


  • 给定一个二次多项式模型,然后成图
  1. x = 0.1 : 0.1 : 5;
  2. y = 0.1 : 0.1 : 5;
  3. [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
  4. Z = X.^2 + Y.^2 + X.*Y + X + Y + 1;
  5. surf(x, y, Z);
  6. colormap hot
  7. shading interp

  • 添加噪声,随机选择 100 个点用于拟合
  1. rng('default');
  2. Zn = awgn(Z, 30, 'measured');
  3. xfit = randi(50, 100, 1) / 10;
  4. yfit = randi(50, 100, 1) / 10;
  5. zfit = zeros(100, 1);
  6. for i = 1 : 100
  7. zfit(i) = Zn(xfit(i) * 10, yfit(i) * 10);
  8. end
  9. surf(x, y, Zfit);
  10. colormap hot
  11. shading interp
  12. scatter3(xfit, yfit, zfit, 50, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 0 0]);

  • 用lsqcurvefit函数拟合:拟合结果精度高
  1. func = @(var,x) var(1)*x(:,1).^2 + var(2)*x(:,2).^2 + var(3)*x(:,1).*x(:,2) + var(4)*x(:,1) + var(5)*x(:,2) + var(6);
  2. a = lsqcurvefit(func,ones(1, 6),[xfit, yfit],zfit);
  3. Zfit = a(1) * X.^2 + a(2) * Y.^2 + a(3) * X.*Y + a(4) * X + a(5) * Y + a(6);
  4. ya = func(a,[xfit, yfit]);
  5. surf(x, y, Zfit);
  6. colormap hot
  7. shading interp
  8. hold on
  9. surf(x, y, Zfit);
  10. shading interp
  11. scatter3(xfit, yfit, ya, 50, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 0 1]);
  12. hold off

  • 完整程序
  1. clear;clc;
  2. x = 0.1 : 0.1 : 5;
  3. y = 0.1 : 0.1 : 5;
  4. [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
  5. Z = X.^2 + Y.^2 + X.*Y + X + Y + 1;
  6. rng('default');
  7. Zn = awgn(Z, 30, 'measured');
  8. xfit = randi(50, 100, 1) / 10;
  9. yfit = randi(50, 100, 1) / 10;
  10. zfit = zeros(100, 1);
  11. for i = 1 : 100
  12. zfit(i) = Zn(xfit(i) * 10, yfit(i) * 10);
  13. end
  14. func = @(var,x) var(1)*x(:,1).^2 + var(2)*x(:,2).^2 + var(3)*x(:,1).*x(:,2) + var(4)*x(:,1) + var(5)*x(:,2) + var(6);
  15. a = lsqcurvefit(func,ones(1, 6),[xfit, yfit],zfit);
  16. Zfit = a(1) * X.^2 + a(2) * Y.^2 + a(3) * X.*Y + a(4) * X + a(5) * Y + a(6);
  17. ya = func(a,[xfit, yfit]);
  18. surf(x, y, Zn);
  19. shading interp
  20. freezeColors
  21. hold on
  22. surf(x, y, Zfit);
  23. colormap hot
  24. shading interp
  25. scatter3(xfit, yfit, zfit, 50, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 0 0]);
  26. scatter3(xfit, yfit, ya, 50, 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 0 1]);
  27. surf(x, y, Z - Zfit);
  28. shading interp
  29. hold off
  30. legend('Model','Fits','Fit','fit','Error');

  • 使用cftool工具拟合

  • 附录:freezeColors函数可从https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7943-freezecolors-unfreezecolors下载
  1. function freezeColors(varargin)
  2. % freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)
  3. %
  4. % Problem: There is only one colormap per figure. This function provides
  5. % an easy solution when plots using different colomaps are desired
  6. % in the same figure.
  7. %
  8. % freezeColors freezes the colors of graphics objects in the current axis so
  9. % that subsequent changes to the colormap (or caxis) will not change the
  10. % colors of these objects. freezeColors works on any graphics object
  11. % with CData in indexed-color mode: surfaces, images, scattergroups,
  12. % bargroups, patches, etc. It works by converting CData to true-color rgb
  13. % based on the colormap active at the time freezeColors is called.
  14. %
  15. % The original indexed color data is saved, and can be restored using
  16. % unfreezeColors, making the plot once again subject to the colormap and
  17. % caxis.
  18. %
  19. %
  20. % Usage:
  21. % freezeColors applies to all objects in current axis (gca),
  22. % freezeColors(axh) same, but works on axis axh.
  23. %
  24. % Example:
  25. % subplot(2,1,1); imagesc(X); colormap hot; freezeColors
  26. % subplot(2,1,2); imagesc(Y); colormap hsv; freezeColors etc...
  27. %
  28. % Note: colorbars must also be frozen. Due to Matlab 'improvements' this can
  29. % no longer be done with freezeColors. Instead, please
  30. % use the function CBFREEZE by Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera
  31. % that can be downloaded from the MATLAB File Exchange
  32. % (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24371)
  33. %
  34. % h=colorbar; cbfreeze(h), or simply cbfreeze(colorbar)
  35. %
  36. % For additional examples, see test/test_main.m
  37. %
  38. % Side effect on render mode: freezeColors does not work with the painters
  39. % renderer, because Matlab doesn't support rgb color data in
  40. % painters mode. If the current renderer is painters, freezeColors
  41. % changes it to zbuffer. This may have unexpected effects on other aspects
  42. % of your plots.
  43. %
  44. % See also unfreezeColors, freezeColors_pub.html, cbfreeze.
  45. %
  46. %
  47. % John Iversen (iversen@nsi.edu) 3/23/05
  48. %
  49. % Changes:
  50. % JRI (iversen@nsi.edu) 4/19/06 Correctly handles scaled integer cdata
  51. % JRI 9/1/06 should now handle all objects with cdata: images, surfaces,
  52. % scatterplots. (v 2.1)
  53. % JRI 11/11/06 Preserves NaN colors. Hidden option (v 2.2, not uploaded)
  54. % JRI 3/17/07 Preserve caxis after freezing--maintains colorbar scale (v 2.3)
  55. % JRI 4/12/07 Check for painters mode as Matlab doesn't support rgb in it.
  56. % JRI 4/9/08 Fix preserving caxis for objects within hggroups (e.g. contourf)
  57. % JRI 4/7/10 Change documentation for colorbars
  58. % Hidden option for NaN colors:
  59. % Missing data are often represented by NaN in the indexed color
  60. % data, which renders transparently. This transparency will be preserved
  61. % when freezing colors. If instead you wish such gaps to be filled with
  62. % a real color, add 'nancolor',[r g b] to the end of the arguments. E.g.
  63. % freezeColors('nancolor',[r g b]) or freezeColors(axh,'nancolor',[r g b]),
  64. % where [r g b] is a color vector. This works on images & pcolor, but not on
  65. % surfaces.
  66. % Thanks to Fabiano Busdraghi and Jody Klymak for the suggestions. Bugfixes
  67. % attributed in the code.
  68. % Free for all uses, but please retain the following:
  69. % Original Author:
  70. % John Iversen, 2005-10
  71. % john_iversen@post.harvard.edu
  72. appdatacode = 'JRI__freezeColorsData';
  73. [h, nancolor] = checkArgs(varargin);
  74. %gather all children with scaled or indexed CData
  75. cdatah = getCDataHandles(h);
  76. %current colormap
  77. cmap = colormap;
  78. nColors = size(cmap,1);
  79. cax = caxis;
  80. % convert object color indexes into colormap to true-color data using
  81. % current colormap
  82. for hh = cdatah',
  83. g = get(hh);
  84. %preserve parent axis clim
  85. parentAx = getParentAxes(hh);
  86. originalClim = get(parentAx, 'clim');
  87. % Note: Special handling of patches: For some reason, setting
  88. % cdata on patches created by bar() yields an error,
  89. % so instead we'll set facevertexcdata instead for patches.
  90. if ~strcmp(g.Type,'patch'),
  91. cdata = g.CData;
  92. else
  93. cdata = g.FaceVertexCData;
  94. end
  95. %get cdata mapping (most objects (except scattergroup) have it)
  96. if isfield(g,'CDataMapping'),
  97. scalemode = g.CDataMapping;
  98. else
  99. scalemode = 'scaled';
  100. end
  101. %save original indexed data for use with unfreezeColors
  102. siz = size(cdata);
  103. setappdata(hh, appdatacode, {cdata scalemode});
  104. %convert cdata to indexes into colormap
  105. if strcmp(scalemode,'scaled'),
  106. %4/19/06 JRI, Accommodate scaled display of integer cdata:
  107. % in MATLAB, uint * double = uint, so must coerce cdata to double
  108. % Thanks to O Yamashita for pointing this need out
  109. idx = ceil( (double(cdata) - cax(1)) / (cax(2)-cax(1)) * nColors);
  110. else %direct mapping
  111. idx = cdata;
  112. %10/8/09 in case direct data is non-int (e.g. image;freezeColors)
  113. % (Floor mimics how matlab converts data into colormap index.)
  114. % Thanks to D Armyr for the catch
  115. idx = floor(idx);
  116. end
  117. %clamp to [1, nColors]
  118. idx(idx<1) = 1;
  119. idx(idx>nColors) = nColors;
  120. %handle nans in idx
  121. nanmask = isnan(idx);
  122. idx(nanmask)=1; %temporarily replace w/ a valid colormap index
  123. %make true-color data--using current colormap
  124. realcolor = zeros(siz);
  125. for i = 1:3,
  126. c = cmap(idx,i);
  127. c = reshape(c,siz);
  128. c(nanmask) = nancolor(i); %restore Nan (or nancolor if specified)
  129. realcolor(:,:,i) = c;
  130. end
  131. %apply new true-color color data
  132. %true-color is not supported in painters renderer, so switch out of that
  133. if strcmp(get(gcf,'renderer'), 'painters'),
  134. set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffer');
  135. end
  136. %replace original CData with true-color data
  137. if ~strcmp(g.Type,'patch'),
  138. set(hh,'CData',realcolor);
  139. else
  140. set(hh,'faceVertexCData',permute(realcolor,[1 3 2]))
  141. end
  142. %restore clim (so colorbar will show correct limits)
  143. if ~isempty(parentAx),
  144. set(parentAx,'clim',originalClim)
  145. end
  146. end %loop on indexed-color objects
  147. % ============================================================================ %
  148. % Local functions
  149. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  150. %% getCDataHandles -- get handles of all descendents with indexed CData
  151. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  152. function hout = getCDataHandles(h)
  153. % getCDataHandles Find all objects with indexed CData
  154. %recursively descend object tree, finding objects with indexed CData
  155. % An exception: don't include children of objects that themselves have CData:
  156. % for example, scattergroups are non-standard hggroups, with CData. Changing
  157. % such a group's CData automatically changes the CData of its children,
  158. % (as well as the children's handles), so there's no need to act on them.
  159. error(nargchk(1,1,nargin,'struct'))
  160. hout = [];
  161. if isempty(h),return;end
  162. ch = get(h,'children');
  163. for hh = ch'
  164. g = get(hh);
  165. if isfield(g,'CData'), %does object have CData?
  166. %is it indexed/scaled?
  167. if ~isempty(g.CData) && isnumeric(g.CData) && size(g.CData,3)==1,
  168. hout = [hout; hh]; %#ok<AGROW> %yes, add to list
  169. end
  170. else %no CData, see if object has any interesting children
  171. hout = [hout; getCDataHandles(hh)]; %#ok<AGROW>
  172. end
  173. end
  174. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  175. %% getParentAxes -- return handle of axes object to which a given object belongs
  176. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  177. function hAx = getParentAxes(h)
  178. % getParentAxes Return enclosing axes of a given object (could be self)
  179. error(nargchk(1,1,nargin,'struct'))
  180. %object itself may be an axis
  181. if strcmp(get(h,'type'),'axes'),
  182. hAx = h;
  183. return
  184. end
  185. parent = get(h,'parent');
  186. if (strcmp(get(parent,'type'), 'axes')),
  187. hAx = parent;
  188. else
  189. hAx = getParentAxes(parent);
  190. end
  191. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  192. %% checkArgs -- Validate input arguments
  193. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  194. function [h, nancolor] = checkArgs(args)
  195. % checkArgs Validate input arguments to freezeColors
  196. nargs = length(args);
  197. error(nargchk(0,3,nargs,'struct'))
  198. %grab handle from first argument if we have an odd number of arguments
  199. if mod(nargs,2),
  200. h = args{1};
  201. if ~ishandle(h),
  202. error('JRI:freezeColors:checkArgs:invalidHandle',...
  203. 'The first argument must be a valid graphics handle (to an axis)')
  204. end
  205. % 4/2010 check if object to be frozen is a colorbar
  206. if strcmp(get(h,'Tag'),'Colorbar'),
  207. if ~exist('cbfreeze.m'),
  208. warning('JRI:freezeColors:checkArgs:cannotFreezeColorbar',...
  209. ['You seem to be attempting to freeze a colorbar. This no longer'...
  210. 'works. Please read the help for freezeColors for the solution.'])
  211. else
  212. cbfreeze(h);
  213. return
  214. end
  215. end
  216. args{1} = [];
  217. nargs = nargs-1;
  218. else
  219. h = gca;
  220. end
  221. %set nancolor if that option was specified
  222. nancolor = [nan nan nan];
  223. if nargs == 2,
  224. if strcmpi(args{end-1},'nancolor'),
  225. nancolor = args{end};
  226. if ~all(size(nancolor)==[1 3]),
  227. error('JRI:freezeColors:checkArgs:badColorArgument',...
  228. 'nancolor must be [r g b] vector');
  229. end
  230. nancolor(nancolor>1) = 1; nancolor(nancolor<0) = 0;
  231. else
  232. error('JRI:freezeColors:checkArgs:unrecognizedOption',...
  233. 'Unrecognized option (%s). Only ''nancolor'' is valid.',args{end-1})
  234. end
  235. end



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