swift airdrop

AirDrop is a very useful way to transfer local files between iOS devices, but if you have it improperly configured, it’s a bit of a privacy risk. Let’s configure it properly so you don’t end up with strange photos from strange people—even if you don’t use AirDrop, it’s easy to misconfigure it, so follow along anyway to ensure you’ve got the optimum settings.

AirDrop是在iOS设备之间传输本地文件的一种非常有用的方法,但是如果配置不当,则存在一定的隐私风险。 让我们对其进行正确配置,以免最终得到陌生人的陌生照片-即使您不使用AirDrop,也很容易错误配置它,因此请务必遵循以确保获得最佳设置。

The premise of AirDrop is simple: it’s a macOS and iOS feature that uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to allow you to transfer files between your device and a friend’s device as long as you are in close proximity to each other. It’s incredibly useful for things like transferring some photos or media files to a friend. But if you don’t have it configured properly, it’s not only a minor privacy risk but opens you up to getting file transfer requests from people you don’t know (and with content you might not want to see).

AirDrop的前提很简单:这是macOS和iOS功能,使用蓝牙和Wi-Fi使您可以在彼此之间很近的设备和朋友的设备之间传输文件 。 对于将一些照片或媒体文件传输给朋友等事情,它非常有用。 但是,如果您没有对其进行正确的配置,那么这不仅会带来很小的隐私风险,而且还会使您面临来自不认识的人(以及您可能不希望看到的内容)的文件传输请求的麻烦。

What that can sometimes be hilarious—in 2014 Josh Lowenshon made headlines with his silly antics of sending pictures of sloths to people around L.A.—is a little less hilarious if you’re, say, a business woman at an airport lounge and the sole other lounge occupant now knows your name and the photo that goes with it (courtesy of the AirDrop broadcast) and is sending you unsolicited pictures.

有时候可能很有趣的事情-2014年,乔希·洛文森(Josh Lowenshon) 愚蠢的滑稽动作成为头条新闻, 该照片将懒惰的图片发送给洛杉矶周围的人 -如果您是在机场候机室的女商人,而另一个是唯一的女商人,那么这种事情就不会那么有趣了。休息室的乘客现在知道您的名字和附带的照片(由AirDrop广播提供),并向您发送未经请求的照片。

You can the name and photo of all nearby AirDrop recipients by initiating an AirDrop send.

With that in mind, let’s take a quick peak at how you can check your AirDrop settings so they match how you want to use AirDrop (which for the majority of people is not at all). To do so grab your iOS device and, from the home screen, swipe up to open the Control Center.

考虑到这一点,让我们快速了解如何检查AirDrop设置,使其与您要使用AirDrop的方式相匹配(对于大多数人而言,这根本就不是)。 为此,请抓住您的iOS设备,然后从主屏幕向上滑动以打开控制中心。

In the Control Center, you can immediately view the status of AirDrop in the mid-panel entry labeled “AirDrop:”

在控制中心中,您可以立即在标有“ AirDrop:”的面板中间条目中查看AirDrop的状态。

Tap on the entry and you’ll see the AirDrop access level menu.


You can select from three options.


  • Receiving Off: AirDrop functionality totally disabled; you can’t even use AirDrop even between your own devices.

    接收关闭 :AirDrop功能完全禁用; 您甚至无法在自己的设备之间使用AirDrop。

  • Contacts Only: Only people in your iOS device Contacts List can see your AirDrop availability and send you files (which you will have to accept or decline); you can send AirDrop files between your own devices (that share the same Apple ID) with automatic acceptance.

    仅联系人 :仅iOS设备“联系人列表”中的人可以看到您的AirDrop可用性并向您发送文件(您必须接受或拒绝); 您可以自动接受在自己的设备(共享相同的Apple ID)之间发送AirDrop文件。

  • Everyone: Anyone with an AirDrop-capable device within ~30 feet from you will see the name and profile photo of your Apple ID.

    每个人 :距离您约30英尺范围内具有支持AirDrop的设备的任何人,都会看到Apple ID的名称和个人资料照片。

If you don’t use AirDrop at all (or infrequently at events like family get togethers), turn it off. Not only will you never worry about any privacy issues, but you’ll also save a smidgen of battery life because your phone won’t be polling for AirDrop friends all the time. If you use it routinely, set it to Contacts Only—if you don’t know somebody well enough to have their contact info they probably shouldn’t be sending you files. Or, if the only reason you clicked on this article was to get some of that sweet unsolicited sloth action, by all means, set it to “Everyone” and live on the edge.

如果您根本不使用AirDrop(或在家庭聚会等活动中很少使用),请将其关闭。 您不仅不会担心任何隐私问题,而且还会节省电池时间,因为您的手机不会一直在轮询AirDrop朋友。 如果您按常规使用它,请将其设置为“仅联系人”-如果您对某人的了解不深,无法获得他们的联系信息,则他们可能不应该向您发送文件。 或者,如果您单击本文的唯一原因是采取了一些自发的甜蜜懒惰措施,则一定要将其设置为“所有人”并处于边缘地位。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/301313/how-to-turn-off-airdrop-in-ios-so-you-dont-get-unsolicited-photos/

swift airdrop

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