

‘alala'. Potential prefix-suffix strings of S are {'a', 'ala', 'alala'}




next[l] 就表示最大后缀满足与前缀相同的最大字串

然后  在对获得的字串进行同样的求解  最终得到结果


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <cstdio>
 3 #include <cstring>
 4 using namespace std;
 6 const int maxn = 400005;
 8 int next[maxn];
 9 int ans[maxn];
11 void get(char *s) {
12     int l = strlen(s);
13     int j = 0, k = -1;
14     next[0] = -1;
15     while(j < l) {
16         if(k == -1 || s[j] == s[k]) {
17             next[++j] = ++k;
18         } else {
19             k = next[k];
20         }
21     }
22 }
23 char s[maxn];
25 int main() {
26     while(EOF != scanf("%s",s)) {
27         get(s);
28         int tot = 0;
29         int k = strlen(s);
30         while(k) {
31             ans[tot++] = k;
32             k = next[k];
33         }
34         for(int i = tot - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
35             printf(i == tot - 1 ? "%d" : " %d", ans[i]);
36         } puts("");
37     }
38 }

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