
gz or GZ files are compressed files using gzip algorithm or a related application. gz is natively created for Linux and Unix but currently supports all major operating systems like Windows, MacOS, BSD etc.

gzGZ文件是使用gzip算法或相关应用程序压缩的文件。 gz是为Linux和Unix本机创建的,但目前支持所有主要操作系统,例如Windows,MacOS,BSD等。

那些可以打开GZ文件的程序 (Programs Those Can Open GZ Files)

In this part we will provide the applications or programs those can be open, create, extract GZ files.


视窗 (Windows)

  • File Viewer PlusFile Viewer Plus
  • Corel WinZipCorel WinZip
  • WinRARWinRAR
  • 7-Zip7拉链
  • PeaZipPeaZip

Linux (Linux)

  • gzipgzip
  • 7zip7zip
  • Ark方舟
  • PeaZipPeaZip
  • XarchiveXarchive

苹果系统 (MacOS)

  • Smith Micro Stuffit Deluxe 16史密斯微型Stuffit Deluxe 16
  • Incredible Bee Archiver不可思议的蜜蜂存档器
  • Apple Archive Utility苹果存档实用程序

列出GZ文件属性(List GZ Files Attributes)


We can use command line native gzip command in order to list gz for the following attributes.


  • File Contents文件内容
  • Compressed File Size压缩文件大小
  • Uncompressed File Size未压缩的文件大小
  • Compression Ratio压缩率

We will use gzip command with the -l option like below.


$ gzip -l exec.c.gz

视窗 (Windows)

Windows operating system provides a lot of files to list gz file attributes. Some applications which can be used are WinZip, RAR, 7zip, etc. In this example, we will use 7zip. We will right-click to the gz file and then hover over 7z and then click Open archive.

Windows操作系统提供了很多文件来列出gz文件属性。 可以使用的一些应用程序是WinZip,RAR,7zip等。在此示例中,我们将使用7zip。 我们将右键单击gz文件,然后将鼠标悬停在7z上方,然后单击Open archive

Open GZ File In Windows with 7zip

We will click to the Info which will open Properties screen.

我们将单击“ Info ,这将打开“ Properties屏幕。

Open GZ File In Windows with 7zip

In properties screen, we will get the following information.


  • Uncompressed File Size未压缩的文件大小
  • Compressed File Size压缩文件大小
  • Folder Count文件夹数
  • File Count文件计数
  • CRC infoCRC信息
  • Path路径
  • Compression Type压缩类型
  • Header Size标头大小

创建GZ文件(Create GZ File)

Creating gz file is very easy for both Linux and Windows operating systems.


Linux (Linux)

We will use gz command and provide the file name. After compression is completed a gz extension file will be created.

我们将使用gz命令并提供文件名。 压缩完成后,将创建一个gz扩展文件。

视窗 (Windows)

In Windows, we will use 7zip tool like below.Rigth Click->7-Zip->Add to archive

在Windows中,我们将使用如下所示的7zip工具。 Rigth Click -> 7-Zip -> Add to archive

Create GZ File In Windows with 7zip

We will create the gz file by selecting gzip as Archive format.


Create GZ File In Windows with 7zip

提取GZ文件(Extract GZ File)


We can open existing gz file with the gunzip command like below.


$ gunzip exe.c.gz

视窗 (Windows)

In Windows Right Click->7-Zip->Extract Here

在Windows中, Right Click -> 7-Zip > Extract Here

Extract GZ File In Windows with 7zip

Tar.gz文件(Tar.gz Files)

Especially in Linux and Unix environments tar.gz is a very popular file extension. Tar is used to make a list of files a single file where gzip can easily compress the single file.

尤其是在Linux和Unix环境中, tar.gz是非常流行的文件扩展名。 Tar用于使文件列表成为单个文件,其中gzip可以轻松地压缩单个文件。

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LEARN MORE  Linux gtar Command Tutorial with Examples and Compare with Tar

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通过示例了解更多Linux gtar命令教程,并与Tar进行比较

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-gz-extension-file-type-how-to-create-extract-and-open-gz-file/


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