在 Windows Server 2016 中使用 Hyper-V 建立新虚拟机,选择安装系统的镜像文件所在路径时,如果是用网络映射盘符或 UNC 路径,建立虚拟光驱会失败。提示:

[Window Title]

New Virtual Machine Wizard

[Main Instruction]

The server encountered an error while configuring the devices on WS2012.


Failed to add device 'Virtual CD/DVD Disk'.

The Machine Account 'Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service' or the user initiating the VM management operation or both do not have the required access to the file share 'G:\cn_windows_server_2012_r2_x64_dvd_2707961.iso'.  Please ensure that the computer

machine account and the user initiating the VM management operation have full access to the file share as well as the file system folder backing the file share.  Error: 'General access denied error'

[Expanded Information]

'WS2012' failed to add device 'Virtual CD/DVD Disk'. (Virtual machine ID 4F834F90-0333-4855-AE1E-D7D5C38D9A64)

'WS2012': The Machine Account 'Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service' or the user initiating the VM management operation or both do not have the required access to the file share 'G:\cn_windows_server_2012_r2_x64_dvd_2707961.iso'.  Please ensure that

the computer machine account and the user initiating the VM management operation have full access to the file share as well as the file system folder backing the file share.  Error: 'General access denied error' (0x80070005). (Virtual machine ID 4F834F90-0333-4855-AE1E-D7D5C38D9A64)

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Hyper-V 确实不支持网络映射盘符或 UNC 路径?

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