
by freeCodeCamp


接近代码,接近爸爸 (Closer to Code, Closer to Dad)

I never actually thought I could understand code. To me, code was some complicated language that people learned through years of trial and error.Even though it turns out that’s largely true, I have no regrets about starting my long journey toward mastering code. Already, this journey has already begun to change my life.

我从未真正想到我能理解代码。 对我来说,代码是人们经过多年的反复试验而学习的一种复杂的语言,即使事实证明这基本上是正确的,但我对开始漫长的掌握代码的过程并不感到遗憾。 这段旅程已经开始改变我的生活。

I’m a photography enthusiast and coder-in-progress. It started one evening about a month ago. I was trying to push through some algebra homework. My dad texted me about this new coding community he’d discovered. At first, I thought my dad had gone crazy. He wanted his daughter who had barely been able to pass math class since the fifth grade to try to learn to code. It seriously did not make any sense. It wasn’t until I created my account on Free Code Camp and started working on the first few challenges that I realized how cool coding really was.

我是摄影爱好者和编程人员。 它大约在一个月前的一个晚上开始。 我试图完成一些代数作业。 父亲给我发了短信,介绍了他发现的这个新的编码社区。 起初,我以为我父亲疯了。 他希望他的女儿从五年级开始几乎没能通过数学课,以尝试学习编码。 严重的没有任何意义。 直到我在Free Code Camp上创建我的帐户并开始应对最初的几个挑战时,我才意识到真正的编码是多么的酷。

Numbers and letters petrify me. Add in some symbols and you have mass hysteria. But the scary part about starting to code was that I actually seemed to understand some of it.It was a feeling that words really can’t describe. Free Code Camp’s interface was fun and user friendly, and it looked like a program I could actually handle. I mean, my dad had already zipped through and finished his 100 hours within three weeks, so you know it has to be cool.Not only has learning to code helped me get over my fear of numbers (math just scares us all sometimes), but it’s helped me start to learn and understand high school math better. I’m proud to say that I’ve pulled up my math grades since I started coding, and my thinking process has changed tremendously. This change has been so drastic that my math teacher constantly asks me if I’ve written answers down somewhere on my hand. That’s probably the greatest feeling in the world.

数字和字母使我惊讶。 添加一些符号,您就会有歇斯底里。 但是开始编写代码的最可怕的部分是我实际上似乎理解了其中的一部分,这是一种用语言无法描述的感觉。 Free Code Camp的界面很有趣,而且用户友好,它看起来像我可以处理的程序。 我的意思是,我的父亲已经在三个星期内完成了100个小时的学习,所以你必须知道这很酷。学习编码不仅帮助我摆脱了对数字的恐惧(有时这会吓到我们所有人),但这有助于我更好地学习和理解高中数学。 我很自豪地说,自从我开始编码以来,我已经提高了数学成绩,并且我的思维过程发生了巨大变化。 这种变化是如此剧烈,以至于我的数学老师不断问我是否已经将答案写下来了。 那可能是世界上最大的感觉。

My Free Code Camp Portfolio page.


Coding has also gotten me so much closer to my father. In the past year, our family has gone through some tough obstacles, and it really has not been easy. Since I started to code, my relationship with my dad has gone to new heights. We send texts to each other daily with words of encouragement or just a simple, ‘I love you’. We also share the ‘lightbulb’ moments we reach together by working on code. It truly is the best thing that has happened to us in a very long time. Coding has given me my dad back, and I am so grateful for that.

编码也使我离父亲很近。 在过去的一年中,我们的家庭遇到了一些艰难的障碍,这确实并不容易。 自从我开始编码以来,我与父亲的关系达到了新的高度。 我们每天都会用鼓励的话或只是简单的“我爱你”来互相发送短信。 我们还将分享通过编写代码共同达到的“灯泡”时刻。 这确实是很长一段时间以来发生在我们身上的最好的事情。 编码让我的父亲回来了,对此我感到非常感谢。

Free Code Camp, in the eyes of a teenager, is a community where anyone and everyone can belong. At first, it shocked me to see how everyone in the forums was ready to jump in and help if I had a question or encountered a bug. You really become thankful for the people you meet and the friends you make on your coding journey.

在青少年看来,免费代码营是一个每个人都可以归属的社区。 起初,我很震惊地看到论坛中的每个人都准备好在遇到问题或遇到错误时就可以加入并提供帮助。 您真的很感谢遇到的人和在编码过程中结识的朋友。

Thank you Free Code Camp for not only helping me to do better in school and get closer to my dad, but also for introducing me to the world of coding. Conquering these 100 hours is going to go by so fast, thanks to you. I can’t wait to start working on the nonprofit projects!

感谢Free Code Camp,它不仅帮助我在学校里做得更好,并且与父亲越来越近,而且还向我介绍了编码世界。 多亏了您,征服这100个小时很快就会过去。 我等不及要开始从事非营利性项目了!

廷德尔住在南卡罗来纳州的佛罗伦萨。 你应该检查出她的摄影,并按照她的Twitter 这里 。 (Tindall lives in Florence, South Carolina. You should check out her photography and follow her on Twitter here.)

Originally published at blog.freecodecamp.com on February 9, 2015.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/closer-to-code-closer-to-dad-2fdd68dba444/



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