smart 200密码忘记

Google’s Smart Lock for Passwords makes it easy to sync the passwords you have saved in Chrome over to your Android device. Not only will it sync the passwords with Chrome on your phone, but also to supported apps—so you don’t have to remember your password for apps like Netflix or LinkedIn. The thing is, you may not want to auto-login to specific apps. Or any app at all, for that matter.

Google的密码智能锁可轻松将您在Chrome中保存的密码同步到Android设备。 它不仅可以将密码与手机上的Chrome同步,还可以与受支持的应用同步。因此,您不必记住Netflix或LinkedIn等应用的密码。 事实是,您可能不想自动登录特定的应用程序。 还是所有应用都可以。

If you aren’t keen on certain apps syncing with Smart Lock for Passwords, here’s how to disable it for certain apps (or altogether).

如果您不希望与Smart Lock for Passwords同步的某些应用程序,请按以下方法为某些应用程序(或完全禁用)禁用它。

First, we need to get into Google settings on your phone. Pull down the notification shade and tap the cog icon, then scroll down until you see the “Google” entry. It’s worth noting that this may be in a different location on some phones, like the Samsung Galaxy S7, for example.

首先,我们需要进入您手机上的Google设置。 下拉通知栏并点击齿轮图标,然后向下滚动直到看到“ Google”条目。 值得注意的是,这可能在某些手机( 例如三星Galaxy S7)上的不同位置。

The first option under the “Services” heading should be Smart Lock for Passwords. Give that a tap.

“服务”标题下的第一个选项应该是“密码智能锁定”。 轻按一下。

This menu is pretty simple. If you’d like to disable Smart Lock for Passwords completely, just hit the first toggle. Similarly, if you’d prefer to confirm the sign-in process instead of having Smart Lock for Passwords do it automatically, simply disable the Auto Sign-In option. It’s worth noting that these two settings don’t just apply to your phone—these are universal settings tied to your Google Account. So if you disable Smart Lock for Passwords or Auto Sign-In here, it will do so across every device attached to your account.

这个菜单很简单。 如果您想完全禁用密码的Smart Lock,只需点击第一个开关即可。 同样,如果您希望确认登录过程而不是让Smart Lock for Passwords自动执行,只需禁用“自动登录”选项即可。 值得注意的是,这两个设置不仅适用于您的手机-这些是与您的Google帐户绑定的通用设置。 因此,如果您在此处禁用“密码或自动登录”的Smart Lock,它将在连接到您帐户的每个设备上禁用。

The main feature we want to talk about is at the bottom: the “Never Save” entry. This is a nifty tool that allows you to essentially blacklist apps from Smart Lock for Passwords—this means they won’t save passwords, nor will they have access to saved passwords. And unlike the first two options in this menu, these apply only to the device you’re currently using.

我们要讨论的主要功能位于底部:“永不保存”条目。 这是一个漂亮的工具,可让您从Smart Lock中将应用程序列入密码黑名单-这意味着它们将不会保存密码,也无法访问已保存的密码。 而且与该菜单中的前两个选项不同,它们仅适用于您当前使用的设备。

To blacklist an app, tap the “Add app not to be saved” button. This will load a list of all your installed applications—just find the one you’d like to block, then tap it. You’ll have to repeat this process for each app, unfortunately.

要将应用列入黑名单,请点击“添加不保存的应用”按钮。 这将加载所有已安装应用程序的列表-只需找到要阻止的应用程序,然后点按即可。 不幸的是,您必须为每个应用重复此过程。

And that’s pretty much that. If you change your mind, you can remove the app from the blacklist by tapping it again. A dialog box will pop up to confirm—just tap “OK.”

差不多了。 如果您改变主意,则可以通过再次点击将其从黑名单中删除。 将会弹出一个对话框进行确认,只需点击“确定”即可。

Smart Lock for Passwords is a brilliant tool for anyone with multiple logins (read: everyone), and I definitely recommend using it. Its usefulness becomes even more apparent if you’re an Android user, as the option to have supported apps automatically login without having to input your credentials is brilliant.

Smart Lock for Passwords是具有多个登录名的任何人(阅读:所有人)的绝妙工具,我绝对建议使用它。 如果您是Android用户,它的用处就更加明显,因为无需输入凭据即可自动支持受支持的应用程序的选项非常出色。


smart 200密码忘记

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