

Keyword Description
and logical AND operator. Return True if both statements are True.

= (5 3 and 5 10)

print(x)    # True

or logical OR operator. Returns True if either of two statements is true. If both statements are false, the returns False.

= (5 3 or 5 10)

print(x)    # True

as It is used to create an alias.

import calendar as c

print(c.month_name[1])  #January

assert It can be used for debugging the code. It tests a condition and returns True , if not, the program will raise an AssertionError.

= "hello"

assert == "goodbye""x should be 'hello'"  # AssertionError

async It is used to declare a function as a coroutine, much like what the @asyncio.coroutine decorator does.

async def ping_server(ip):

await It is used to call async coroutine.

async def ping_local():

    return await ping_server('')

class It is used to create a class.

class User:

  name = "John"

  age = 36

def It is used to create or define a function.

def my_function():

  print("Hello world !!")


del It is used to delete objects. In Python everything is an object, so the del keyword can also be used to delete variables, lists, or parts of a list, etc.

= "hello"

del x

if It is used to create conditional statements that allows us to execute a block of code only if a condition is True.

= 5

if x > 3:

  print("it is true")

elif It is used in conditional statements and is short for else if.

= 5

if i > 0:


elif == 0:




else It decides what to do if the condition is False in if..else statement.

= 5

if i > 0:




It can also be use in try...except blocks.

= 5


    x > 10


    print("Something went wrong")


    print("Normally execute the code")

try It defines a block of code ot test if it contains any errors.
except It defines a block of code to run if the try block raises an error.


    x > 3


    print("Something went wrong")

finally It defines a code block which will be executed no matter if the try block raises an error or not.


    x > 3


    print("Something went wrong")


     print("I will always get executed")

raise It is used to raise an exception, manually.

= "hello"

if not type(x) is int:

    raise TypeError("Only integers are allowed")

False It is a Boolean value and same as 0.
True It is a Boolean value and same as 1.
for It is used to create a for loop. A for loop can be used to iterate through a sequence, like a list, tuple, etc.

for in range(19):


while It is used to create a while loop. The loop continues until the conditional statement is false.

= 0

while x < 9:


    = + 1

break It is used to break out a for loop, or a while loop.

= 1

while i < 9:


    if == 3:


    += 1

continue It is used to end the current iteration in a for loop (or a while loop), and continues to the next iteration.

for in range(9):

    if == 3:



import It is used to import modules.

import datetime

from It is used to import only a specified section from a module.

from datetime import time

global It is used to create global variables from a no-global scope, e.g. inside a function.

def myfunction():

    global x

    = "hello"

in 1. It is used to check if a value is present in a sequence (list, range, string etc.).
2. It is also used to iterate through a sequence in a for loop.

fruits = ["apple""banana""cherry"]

if "banana" in fruits:


for in fruits:


is It is used to test if two variables refer to the same object.

= ["apple""banana""cherry"]

= ["apple""banana""cherry"]

= a

print(a is b)   # False

print(a is c)   # True

lambda It is used to create small anonymous functions. They can take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression.

= lambda a, b, c : a + + c


None It is used to define a null value, or no value at all. None is not the same as 0, False, or an empty string.
None is a datatype of its own (NoneType) and only None can be None.

= None

if x:

  print("Do you think None is True")


  print("None is not True...")      # Prints this statement

nonlocal It is used to declare that a variable is not local. It is used to work with variables inside nested functions, where the variable should not belong to the inner function.

def myfunc1():

    = "John"

    def myfunc2():

        nonlocal x

        = "hello"


    return x


not It is a logical operator and reverses the value of True or False.

= False

print(not x)    # True

pass It is used as a placeholder for future code. When the pass statement is executed, nothing happens, but you avoid getting an error when an empty code is not allowed.

Empty code is not allowed in loops, function definitions, class definitions, or in if statements.

for in [012]:


return It is to exit a function and return a value.

def myfunction():

            return 3+3

with Used to simplify exception handling
yield To end a function, returns a generator



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