
Good work! You’ve stopped eating cookies, and you’re recording your daily food intake in the Excel Calorie Counter. The pounds are magically melting away, and you’re keeping track of your weight loss. Here’s one more tool to help you with your healthy living plans – the Excel Calorie Burning Calculator.

干得好! 您已经停止吃饼干,并且正在Excel卡路里计数器中记录您的每Eclipse物摄入量。 磅神奇地融化了,您正在追踪体重减轻 。 这是另一个帮助您制定健康生活计划的工具-Excel卡路里消耗计算器。

食物热量表 (The Food Calories List)

The Excel Calorie Burning Calculator has a condensed version of the food list from the Excel Calorie Counter. The list shows food items with their serving size and number of calories. There’s a download link at the end of this article.

Excel卡路里燃烧计算器具有Excel卡路里计数器中食物清单的精简版本。 该列表显示食物的大小和卡路里含量。 本文末尾有一个下载链接。

Hmmm…3 slices of bacon aren’t much worse than one banana, at least calorie-wise! That’s good to know.

嗯…三片培根并不比一根香蕉差多少,至少在卡路里方面! 很高兴知道。

活动卡路里燃烧列表 (The Activity Calorie Burning List)

If you believe the scientists, you can burn some of those consumed calories by moving around a bit. Or a lot. And apparently, the bigger you are, the more calories that you burn per minute. Yes, the 220-pound guy working in his garden burns more calories than the 120-pound guy who’s hiking. No, that doesn’t seem fair, but it’s hard to argue with the laws of science.

如果您相信科学家,可以四处走动来燃烧掉其中一些消耗的卡路里。 还是很多。 显然,您越大,每分钟燃烧的卡路里就越多。 是的,在他的花园里工作的220磅重的人比正在远足的120磅的人燃烧的卡路里更多。 不,这似乎并不公平,但是很难与科学定律争论。

Anyway, the smaller you get, the harder you’ll have to work. But you’ll probably feel better.

无论如何,您得到的越小,您就越需要努力。 但是您可能会感觉更好。

卡路里燃烧计算器 (Calorie Burning Calculator)

On the main sheet in the workbook, you select your weight range from the data validation drop down list.


Next, choose an activity. In the next cell, a VLOOKUP formula, with MATCH, finds the calories burned per minute in that activity, for your selected weight.

接下来,选择一个活动。 在下一个单元格中, 带有MATCH的VLOOKUP公式将为您选择的体重找到该活动中每分钟燃烧的卡路里。

Then, select a food that you plan to eat, and see approximately how many minutes it will take to burn off the calories, with the activity that you selected.


多少分钟? (How Many Minutes?)

For example, that 200 pound guy will have to walk for about 38 minutes after he eats one slice of pizza. Instead of phoning for delivery, he could walk to the pizza shop and back!

例如,那个200磅重的人吃了一块比萨饼后将不得不走38分钟左右。 他可以打电话给披萨店然后回来!

However, his 160 pound friend will have to walk for about 53 minutes to burn off his slice.


And the really bad news is that it would take him almost 2 hours to burn off the pizza slice, if he eats it while sitting at his desk.


I don’t have that kind of time, so my plan is to have a glass of wine, and then just sleep the calories off!


下载Excel卡路里燃烧计算器 (Download the Excel Calorie Burning Calculator)

To download a zipped copy of the latest version of the calculator workbook, go to the Calorie Burning Calculator page on my Contextures website. The zipped file is in xlsx format, and does NOT contain any macros.

要下载最新版本的计算器工作簿的压缩副本, 请访问我的Contextures网站上的Calorie Burning Calculator页面 。 压缩文件为xlsx格式,不包含任何宏。

咨询医生 (Consult Your Doctor)

As I mentioned before, I’m not a medical professional, so use this workbook for entertainment only. The calorie counts are from Health Canada, so the ingredients and calorie counts might be different where you live. Check the product labels for accurate numbers.

如前所述,我不是医学专家,因此只能将此工作簿用于娱乐。 卡路里计数来自加拿大卫生部,因此您居住的地点的成分和卡路里计数可能会有所不同。 检查产品标签上的准确数字。

The activity calorie counts are from the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management, and provide estimates for different weight ranges and activity intensity levels. Your mileage, or “caloriage”, may vary.

活动卡路里计数来自弗吉尼亚州人力资源管理部,可提供不同体重范围和活动强度水平的估计值。 您的里程或“卡路里”可能会有所不同。



翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/01/08/excel-calorie-burning-calculator/




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