年份 期刊 题目
2020 IEEE Access Color Point Cloud Registration Based on Supervoxel Correspondence
IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag. Supervoxel Graph Cuts: An Effective Method for GGO Candidate Regions Extraction on CT Images
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.  Fisher Vector Encoding of Supervoxel-Based Features for Airborne LiDAR Data Classification
 Multim. Tools Appl An improved supervoxel 3D region growing method based on PET/CT multimodal data for segmentation and reconstruction of GGNs
 Remote. Sens.  Merge-Swap Optimization Framework for Supervoxel Generation from Three-Dimensional Point Clouds
 Sensors High-Precision Plane Detection Method for Rock-Mass Point Clouds Based on Supervoxel
 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. Classification of LiDAR Point Clouds Using Supervoxel-Based Detrended Feature and Perception-Weighted Graphical Model
BIOIMAGING 2020: BADRESC: Brain Anomaly Detection based on Registration Errors and Supervoxel Classification.
MICCAI Region-of-Interest Guided Supervoxel Inpainting for Self-supervision
2019 IEEE Access Enhanced Association With Supervoxels in Multiple Hypothesis Tracking
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph Patch-based lung ventilation estimation using multi-layer supervoxels
Multim. Tools Appl AdaSLIC: adaptive supervoxel generation for volumetric medical images
EMBC 2019 Extending Supervoxel-based Abnormal Brain Asymmetry Detection to the Native Image Space
ICCPR 2019 3D MR Image Segmentation Algorithm based on Supervoxel and Kernel FCM Algorithm
IJCNN 2019 Common Fate Based Episodic Segmentation by Combining Supervoxels with Deep Neural Networks
ISBI 2019 A Supervoxel-Based Approach for Unsupervised Abnormal Asymmetry Detection in Mr Images of the Brain
2018 Comput. Methods Programs Biomed Supervised Learning based Multimodal MRI Brain Tumour Segmentation using Texture Features from Supervoxels
IPSJ Trans. Comput. Vis. Appl Supervoxel-based segmentation of 3D imagery with optical flow integration for spatiotemporal processing
Mob. Networks App Extraction of GGO Candidate Regions on Thoracic CT Images using SuperVoxel-Based Graph Cuts for Healthcare Systems
NeuroImage Supervoxel based method for multi-atlas segmentation of brain MR images
Neural Process. Lett Supervoxel Segmentation and Bias Correction of MR Image with Intensity Inhomogeneity
Sensors  Supervoxel Segmentation with Voxel-Related Gaussian Mixture Model
Sensors Semi-Supervised Segmentation Framework Based on Spot-Divergence Supervoxelization of Multi-Sensor Fusion Data for Autonomous Forest Machine Applications.
Sensors Supervoxels-Based Histon as a New Alzheimer's Disease Imaging Biomarker
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst 3-D Road Boundary Extraction From Mobile Laser Scanning Data via Supervoxels and Graph Cuts
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging Spatially Consistent Supervoxel Correspondences of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images
CVPR 2018 Content-Sensitive Supervoxels via Uniform Tessellations on Video Manifolds
ICIP 2018 Evaluation on the Compactness of Supervoxels
IPTA 2018 3D lymphoma detection in PET-CT images with supervoxel and CRFs
ISBI 2018 Cell segmentation in 3D confocal images using supervoxel merge-forests with CNN-based hypothesis selection
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 2018 3D GGO candidate extraction in lung CT images using multilevel thresholding on supervoxels
BrainLes@MICCAI (2) 2018 Brain Tumour Segmentation Method Based on Supervoxels and Sparse Dictionaries
Patch-MI@MICCAI 2018 Robust Supervoxel Matching Combining Mid-Level Spectral and Context-Rich Features
Medical Imaging: Image-Guided Procedures 2018 Regional lung ventilation estimation based on supervoxel tracking

Supervoxel 2018-2020 论文调研相关推荐

  1. PVM振动测量2018~2020调研整理

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  2. 2018 CVPR GAN 相关论文调研 (自己分了下类,附地址哦)

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  4. NeurIPS 2020论文接收列表公布,智源研究院35篇入围

    近日,机器学习和计算神经科学领域国际顶会NeurIPS 2020论文接收列表公布,共接收论文1899篇,包含Oral论文105篇,Spotlight论文280篇. 此次接收列表中,智源研究院共有35篇 ...

  5. AAAI 2020 论文接收结果出炉,得分 997 论文被拒,388 反而中了?

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  6. ECCV 2020 论文大盘点-姿态估计与动作捕捉篇

    本文盘点ECCV 2020 中所有与姿态估计(Pose Estimation)相关的论文,总计 12 篇,其中一篇Oral 论文,6 篇已经或者将开源代码. 下载包含这些论文的 ECCV 2020 所 ...

  7. CVPR 2020 论文大盘点-动作检测与动作分割篇

    本文继 CVPR 2020 论文大盘点-动作识别篇 之后继续总结CVPR 2020 中动作(action)相关的论文. 涉及的方向包括: 动作检测(Action Detection) 动作分割(Act ...

  8. CVPR 2020 论文大盘点-光流篇

    前几天52CV曾经发布了一篇来自旷视研究员的光流技术相关的文章:光流估计网络调研,引起了大家的广泛关注,光流估计(Optical Flow estimation)在视频理解.动作识别.目标跟踪.全景拼 ...

  9. 3D CV 论文调研

    3D论文调研 Introduction 本文对3D的分类,分割,检测任务进行了调研.在调研的论文中,主要使用的是3D点云数据,因为其包含的信息更多,使得检测,分类,分割等任务的结果更好.也因此大多数方 ...

  10. 不良光线下的语义分割论文调研

    不良光线下的语义分割论文调研 文章目录 不良光线下的语义分割论文调研 Multitask AET with Orthogonal Tangent Regularity for Dark Object ...


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