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000008)
#define HcInterruptStatus    (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4900000C)
#define HcInterruptEnable    (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000010)
#define HcInterruptDisable   (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000014)
#define HcHCCA               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000018)
#define HcPeriodCuttentED    (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4900001C)
#define HcControlHeadED      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000020)
#define HcControlCurrentED   (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000024)
#define HcBulkHeadED         (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000028)
#define HcBulkCurrentED      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4900002C)
#define HcDoneHead           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000030)
#define HcRmInterval         (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000034)
#define HcFmRemaining        (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000038)
#define HcFmNumber           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4900003C)
#define HcPeriodicStart      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000040)
#define HcLSTreshold         (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000044)
#define HcRhDescriptorA      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000048)
#define HcRhDescriptorB      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4900004C)
#define HcRhStatus           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000050)
#define HcRhPortStatus1      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000054)
#define HcRhPortStatus2      (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x49000058)// Interrupt Controller
#define SRCPND               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A000000)
#define INTMOD               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A000004)
#define INTMSK               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A000008)
#define PRIORITY             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A00000C)
#define INTPND               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A000010)
#define INTOFFSET            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A000014)
#define SUBSRCPND            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A000018)
#define INTSUBMSK            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4A00001C)// DMA
#define DISRC0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000000)
#define DISRCC0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000004)
#define DIDST0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000008)
#define DIDSTC0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B00000C)
#define DCON0                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000010)
#define DSTAT0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000014)
#define DCSRC0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000018)
#define DCDST0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B00001C)
#define DMASKTRIG0           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000020)#define DISRC1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000040)
#define DISRCC1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000044)
#define DIDST1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000048)
#define DIDSTC1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B00004C)
#define DCON1                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000050)
#define DSTAT1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000054)
#define DCSRC1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000058)
#define DCDST1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B00005C)
#define DMASKTRIG1           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000060)#define DISRC2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000080)
#define DISRCC2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000084)
#define DIDST2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000088)
#define DIDSTC2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B00008C)
#define DCON2                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000090)
#define DSTAT2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000094)
#define DCSRC2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B000098)
#define DCDST2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B00009C)
#define DMASKTRIG2           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000a0)#define DISRC3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000C0)
#define DISRCC3              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000C4)
#define DIDST3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000C8)
#define DIDSTC3              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000CC)
#define DCON3                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000D0)
#define DSTAT3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000D4)
#define DCSRC3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000D8)
#define DCDST3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000DC)
#define DMASKTRIG3           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4B0000E0)// Clock & Power Management
#define LOCKTIME             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C000000)
#define MPLLCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C000004)
#define UPLLCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C000008)
#define CLKCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C00000C)
#define CLKSLOW              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C000010)
#define CLKDIVN              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C000014)
#define CAMDIVN              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4C000018)// LCD Controller
#define LCDCON1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000000)
#define LCDCON2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000004)
#define LCDCON3              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000008)
#define LCDCON4              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D00000C)
#define LCDCON5              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000010)
#define LCDSADDR1            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000014)
#define LCDSADDR2            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000018)
#define LCDSADDR3            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D00001C)
#define REDLUT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000020)
#define GREENLUT             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000024)
#define BLUELUT              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000028)
#define DITHMODE             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D00004C)
#define TPAL                 (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000050)
#define LCDINTPND            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000054)
#define LCDSRCPND            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000058)
#define LCDINTMSK            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D00005C)
#define LPCSEL               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4D000060)
#define PALETTE               0x4D000400// NAND flash
#define NFCONF               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000000)
#define NFCONT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000004)
#define NFCMD                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000008)
#define NFADDR               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E00000C)
#define NFDATA               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000010)
#define NFMECCD0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000014)
#define NFMECCD1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000018)
#define NFSECCD              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E00001C)
#define NFSTAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000020)
#define NFESTAT0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000024)
#define NFESTAT1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000028)
#define NFMECC0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E00002C)
#define NFMECC1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000030)
#define NFSECC               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000034)
#define NFSBLK               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E000038)
#define NFEBLK               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4E00003C)// Camera Interface
#define CISRCFMT             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000000)
#define CIWDOFST             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000004)
#define CIGCTRL              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000008)
#define CICOYSA1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000018)
#define CICOYSA2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00001C)
#define CICOYSA3             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000020)
#define CICOYSA4             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000024)
#define CICOCBSA1            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000028)
#define CICOCBSA2            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00002C)
#define CICOCBSA3            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000030)
#define CICOCBSA4            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000034)
#define CICORSA1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000038)
#define CICORSA2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00003C)
#define CICORSA3             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000040)
#define CICORSA4             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000044)
#define CICOTRGFMT           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000048)
#define CICOCTRL             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00004C)
#define CICOSCPRERATIO       (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000050)
#define CICOSCPREDST         (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000054)
#define CICOSCCTRL           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000058)
#define CICOTAREA            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00005C)
#define CICOSTATUS           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000064)
#define CIPRCLRSA1           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00006C)
#define CIPRCLRSA2           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000070)
#define CIPRCLRSA3           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000074)
#define CIPRCLRSA4           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000078)
#define CIPRTRGFMT           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00007C)
#define CIPRCTRL             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000080)
#define CIPRSCPRERATIO       (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000084)
#define CIPRSCPREDST         (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000088)
#define CIPRSCCTRL           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F00008C)
#define CIPRTAREA            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000090)
#define CIPRSTATUS           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F000098)
#define CIIMGCPT             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x4F0000A0)// UART
#define ULCON0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000000)
#define UCON0                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000004)
#define UFCON0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000008)
#define UMCON0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5000000C)
#define UTRSTAT0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000010)
#define UERSTAT0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000014)
#define UFSTAT0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000018)
#define UMSTAT0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5000001C)
#define UTXH0                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50000020)
#define URXH0                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50000024)
#define UBRDIV0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50000028)#define ULCON1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004000)
#define UCON1                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004004)
#define UFCON1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004008)
#define UMCON1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5000400C)
#define UTRSTAT1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004010)
#define UERSTAT1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004014)
#define UFSTAT1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004018)
#define UMSTAT1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5000401C)
#define UTXH1                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50004020)
#define URXH1                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50004024)
#define UBRDIV1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50004028)#define ULCON2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008000)
#define UCON2                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008004)
#define UFCON2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008008)
#define UMCON2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5000800C)
#define UTRSTAT2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008010)
#define UERSTAT2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008014)
#define UFSTAT2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008018)
#define UTXH2                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50008020)
#define URXH2                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50008024)
#define UBRDIV2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x50008028)#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
#undef  UTXH0
#define UTXH0                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50000023)
#undef  URXH0
#define URXH0                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50000027)
#undef  UTXH1
#define UTXH1                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50004023)
#undef  URXH1
#define URXH1                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50004027)
#undef  UTXH2
#define UTXH2                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50008023)
#undef  URXH2
#define URXH2                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x50008027)
#endif// PWM Timer
#define TCFG0                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000000)
#define TCFG1                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000004)
#define TCON                 (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000008)
#define TCNTB0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5100000C)
#define TCMPB0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000010)
#define TCNTO0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000014)
#define TCNTB1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000018)
#define TCMPB1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5100001C)
#define TCNTO1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000020)
#define TCNTB2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000024)
#define TCMPB2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000028)
#define TCNTO2               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5100002C)
#define TCNTB3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000030)
#define TCMPB3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000034)
#define TCNTO3               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000038)
#define TCNTB4               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5100003C)
#define TCNTO4               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x51000040)// USB Device
#ifdef  __BIG_ENDIAN
#define FUNC_ADDR_REG        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000143)
#define PWR_REG              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000147)
#define EP_INT_REG           (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200014B)
#define USB_INT_REG          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200015B)
#define EP_INT_EN_REG        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200015F)
#define USB_INT_EN_REG       (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200016F)
#define FRAME_NUM1_REG       (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000173)
#define FRAME_NUM2_REG       (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000177)
#define INDEX_REG            (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200017B)
#define MAXP_REG             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000183)
#define EP0_CSR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000187)
#define IN_CSR1_REG          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000187)
#define IN_CSR2_REG          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200018B)
#define OUT_CSR1_REG         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000193)
#define OUT_CSR2_REG         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000197)
#define OUT_FIFO_CNT1_REG    (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200019B)
#define OUT_FIFO_CNT2_REG    (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200019F)
#define EP0_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001C3)
#define EP1_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001C7)
#define EP2_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001CF)
#define EP3_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001CF)
#define EP4_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001D3)
#define EP1_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000203)
#define EP1_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000207)
#define EP1_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200020B)
#define EP1_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200020F)
#define EP1_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000213)
#define EP1_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000217)
#define EP2_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200021B)
#define EP2_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200021F)
#define EP2_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000223)
#define EP2_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000227)
#define EP2_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200022B)
#define EP2_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200022F)
#define EP3_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000243)
#define EP3_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000247)
#define EP3_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200024B)
#define EP3_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200024F)
#define EP3_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000253)
#define EP3_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000257)
#define EP4_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200025B)
#define EP4_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200025F)
#define EP4_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000263)
#define EP4_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000267)
#define EP4_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200026B)
#define EP4_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200026F)#else   // Little Endian
#define FUNC_ADDR_REG        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000140)
#define PWR_REG              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000144)
#define EP_INT_REG           (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000148)
#define USB_INT_REG          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000158)
#define EP_INT_EN_REG        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200015C)
#define USB_INT_EN_REG       (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200016C)
#define FRAME_NUM1_REG       (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000170)
#define FRAME_NUM2_REG       (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000174)
#define INDEX_REG            (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000178)
#define MAXP_REG             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000180)
#define EP0_CSR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000184)
#define IN_CSR1_REG          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000184)
#define IN_CSR2_REG          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000188)
#define OUT_CSR1_REG         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000190)
#define OUT_CSR2_REG         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000194)
#define OUT_FIFO_CNT1_REG    (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000198)
#define OUT_FIFO_CNT2_REG    (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200019C)
#define EP0_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001C0)
#define EP1_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001C4)
#define EP2_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001C8)
#define EP3_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001CC)
#define EP4_FIFO             (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x520001D0)
#define EP1_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000200)
#define EP1_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000204)
#define EP1_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000208)
#define EP1_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200020C)
#define EP1_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000210)
#define EP1_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000214)
#define EP2_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000218)
#define EP2_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200021C)
#define EP2_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000220)
#define EP2_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000224)
#define EP2_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000228)
#define EP2_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200022C)
#define EP3_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000240)
#define EP3_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000244)
#define EP3_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000248)
#define EP3_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200024C)
#define EP3_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000250)
#define EP3_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000254)
#define EP4_DMA_CON          (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000258)
#define EP4_DMA_UNIT         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200025C)
#define EP4_DMA_FIFO         (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000260)
#define EP4_DMA_TTC_L        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000264)
#define EP4_DMA_TTC_M        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x52000268)
#define EP4_DMA_TTC_H        (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5200026C)
#endif// Watchdog Timer
#define WTCON                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x53000000)
#define WTDAT                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x53000004)
#define WTCNT                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x53000008)// IIC
#define IICCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x54000000)
#define IICSTAT              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x54000004)
#define IICADD               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x54000008)
#define IICDS                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5400000C)
#define IICLC                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x54000010)// IIS
#define IISCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x55000000)
#define IISMOD               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x55000004)
#define IISPSR               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x55000008)
#define IISFCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5500000C)
#define IISFIFO              (*(volatile unsigned short*) 0x55000010)#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
#undef  IISFIFO
#define IISFIFO              (*(volatile unsigned short*) 0x55000012)
#endif// I/O port
#define GPACON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000000)
#define GPADAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000004)#define GPBCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000010)
#define GPBDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000014)
#define GPBUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000018)#define GPCCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000020)
#define GPCDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000024)
#define GPCUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000028)#define GPDCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000030)
#define GPDDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000034)
#define GPDUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000038)#define GPECON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000040)
#define GPEDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000044)
#define GPEUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000048)#define GPFCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000050)
#define GPFDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000054)
#define GPFUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000058)#define GPGCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000060)
#define GPGDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000064)
#define GPGUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000068)#define GPHCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000070)
#define GPHDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000074)
#define GPHUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000078)#define GPJCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000D0)
#define GPJDAT               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000D4)
#define GPJUP                (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000D8)#define MISCCR               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000080)
#define DCLKCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000084)
#define EXTINT0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000088)
#define EXTINT1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5600008C)
#define EXTINT2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000090)
#define EINTFLT0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000094)
#define EINTFLT1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x56000098)
#define EINTFLT2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5600009C)
#define EINTFLT3             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000A0)
#define EINTMASK             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000A4)
#define EINTPEND             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000A8)
#define GSTATUS0             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000AC)
#define GSTATUS1             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000B0)
#define GSTATUS2             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000B4)
#define GSTATUS3             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000B8)
#define GSTATUS4             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000BC)
#define MSLCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x560000CC)// RTC
#ifdef  __BIG_ENDIAN
#define RTCCON               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000043)
#define TICNT                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000047)
#define RTCALM               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000053)
#define ALMSEC               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000057)
#define ALMMIN               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700005B)
#define ALMHOUR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700005F)
#define ALMDATE              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000063)
#define ALMMON               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000067)
#define ALMYEAR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700006B)
#define RTCRST               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700006F)
#define BCDSEC               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000073)
#define BCDMIN               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000077)
#define BCDHOUR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700007B)
#define BCDDATE              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700007F)
#define BCDDAY               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000083)
#define BCDMON               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000087)
#define BCDYEAR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700008B)#else   //Little Endian
#define RTCCON               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000040)
#define TICNT                (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000044)
#define RTCALM               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000050)
#define ALMSEC               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000054)
#define ALMMIN               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000058)
#define ALMHOUR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700005C)
#define ALMDATE              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000060)
#define ALMMON               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000064)
#define ALMYEAR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000068)
#define RTCRST               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700006C)
#define BCDSEC               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000070)
#define BCDMIN               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000074)
#define BCDHOUR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000078)
#define BCDDATE              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5700007C)
#define BCDDAY               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000080)
#define BCDMON               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000084)
#define BCDYEAR              (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x57000088)
#endif// A/D Converter
#define ADCCON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x58000000)
#define ADCTSC               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x58000004)
#define ADCDLY               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x58000008)
#define ADCDAT0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5800000C)
#define ADCDAT1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x58000010)
#define ADCUPDN              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x58000014)          // SPI
#define SPCON0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000000)
#define SPSTA0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000004)
#define SPPIN0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000008)
#define SPPRE0               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5900000C)
#define SPTDAT0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000010)
#define SPRDAT0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000014)#define SPCON1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000020)
#define SPSTA1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000024)
#define SPPIN1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000028)
#define SPPRE1               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5900002C)
#define SPTDAT1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000030)
#define SPRDAT1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x59000034)// SD Interface
#define SDICON               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000000)
#define SDIPRE               (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000004)
#define SDICARG              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000008)
#define SDICCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A00000C)
#define SDICSTA              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000010)
#define SDIRSP0              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000014)
#define SDIRSP1              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000018)
#define SDIRSP2              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A00001C)
#define SDIRSP3              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000020)
#define SDIDTIMER            (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000024)
#define SDIBSIZE             (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000028)
#define SDIDCON              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A00002C)
#define SDIDCNT              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000030)
#define SDIDSTA              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000034)
#define SDIFSTA              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A000038)
#define SDIIMSK              (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5A00003C)
#define SDIDAT               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5A000040)#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
#undef  SDIDAT
#define SDIDAT               (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x5A000043)
#endif// AC97 Audio-CODEC Interface
#define AC_GLBCTRL           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B000000)
#define AC_GLBSTAT           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B000004)
#define AC_CODEC_CMD         (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B000008)
#define AC_CODEC_STAT        (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B00000C)
#define AC_PCMADDR           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B000010)
#define AC_MICADDR           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B000014)
#define AC_PCMDATA           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B000018)
#define AC_MICDATA           (*(volatile unsigned long *) 0x5B00001C)// Exception vector
#define pISR_RESET             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x0))
#define pISR_UNDEF             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x4))
#define pISR_SWI                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x8))
#define pISR_PABORT            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0xc))
#define pISR_DABORT            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x10))
#define pISR_RESERVED          (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x14))
#define pISR_IRQ                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x18))
#define pISR_FIQ                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x1c))
// Interrupt vector
#define pISR_EINT0             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x20))
#define pISR_EINT1             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x24))
#define pISR_EINT2             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x28))
#define pISR_EINT3             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x2c))
#define pISR_EINT4_7           (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x30))
#define pISR_EINT8_23          (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x34))
#define pISR_CAM                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x38))       // Added for 2440.
#define pISR_BAT_FLT           (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x3c))
#define pISR_TICK                        (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x40))
#define pISR_WDT_AC97            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x44))   //Changed to pISR_WDT_AC97 for 2440A
#define pISR_TIMER0            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x48))
#define pISR_TIMER1            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x4c))
#define pISR_TIMER2            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x50))
#define pISR_TIMER3          (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x54))
#define pISR_TIMER4            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x58))
#define pISR_UART2             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x5c))
#define pISR_LCD                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x60))
#define pISR_DMA0                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x64))
#define pISR_DMA1                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x68))
#define pISR_DMA2                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x6c))
#define pISR_DMA3                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x70))
#define pISR_SDI                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x74))
#define pISR_SPI0                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x78))
#define pISR_UART1             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x7c))
#define pISR_NFCON             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x80))     // Added for 2440.
#define pISR_USBD                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x84))
#define pISR_USBH                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x88))
#define pISR_IIC                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x8c))
#define pISR_UART0             (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x90))
#define pISR_SPI1                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x94))
#define pISR_RTC                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x98))
#define pISR_ADC                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x9c))// Interrupt Pending Bit
#define BIT_EINT0            (1 <<  0)
#define BIT_EINT1            (1 <<  1)
#define BIT_EINT2            (1 <<  2)
#define BIT_EINT3            (1 <<  3)
#define BIT_EINT4_7          (1 <<  4)
#define BIT_EINT8_23         (1 <<  5)
#define BIT_CAM              (1 <<  6)
#define BIT_nBAT_FLT         (1 <<  7)
#define BIT_TICK             (1 <<  8)
#define BIT_WDT_AC97         (1 <<  9)
#define BIT_TIMER0           (1 << 10)
#define BIT_TIMER1           (1 << 11)
#define BIT_TIMER2           (1 << 12)
#define BIT_TIMER3           (1 << 13)
#define BIT_TIMER4           (1 << 14)
#define BIT_UART2            (1 << 15)
#define BIT_LCD              (1 << 16)
#define BIT_DMA0             (1 << 17)
#define BIT_DMA1             (1 << 18)
#define BIT_DMA2             (1 << 19)
#define BIT_DMA3             (1 << 20)
#define BIT_SDI              (1 << 21)
#define BIT_SPI0             (1 << 22)
#define BIT_UART1            (1 << 23)
#define BIT_NFCON            (1 << 24)
#define BIT_USBD             (1 << 25)
#define BIT_USBH             (1 << 26)
#define BIT_IIC              (1 << 27)
#define BIT_UART0            (1 << 28)
#define BIT_SPI1             (1 << 29)
#define BIT_RTC              (1 << 30)
#define BIT_ADC              (1 << 31)
#define BIT_ALLMSK           (0xFFFFFFFF)#define BIT_SUB_RXD0         (1 <<  0)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD0         (1 <<  1)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR0         (1 <<  2)
#define BIT_SUB_RXD1         (1 <<  3)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD1         (1 <<  4)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR1         (1 <<  5)
#define BIT_SUB_RXD2         (1 <<  6)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD2         (1 <<  7)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR2         (1 <<  8)
#define BIT_SUB_TC           (1 <<  9)
#define BIT_SUB_ADC_S        (1 << 10)
#define BIT_SUB_CAM_C        (1 << 11)
#define BIT_SUB_CAM_P        (1 << 12)
#define BIT_SUB_WDT          (1 << 13)
#define BIT_SUB_AC97         (1 << 14)
#define BIT_SUB_ALLMSK       (0x000007FF)#define ClearPending(bit)    { SRCPND = bit;    \INTPND = INTPND; }#endif // __S3C2440_H



Keil5 平台 S3C2440裸机程序开发-----中断系统/UART相关推荐

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