一、Tank的movement 源码解读


using UnityEngine;public class TankMovement : MonoBehaviour
{public int m_PlayerNumber = 1;              // Used to identify which tank belongs to which player.  This is set by this tank's manager.public float m_Speed = 12f;                 // How fast the tank moves forward and back.public float m_TurnSpeed = 180f;            // How fast the tank turns in degrees per second.public AudioSource m_MovementAudio;         // Reference to the audio source used to play engine sounds. NB: different to the shooting audio source.public AudioClip m_EngineIdling;            // Audio to play when the tank isn't moving.public AudioClip m_EngineDriving;           // Audio to play when the tank is moving.public float m_PitchRange = 0.2f;           // The amount by which the pitch of the engine noises can vary.private string m_MovementAxisName;          // The name of the input axis for moving forward and back.private string m_TurnAxisName;              // The name of the input axis for turning.private Rigidbody m_Rigidbody;              // Reference used to move the tank.private float m_MovementInputValue;         // The current value of the movement input.private float m_TurnInputValue;             // The current value of the turn input.private float m_OriginalPitch;              // The pitch of the audio source at the start of the scene.private void Awake(){m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();  // 一个component是所有挂载在gameobject上的属性的基类,其派生类包括 rigidbody等等,在Unity3dUI界面可以手段add a component,然后在该gameobject的脚本中调用getcomponent将设置好的信息赋给派生类实例}private void OnEnable(){// When the tank is turned on, make sure it's not kinematic.m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = false;  // 迅速变成布娃娃,不受外力影响,完全受控于刚体// Also reset the input values.m_MovementInputValue = 0f;m_TurnInputValue = 0f;}private void OnDisable(){// When the tank is turned off, set it to kinematic so it stops moving.m_Rigidbody.isKinematic = true;}private void Start(){// The axes names are based on player number.m_MovementAxisName = "Vertical" + m_PlayerNumber;m_TurnAxisName = "Horizontal" + m_PlayerNumber;// Store the original pitch of the audio source.m_OriginalPitch = m_MovementAudio.pitch;}private void Update(){// Store the value of both input axes.m_MovementInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_MovementAxisName);m_TurnInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_TurnAxisName);FixedUpdate ();EngineAudio();}private void EngineAudio(){// If there is no input (the tank is stationary)...if (Mathf.Abs(m_MovementInputValue) < 0.1f && Mathf.Abs(m_TurnInputValue) < 0.1f){// ... and if the audio source is currently playing the driving clip...if (m_MovementAudio.clip == m_EngineDriving){// ... change the clip to idling and play it.m_MovementAudio.clip = m_EngineIdling;m_MovementAudio.pitch = Random.Range(m_OriginalPitch - m_PitchRange, m_OriginalPitch + m_PitchRange);m_MovementAudio.Play();}}else{// Otherwise if the tank is moving and if the idling clip is currently playing...if (m_MovementAudio.clip == m_EngineIdling){// ... change the clip to driving and play.m_MovementAudio.clip = m_EngineDriving;m_MovementAudio.pitch = Random.Range(m_OriginalPitch - m_PitchRange, m_OriginalPitch + m_PitchRange);m_MovementAudio.Play();}}}private void FixedUpdate(){// Adjust the rigidbodies position and orientation in FixedUpdate.Move();Turn();}private void Move(){// Create a vector in the direction the tank is facing with a magnitude based on the input, speed and the time between frames.Vector3 movement = transform.forward * m_MovementInputValue * m_Speed * Time.deltaTime;// Apply this movement to the rigidbody's position.m_Rigidbody.MovePosition(m_Rigidbody.position + movement);}private void Turn(){// Determine the number of degrees to be turned based on the input, speed and time between frames.float turn = m_TurnInputValue * m_TurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;// Make this into a rotation in the y axis.Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, turn, 0f);// Apply this rotation to the rigidbody's rotation.m_Rigidbody.MoveRotation(m_Rigidbody.rotation * turnRotation);}


m_MovementAxisName = "Vertical" + m_PlayerNumber;  //1
m_MovementInputValue = Input.GetAxis(m_MovementAxisName);  //2
Vector3 movement = transform.forward * m_MovementInputValue * m_Speed * Time.deltaTime; //3






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