【单选题】The Third State Bank of Laramie has opened an office in Morocco. This office does not take deposits but makes commitments to make loans, issues letters of credit, and provides technical assistance to companies in Morocco. What type of office has the Third State Bank of Laramie opened in Morocco?



【单选题】Business loans designed to fund long-term business investments, such as the purchase of equipment or the construction of physical facilities, covering a period longer than one year are known as:




【其它】背诵学过的浊音、半浊音,朗读本部分标注的重点单词并将音频上传 朗读促音部分的单词并将音频上传

【单选题】Donna Carlon is using her plastic card to buy groceries. The money is taken from her checking account immediately to pay for her groceries. How is Donna using her card?


【单选题】The Second National Bank of Guthrie has opened an office in Chile. This office offers a full line of services and is not a separate legal entity from the Second National Bank of Guthrie. What type of office has the Second National Bank of Guthrie opened in Chile?

【单选题】Ford Motor Company needs to borrow $50 million. The First National Bank creates a packaged loan with several other banks to lend to Ford Motor Company. This loan package can be sold on the secondary market and carries a rate that is 400 basis points above LIBOR. The First National Bank expects this loan package to ultimately be held by a finance company looking for a good return on their money? What type of loan is this most likely to be?

【单选题】Short-term to medium-term loans repayable in two or more consecutive payments are known as:


【简答题】用for语句 计算 n!

【单选题】Credit is extended to a company up to one year to purchase raw materials and cover a seasonal peak need for cash. What type of loan is this?

【其它】请结合志愿者服务的相关工作岗位,写一下自己的感想,你学到什么?你认为志愿服务期间有什么感觉不满意的。 请以文字或图片及视频的形式提交。你们的建议可以帮助我们更好的改进我们的志愿服务工作。

【简答题】分别用while和do-while语句作如下练习。 计算 1/1+1/2+ ... +1/50



【简答题】从键盘顺序输入 10 名参赛者的成绩,统计总成绩。

【单选题】Which of the following is true regarding credit card loans?

【单选题】Loans to individuals and families to finance the purchase of new homes are known as:

【单选题】A credit agreement in which a business customer may borrow up to a pre-specified limit, repay all or a portion of the borrowing, and reborrow as necessary until the credit line matures is known as a(an):

【单选题】ammy Payne wants to buy a used car and wants a loan that she will pay off over the next three years with monthly payments. Which of the following categories will this loan fall into?

【单选题】The doctrine that the first priority of a bank is to make loans to all those customers from whom the bank expects to receive positive net earnings is called the:

【单选题】The First National Bank of Summerville has opened an office in Turkey. This is a limited service office that can market services of the home office in Turkey and can identify Turkish customers but cannot take deposits or book loans. What type of office has the First National Bank of Summerville opened in Turkey?

【单选题】Jerry McGuire uses his Visa card to buy a new washer and dryer and a new refrigerator for his home. He plans on paying off the credit card over the next two years. How is Jerry using his credit card?


【其它】朗读浊音、半浊音部分的单词(每行自行挑两个) 长短音辨音 朗读长音部分的重点单词 朗读拗音部分的重点单词


【单选题】Bill Wells uses his Discover card to buy new furniture for his apartment. The interest rate on this card is 18 percent and the minimum payment that is due is $100. Which of the following categories will this loan fall into?

【单选题】The Wabash Washing Machine Company has arranged to get a loan from their bank over the next five years. They can borrow up to a pre-specified limit and repay it as many times as they need until the loan matures. The Wabash Washing Machine Company has not pledged any specific collateral for this loan. What type of loan is this most likely to be?


【单选题】Which of the following aspects of a customer's loan application should a bank's real estate loan officer consider carefully when making a home mortgage?

【单选题】A limited service facility that can market services supplied by the home office of an international bank and identify new customers, but cannot take deposits or book loans is known as a:



【简答题】用for语句 统计 100 0以内同时能被 3 , 5 , 7 整除的数的个数。

【单选题】Randal Ice needs a loan to purchase pet food and other pet supplies for his local pet store over the next six months. He has estimated that the maximum amount of inventory he will need in the next six months is $200,000 and he knows that he will have to use accounts receivables and the inventory he purchases as collateral for the loan. At the end of six months, he hopes he can get the loan renewed. What type of loan does Randal need?

【单选题】The State Bank of Virginia owns 55 percent of the shares of the Bank of Budapest. What type of arrangement is this?

【简答题】打印出所有的“水仙花数”、所谓“水仙花数。是指一个3位数,其各位数字立方和等于该数本身。例如,153是一水仙花数,因为153=1 3 +5 3 +3 3 。


【单选题】A loan or line of credit extended to a business by a group of lending institutions in order to reduce the risk exposure is known as:

【简答题】分别用while和do-while语句 计算 1 2 +2 2 +3 2 +...+10 2 的值

【简答题】用for语句 计算 1+3+5+ ... +99




【单选题】A full-service facility operated by a bank away from its home office but is merely a local office that represents a single large financial-service corporation is known as a(n):


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