
There are few things sadder than the software that ships with your car's in dash computer. it's 2012 and we have hybrids that can regenerate power from inertia but the car manufacturers haven't figured out that we just want the in-dash car screen to be powered by our smartphone. Sure, there's a few products in the space like the hobbyist-grade "Mimics" from MP3Car and some weird hybrids like AppRadio from Pioneer but they are all aftermarket and a little Frankenstein's Monster.

没有什么比仪表板计算机附带的软件更令人难过的了。 现在是2012年,我们拥有能够从惯性中再生动力的混合动力汽车,但汽车制造商并没有意识到我们只是希望仪表板屏幕由我们的智能手机提供动力。 当然,该领域中有一些产品,例如MP3Car的业余爱好者级别的“ Mimics”,以及先锋公司的AppRadio等怪异的混合动力车,但它们都是售后市场和弗兰肯斯坦的怪兽。

The Toyota Prius V that we just bought comes with a system called Entune. This is a little computer in the dash itself that includes Applications (yes, applications) like Bing Search, Pandora, Traffic and others. I've got a dual-core internet connected super-computer in my pocket and you can get one yourself for $99 at AT&T but my new car includes an underpowered, low-resolution, low-memory tiny computer of its own. It would have made far too much sense for them to spend the money on an awesome 6" or 7" screen that mirrored the phone.

我们刚刚购买的Toyota Prius V带有一个名为Entune的系统。 这是一台仪表板本身的小型计算机,其中包括Bing Search,Pandora,Traffic等应用程序(是的,应用程序)。 我的口袋里有一个双核互联网连接超级计算机,您可以以99美元的价格在AT&T买到一个,但我的新车包括一个动力不足,分辨率低,内存少的微型计算机。 对于他们来说,将钱花在与手机类似的6英寸或7英寸超赞屏幕上实在是太有意义了。

Think about this. My car has Pandora. Yay, right?

考虑一下。 我的车上有潘朵拉。 是的,对吗?

To use Pandora on my new car I have to:


  • Register for an Entune account at http://myentune.com - This is a required step.


  • Link my existing Pandora account with my Entune account. Note that this can't be done on your phone. Gotta use a PC. Didn't work on the iPad either. 将我现有的Pandora帐户与我的Entune帐户关联。 请注意,这无法在您的手机上完成。 必须使用PC。 在iPad上也不起作用。
  • Pair my phone with my car using Bluetooth. 使用蓝牙将手机与汽车配对。
  • Have a phone that supports Tethering via Bluetooth 拥有支持通过蓝牙网络共享的电话
  • Pay for a tethering account from my phone provider (Personal Hotspot from AT&T, for example) 从我的电话提供商处支付网络共享帐户费用(例如,AT&T的“个人热点”)
  • Perform a second pairing to authorize the car to use my phone for Internet 进行第二次配对以授权汽车使用我的手机上网
  • Enter my Entune password into my car using their touch screen. It then uses my phone to talk to Entune (I hope it's using SSL!) 使用他们的触摸屏在我的汽车中输入我的Entune密码。 然后,它使用我的手机与Entune通话(我希望它正在使用SSL!)
  • Run Pandora on my car which uses Bluetooth to my phone over tethering which uses 3G/4G to talk to the internet. 在我的汽车上运行Pandora,该汽车使用蓝牙连接到我的手机,而网络连接使用3G / 4G与互联网通话。
  • Send a check to Rube Goldberg to pay for royalties given this is a complete rip-off of his best contraptions.


Seriously friends, drink that in for a moment. My car has a crappy computer that runs a version of Pandora that talks to my phone to use its internet to get music from Pandora.

认真的朋友,请稍等一下。 我的汽车上有一台运行潘多拉(Pandora)版本的糟糕电脑,该潘多拉与我的手机通话以使用其互联网从潘多拉(Pandora)获取音乐。

Here's a thought. Why don't I just run Pandora on my phone?

这是一个想法。 为什么我不只在手机上运行Pandora?

Do you think that my car will ever get a new version of Pandora? Do I need to get on the app update treadmill with my car's appstore?

您是否认为我的车会获得新版本的Pandora? 我需要在汽车的Appstore上运行App Update跑步机吗?

Well, let's see. The Entune FAQ says that I should "check back often for updates."

好吧,走着瞧。 Entune常见问题解答说,我应该“经常检查更新”。

Anytme a website says "check back often for updates" you're GUARANTEED it's a dead website and a dead product.

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)


— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) April 10, 2012 2012年4月10日

Check back often for updates? Ok, so the answer is NO. This Pandora application will never be updated, ever. I have a pale shadow of a tablet PC in my new car that requires tethering from my super-powered and often updated internet connected phone with a thriving app store. It would have made far too much sense to use the phone as the heart of this system.

经常检查更新吗? 好,答案是否定的。 此Pandora应用程序将永远不会更新。 我的新车上有平板电脑的淡淡阴影,需要借助功能强大且经常更新的互联网连接电话与蓬勃发展的应用程序商店进行捆绑。 将手机用作该系统的核心将太有意义了。

In ten years my car will still be running. AOL was hot 10 years ago. Will Pandora even exist in 10 years?

十年后,我的车仍将运转。 美国在线10年前很火。 潘多拉(Pandora)甚至会在十年后存在吗?

Will Toyota put out a user-serviceable update to my car's system to remove the Pandora icon or will it remain on my dash for eternity, a lonely symbol of a dead company reminding me each ignition of a bubble long past?


The phone connectivity ecosystem is so messy right now that there are actually wizards to walk you through the complexities. Toyota's Connect site will show you which of the 150 features their in-dash Entune system will support given your phone and car and phone carrier. We're doing Cartesian products here to find out if I can listen to streaming audio?

电话连接生态系统现在是如此混乱,以至于实际上有向导可以引导您解决复杂性。 丰田的Connect网站将向您显示150种功能中的仪表板Entune系统将在给您的电话以及汽车和电话运营商的情况下提供支持。 我们在这里做笛卡尔积,以了解我是否可以收听流音频?

Here's the final irony. I have the latest and greatest and fanciest fruit-based smartphone with the latest hardware and software. It doesn't support 30% of the things my car does. In fact, no phone does. I was thrilled to see that the car supports text messaging, a sync'ed calendar and more (when stopped.) Does my phone support that? No. A Blackberry does though. And I'm sure they'll be around in the future.

这是最后的讽刺意味。 我拥有最新,最出色,最出色的水果型智能手机,并配备了最新的硬件和软件。 它无法支持我的汽车完成的30%的工作。 实际上,没有电话可以使用。 我很高兴看到汽车支持短信,同步日历等功能(停止时)。我的手机支持吗? 不。黑莓可以。 而且我敢肯定,他们会在未来出现。

May I just point out, as a final hilarious indignity that this system has won awards?


I know this is ranty and if you worked on this system and show up in the comments, forgive me. I'm not trying to pick on the trench developers of these things but rather the architects/designers/planners. I wish they'd show some foresight and create future-proofed systems that use and embrace open specs and protocols. VNC anyone? The fact that I can place calls and stream Bluetooth audio in this car is great. But it'd be nice if with all this dancing back and forth and tethering and pairing that the maps and navigation would just use Google or Bing maps for always updated high-res, high quality maps. Do they? Nope, that would make too much sense.

我知道这是保证,如果您使用此系统并出现在评论中,请原谅。 我不是在挑剔这些东西的开发商,而是建筑师/设计师/规划师。 我希望他们能显示一些远见,并创建使用和包含开放规范和协议的,面向未来的系统。 VNC有人吗? 我可以在这辆车上拨打电话并播放蓝牙音频,这一点很棒。 但是,如果在所有这些来回跳舞,绑定和配对的过程中,地图和导航仅将Google或Bing地图用于始终更新的高分辨率,高质量地图,那就太好了。 有吗不,那太有意义了。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/my-car-ships-with-crapware



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