
npm install postcss-pxtorem -D


module.exports = {

'plugins': {

'autoprefixer': {

overrideBrowserslist: [

'Android 4.1',

'iOS 7.1',

'Chrome > 31',

'not ie <= 11',

'ff >= 30',

'> 1%',

'last 2 versions', // 所有主流浏览器最近2个版本


grid: true ,


'postcss-pxtorem': {

rootValue: 16,

unitPrecision: 6,

selectorBlackList: ['.no-rem', 'no-rem'],

propList: ['*'],

replace: true,

mediaQuery: true,

minPixelValue: 2,

exclude: /node_modules/i




3.如果项目报错[plugin:vite:css] Failed to load PostCss config

[vite] Internal server error: Failed to load PostCSS config

解决办法:将postcss.config.js文件后缀 改为 .cjs -----postcss.config.cjs

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