
I'm broke. 我没钱。
Who will first break the ice, you guess? 你猜谁会先打破僵局?
提出要求建议:Would you please... ,而使用I hope... 有一种居高临下的感觉
situation 场景
How are you? 用于和熟人打招呼。
Did I make myself understood?


  Let me introduce Linda to you.(非正式)
  Have you met Linda?(非正式)
  Allow me to introduce Linda.(正式)
  I'd like you to meet Linda.(正式)


  Are you going to Toronto, too?
  It's a long flight, isn't it?
  Are you here for Eng class, too?
  It's beautiful wedding, isn't it?



A: Mom, this is Melissa.(Let me introduce Melissa to you.)
Mellissa: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson.(Please to meet you. Glad to meet you. Hi. Hello.)
Mom: Nice to meet you too. (You too. Likewise.Please call me Sally.(友善且随便的场合)

A: Melissa, this is my mom.
Mellissa: Nice to see you. I'm Malissa.(My name is Malissa.)


A: Dr. Johnson, this is Michael.(先介绍级别低的人给级别高的人)
J: How do you do? (Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you. My pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure to see you.)
M: How do you do.


A: How are you (doing)? (Long time no see! Haven't seen you for ages! Where have you been? How have you been?)


Nice talking to you.
Have a good day!
Keep in touch.
See you around.
Good luck.
Take care.

场景:Visiting Friends

(David Smith and his wife, Joanna, go visiting Travis Johnson, S&S's General Manager and his wife, Betty)
Travis: Welcome! David, we're so glad you could make it!
David: Thank you for inviting us. Travis, this is my wife, Joanna.
Joanna: How do you do? I've heard a lot about you.
Travis: How do you do? And this is my wife, Betty.
Betty: So happy to know you both. Sit down. Just make yourself at home/comfortable.
D&J: Thank you.
Joanna: What a lovely house! Did you make it yourself, Mrs. Johnson?
Betty: Oh, call me Beth. Yes, I did the decorating … if you can call it that. Actually, I just tried to make it as simple as possible. I don't like a lot of frills.
Joanna: Oh, me, the same! That's why I think it's so beautiful.


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