
1.Application fee (non-refundable $87.50)

2.Transcripts (complete, not selected courses)

Unofficial transcripts from all post-secondary education (including community

colleges, summer sessions and extension programs) are required to be uploaded in

the application. Study Abroad experiences that appear on your undergraduate

institution transcript do not need to be listed separately on the application.

You should obtain a copy of your unofficial transcript (obtained from a student

account) as “official” transcripts do not scan well.

These unofficial transcripts must be complete (not select courses), include

grades, be issued in the original language and be accompanied by certified

English translations when applicable. Transfer credit posted on the transcript

from other institutions is not accepted in lieu of transcripts from the

institution attended. You may upload unofficial transcripts before mid-year

grades are posted. Applicants will be able to upload one optional, updated

unofficial transcript from their current institution, if applicable, after

submitting their application.

3.Current letters of recommendation

Three current letters of recommendation from persons qualified to evaluate

your academic and professional qualifications are required. You should solicit

recommendations from individuals who are familiar with your academic achievement

and who can address your potential for success in this particular academic

setting. If you have been out of school for a number of years and are unable to

contact former professors, letters from other individuals who can address your

achievement and potential will be accepted. We advise against using generic

letters of recommendation such as those provided by campus career planning and

placement offices. Please see the information and instructions specific to your

intended program for more information.

The online application will prompt you to submit the names and email

addresses for your three required recommenders.

Email invitations will be sent to recommenders once you select 'Save' in the

online application. You can also update recommender information and send

reminder emails to your recommenders within the online application.

4.Standardized test scores

UNC Graduate School Institution Code: #5816 (no department code)

Official GRE General Test scores (or GMAT, MCAT, etc., if accepted by your

intended program) are required for applicants to all programs except Studio Art,

Dentistry (except Oral Biology and Orthodontics), Dramatic Art, Nursing, and the

School of Information and Library Science's Post-Master's Certificate.

We recommend that you plan to take any required exams no later than October

to allow time for scores to arrive in time for consideration for fall


When you register for any tests, you should indicate the University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School (institution #5816) as a score

recipient. If you did not specify the UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate School as a score

recipient at the time of taking the test, you must promptly ask ETS to send your

scores to us (institution #5816). No departmental code is required.

GMAT scores should be sent to the University of North Carolina at Chapel

Hill: Kenan-Flagler Business School – Other Graduate Programs (code D40-HL-34),

or Kenan-Flagler Business School – PhD Program (code D40-HL-50)

5.Statement of purpose

Your written statement is a critical component of your application for

admission and can sometimes be the determining factor in approval of admittance

or financial support. Therefore, your statement should reflect your professional

goals, as well as familiarity with the program and faculty at UNC-Chapel



All graduate programs require a resume or CV to be uploaded within your

application. Your resume/CV should provide information about your work and

volunteer experiences, research, awards, recognitions and activities pertinent

to your proposed program of study.

7. Financial Certification

International applicants who are offered admission to a graduate program are

required by United States federal regulations to certify that you have

sufficient funds to pay for your expenses at the University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill for the entire length of your studies. Every international applicant

offered admission, including applicants who may receive teaching or research

assistantships or other awards, must complete and upload the International

Student Data Form and Financial Certification Instructions/Worksheet to their

ConnectCarolina Student Center after being offered admission. The Office of

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) will send you information and

instructions for completing and uploading these forms in order to document that

you meet necessary financial requirements. ISSS will then send you the

appropriate documents to use in obtaining or updating your visa once it has been

determined that you have met the necessary financial requirements.

International applicants in need of financial aid may write to the Institute

of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, or

review the IIE website.

The University's Office of Scholarships and Student Aid can only fund

students who are U.S. citizens, nationals, permanent residents with I-151 or

I-551 Alien Registration Receipt Cards, permanent residents of the Northern

Mariana Islands and the Trust Territory or the Pacific Islands, and other

non-citizens who have Arrival-Departure Records (I-94) showing "refugee" or

"adjustment applicant" or official grant of asylum in the United States.

Students who meet these requirements should apply for financial assistance

before March 1.


April 10, 2018


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