
通过对daimajia 的SwipeLayout 中Library的修改和封装,特意多加了一个滑动监听器,让layout在滑动时对外传出相对屏幕顶部和左侧的滑动距离,方便制作其他动态UI


import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import android.widget.AbsListView;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class SwipeLayout extends FrameLayout {@Deprecated
    public static final int EMPTY_LAYOUT = -1;
    private static final int DRAG_LEFT = 1;
    private static final int DRAG_RIGHT = 2;
    private static final int DRAG_TOP = 4;
    private static final int DRAG_BOTTOM = 8;
    private static final DragEdge DefaultDragEdge = DragEdge.Right;

    private int mTouchSlop;

    private DragEdge mCurrentDragEdge = DefaultDragEdge;
    private ViewDragHelper mDragHelper;

    private int mDragDistance = 0;
    private LinkedHashMap<DragEdge, View> mDragEdges = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private ShowMode mShowMode;

    private float[] mEdgeSwipesOffset = new float[4];

    private List<SwipeListener> mSwipeListeners = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<OnSwipeScrollListener> mOnSwipeScrollListeners=new ArrayList<>();
    private List<SwipeDenier> mSwipeDeniers = new ArrayList<>();
    private Map<View, ArrayList<OnRevealListener>> mRevealListeners = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<View, Boolean> mShowEntirely = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<View, Rect> mViewBoundCache = new HashMap<>();//save all children's bound, restore in onLayout

    private DoubleClickListener mDoubleClickListener;

    private boolean mSwipeEnabled = true;
    private boolean[] mSwipesEnabled = new boolean[]{true, true, true, true};
    private boolean mClickToClose = false;
    private float mWillOpenPercentAfterOpen=0.75f;
    private float mWillOpenPercentAfterClose=0.25f;

    public enum DragEdge {Left,
    }public enum ShowMode {LayDown,
    }public SwipeLayout(Context context) {this(context, null);
    }public SwipeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {this(context, attrs, 0);
    }public SwipeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        mDragHelper = ViewDragHelper.create(this, mDragHelperCallback);
        mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop();

        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.SwipeLayout);
        int dragEdgeChoices = a.getInt(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_drag_edge, DRAG_RIGHT);
        mEdgeSwipesOffset[DragEdge.Left.ordinal()] = a.getDimension(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_leftEdgeSwipeOffset, 0);
        mEdgeSwipesOffset[DragEdge.Right.ordinal()] = a.getDimension(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_rightEdgeSwipeOffset, 0);
        mEdgeSwipesOffset[DragEdge.Top.ordinal()] = a.getDimension(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_topEdgeSwipeOffset, 0);
        mEdgeSwipesOffset[DragEdge.Bottom.ordinal()] = a.getDimension(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_bottomEdgeSwipeOffset, 0);
        setClickToClose(a.getBoolean(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_clickToClose, mClickToClose));

        if ((dragEdgeChoices & DRAG_LEFT) == DRAG_LEFT) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Left, null);
        }if ((dragEdgeChoices & DRAG_TOP) == DRAG_TOP) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Top, null);
        }if ((dragEdgeChoices & DRAG_RIGHT) == DRAG_RIGHT) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Right, null);
        }if ((dragEdgeChoices & DRAG_BOTTOM) == DRAG_BOTTOM) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Bottom, null);
        }int ordinal = a.getInt(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_show_mode, ShowMode.PullOut.ordinal());
        mShowMode = ShowMode.values()[ordinal];


    public interface SwipeListener {void onStartOpen(SwipeLayout layout);//开始滑动到新一页

        void onOpen(SwipeLayout layout);//已经打开新一页

        void onStartClose(SwipeLayout layout);//开始关闭新页

        void onClose(SwipeLayout layout);//已经关闭新页

        void onUpdate(SwipeLayout layout, int leftOffset, int topOffset);//U刷新显示,传出相对于左边和顶部的滑动距离

        void onHandRelease(SwipeLayout layout, float xvel, float yvel);//释放监听

        void onScrollY(SwipeLayout layout, int top);//纵向滑动监听,传出相对于顶端的滑动距离
    }public void addSwipeListener(SwipeListener l) {mSwipeListeners.add(l);
    }public void removeSwipeListener(SwipeListener l) {mSwipeListeners.remove(l);
    }public void removeAllSwipeListener() {mSwipeListeners.clear();
    public interface OnSwipeScrollListener{//SwipeLayout滑动监听
        void onScroll(SwipeLayout layout, int leftOffset, int topOffset);
    }public void setOnSwipeScrollListener(OnSwipeScrollListener l){//注册滑动监听器
    }public void removeOnSwipeScrollListener(OnSwipeScrollListener l){//移除滑动监听器
    }public void removeAllOnSwipeScrollListener() {//移除所有滑动监听器
    }public interface SwipeDenier {/*
         * Called in onInterceptTouchEvent Determines if this swipe event should
         * be denied Implement this interface if you are using views with swipe
         * gestures As a child of SwipeLayout
         * @return true deny false allow
        boolean shouldDenySwipe(MotionEvent ev);
    }public void addSwipeDenier(SwipeDenier denier) {mSwipeDeniers.add(denier);
    }public void removeSwipeDenier(SwipeDenier denier) {mSwipeDeniers.remove(denier);
    }public void removeAllSwipeDeniers() {mSwipeDeniers.clear();
    }public interface OnRevealListener {void onReveal(View child, DragEdge edge, float fraction, int distance);
     * bind a view with a specific

     * @param childId the view id.
     * @param l       the target
    public void addRevealListener(int childId, OnRevealListener l) {View child = findViewById(childId);
        if (child == null) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Child does not belong to SwipeListener.");
        }if (!mShowEntirely.containsKey(child)) {mShowEntirely.put(child, false);
        }if (mRevealListeners.get(child) == null)mRevealListeners.put(child, new ArrayList<OnRevealListener>());

    }private ViewDragHelper.Callback mDragHelperCallback = new ViewDragHelper.Callback() {@Override
        public int clampViewPositionHorizontal(View child, int left, int dx) {if (child == getSurfaceView()) {switch (mCurrentDragEdge) {case Top:case Bottom:return getPaddingLeft();
                    case Left:if (left < getPaddingLeft()) return getPaddingLeft();
                        if (left > getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance)return getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance;
                    case Right:if (left > getPaddingLeft()) return getPaddingLeft();
                        if (left < getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance)return getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance;
                }} else if (getCurrentBottomView() == child) {switch (mCurrentDragEdge) {case Top:case Bottom:return getPaddingLeft();
                    case Left:if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {if (left > getPaddingLeft()) return getPaddingLeft();
                    case Right:if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {if (left < getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance) {return getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance;
                }}return left;
        public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) {if (child == getSurfaceView()) {switch (mCurrentDragEdge) {case Left:case Right:return getPaddingTop();
                    case Top:if (top < getPaddingTop()) return getPaddingTop();
                        if (top > getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance)return getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance;
                    case Bottom:if (top < getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance) {return getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance;
                        }if (top > getPaddingTop()) {return getPaddingTop();
                        }}} else {View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
                int surfaceViewTop = surfaceView == null ? 0 : surfaceView.getTop();
                switch (mCurrentDragEdge) {case Left:case Right:return getPaddingTop();
                    case Top:if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {if (top > getPaddingTop()) return getPaddingTop();
                        } else {if (surfaceViewTop + dy < getPaddingTop())return getPaddingTop();
                            if (surfaceViewTop + dy > getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance)return getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance;
                    case Bottom:if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {if (top < getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance)return getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance;
                        } else {if (surfaceViewTop + dy >= getPaddingTop())return getPaddingTop();
                            if (surfaceViewTop + dy <= getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance)return getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance;
                        }}}return top;
        public boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId) {boolean result = child == getSurfaceView() || getBottomViews().contains(child);
            if (result) {isCloseBeforeDrag = getOpenStatus() == Status.Close;
            }return result;
        public int getViewHorizontalDragRange(View child) {return mDragDistance;
        public int getViewVerticalDragRange(View child) {return mDragDistance;
        }boolean isCloseBeforeDrag = true;

        public void onViewReleased(View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) {super.onViewReleased(releasedChild, xvel, yvel);
            processHandRelease(xvel, yvel, isCloseBeforeDrag);
            for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) {l.onHandRelease(SwipeLayout.this, xvel, yvel);
        public void onViewPositionChanged(View changedView, int left, int top, int dx, int dy) {View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
            if (surfaceView == null) return;
            View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
            int evLeft = surfaceView.getLeft(),
                    evRight = surfaceView.getRight(),
                    evTop = surfaceView.getTop(),
                    evBottom = surfaceView.getBottom();
            if (changedView == surfaceView) {if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut && currentBottomView != null) {if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {currentBottomView.offsetLeftAndRight(dx);
                    } else {currentBottomView.offsetTopAndBottom(dy);
                    }}} else if (getBottomViews().contains(changedView)) {if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {surfaceView.offsetLeftAndRight(dx);
                } else {Rect rect = computeBottomLayDown(mCurrentDragEdge);
                    if (currentBottomView != null) {currentBottomView.layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
                    }int newLeft = surfaceView.getLeft() + dx, newTop = surfaceView.getTop() + dy;

                    if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left && newLeft < getPaddingLeft())newLeft = getPaddingLeft();
                    else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right && newLeft > getPaddingLeft())newLeft = getPaddingLeft();
                    else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Top && newTop < getPaddingTop())newTop = getPaddingTop();
                    else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom && newTop > getPaddingTop())newTop = getPaddingTop();

                    surfaceView.layout(newLeft, newTop, newLeft + getMeasuredWidth(), newTop + getMeasuredHeight());
                }}dispatchRevealEvent(evLeft, evTop, evRight, evBottom);

            dispatchSwipeEvent(evLeft, evTop, dx, dy);



     * save children's bounds, so they can restore the bound in {@link #onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int)}
    private void captureChildrenBound(){View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
        }View[] views = new View[]{getSurfaceView(), currentBottomView};
        for (View child : views) {Rect rect = mViewBoundCache.get(child);
            if(rect==null){rect = new Rect();
                mViewBoundCache.put(child, rect);
            }rect.left = child.getLeft();
   = child.getTop();
            rect.right = child.getRight();
            rect.bottom = child.getBottom();
     * the dispatchRevealEvent method may not always get accurate position, it
     * makes the view may not always get the event when the view is totally
     * show( fraction = 1), so , we need to calculate every time.
    protected boolean isViewTotallyFirstShowed(View child, Rect relativePosition, DragEdge edge, int surfaceLeft,
                                               int surfaceTop, int surfaceRight, int surfaceBottom) {if (mShowEntirely.get(child)) return false;
        int childLeft = relativePosition.left;
        int childRight = relativePosition.right;
        int childTop =;
        int childBottom = relativePosition.bottom;
        boolean r = false;
        if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) {if ((edge == DragEdge.Right && surfaceRight <= childLeft)|| (edge == DragEdge.Left && surfaceLeft >= childRight)|| (edge == DragEdge.Top && surfaceTop >= childBottom)|| (edge == DragEdge.Bottom && surfaceBottom <= childTop)) r = true;
        } else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {if ((edge == DragEdge.Right && childRight <= getWidth())|| (edge == DragEdge.Left && childLeft >= getPaddingLeft())|| (edge == DragEdge.Top && childTop >= getPaddingTop())|| (edge == DragEdge.Bottom && childBottom <= getHeight())) r = true;
        }return r;
    }protected boolean isViewShowing(View child, Rect relativePosition, DragEdge availableEdge, int surfaceLeft,
                                    int surfaceTop, int surfaceRight, int surfaceBottom) {int childLeft = relativePosition.left;
        int childRight = relativePosition.right;
        int childTop =;
        int childBottom = relativePosition.bottom;
        if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) {switch (availableEdge) {case Right:if (surfaceRight > childLeft && surfaceRight <= childRight) {return true;
                case Left:if (surfaceLeft < childRight && surfaceLeft >= childLeft) {return true;
                case Top:if (surfaceTop >= childTop && surfaceTop < childBottom) {return true;
                case Bottom:if (surfaceBottom > childTop && surfaceBottom <= childBottom) {return true;
            }} else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {switch (availableEdge) {case Right:if (childLeft <= getWidth() && childRight > getWidth()) return true;
                case Left:if (childRight >= getPaddingLeft() && childLeft < getPaddingLeft()) return true;
                case Top:if (childTop < getPaddingTop() && childBottom >= getPaddingTop()) return true;
                case Bottom:if (childTop < getHeight() && childTop >= getPaddingTop()) return true;
            }}return false;
    }protected Rect getRelativePosition(View child) {View t = child;
        Rect r = new Rect(t.getLeft(), t.getTop(), 0, 0);
        while (t.getParent() != null && t != getRootView()) {t = (View) t.getParent();
            if (t == this) break;
            r.left += t.getLeft();
   += t.getTop();
        }r.right = r.left + child.getMeasuredWidth();
        r.bottom = + child.getMeasuredHeight();
        return r;
    }private int mEventCounter = 0;

    protected void dispatchSwipeEvent(int surfaceLeft, int surfaceTop, int dx, int dy) {DragEdge edge = getDragEdge();
        boolean open = true;
        if (edge == DragEdge.Left) {if (dx < 0) open = false;
        } else if (edge == DragEdge.Right) {if (dx > 0) open = false;
        } else if (edge == DragEdge.Top) {if (dy < 0) open = false;
        } else if (edge == DragEdge.Bottom) {if (dy > 0) open = false;
        }dispatchSwipeEvent(surfaceLeft, surfaceTop, open);

    }protected void dispatchSwipeEvent(int surfaceLeft, int surfaceTop, boolean open) {safeBottomView();
        Status status = getOpenStatus();

        if (!mSwipeListeners.isEmpty()) {mEventCounter++;
            for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) {if (mEventCounter == 1) {if (open) {l.onStartOpen(this);
                    } else {l.onStartClose(this);
                    }}l.onUpdate(SwipeLayout.this, surfaceLeft - getPaddingLeft(), surfaceTop - getPaddingTop());
            }if (status == Status.Close) {for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) {l.onClose(SwipeLayout.this);
                }mEventCounter = 0;
            }if (status == Status.Open) {View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
                if (currentBottomView != null) {currentBottomView.setEnabled(true);
                }for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) {l.onOpen(SwipeLayout.this);
                }mEventCounter = 0;
            for(OnSwipeScrollListener l:mOnSwipeScrollListeners){l.onScroll(SwipeLayout.this,surfaceLeft,surfaceTop);
     * prevent bottom view get any touch event. Especially in LayDown mode.
    private void safeBottomView() {Status status = getOpenStatus();
        List<View> bottoms = getBottomViews();

        if (status == Status.Close) {for (View bottom : bottoms) {if (bottom != null && bottom.getVisibility() != INVISIBLE) {bottom.setVisibility(INVISIBLE);
                }}} else {View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
            if (currentBottomView != null && currentBottomView.getVisibility() != VISIBLE) {currentBottomView.setVisibility(VISIBLE);
            }}}protected void dispatchRevealEvent(final int surfaceLeft, final int surfaceTop, final int surfaceRight,
                                       final int surfaceBottom) {if (mRevealListeners.isEmpty()) return;
        for (Map.Entry<View, ArrayList<OnRevealListener>> entry : mRevealListeners.entrySet()) {View child = entry.getKey();
            Rect rect = getRelativePosition(child);
            if (isViewShowing(child, rect, mCurrentDragEdge, surfaceLeft, surfaceTop,
                    surfaceRight, surfaceBottom)) {mShowEntirely.put(child, false);
                int distance = 0;
                float fraction = 0f;
                if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) {switch (mCurrentDragEdge) {case Left:distance = rect.left - surfaceLeft;
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth();
                        case Right:distance = rect.right - surfaceRight;
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth();
                        case Top:distance = - surfaceTop;
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight();
                        case Bottom:distance = rect.bottom - surfaceBottom;
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight();
                    }} else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {switch (mCurrentDragEdge) {case Left:distance = rect.right - getPaddingLeft();
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth();
                        case Right:distance = rect.left - getWidth();
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth();
                        case Top:distance = rect.bottom - getPaddingTop();
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight();
                        case Bottom:distance = - getHeight();
                            fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight();
                    }}for (OnRevealListener l : entry.getValue()) {l.onReveal(child, mCurrentDragEdge, Math.abs(fraction), distance);
                    if (Math.abs(fraction) == 1) {mShowEntirely.put(child, true);
                    }}}if (isViewTotallyFirstShowed(child, rect, mCurrentDragEdge, surfaceLeft, surfaceTop,
                    surfaceRight, surfaceBottom)) {mShowEntirely.put(child, true);
                for (OnRevealListener l : entry.getValue()) {if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left
                            || mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right)l.onReveal(child, mCurrentDragEdge, 1, child.getWidth());
                        l.onReveal(child, mCurrentDragEdge, 1, child.getHeight());
    public void computeScroll() {super.computeScroll();
        if (mDragHelper.continueSettling(true)) {ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this);
     * {@link android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener} added in API 11. I need
     * to support it from API 8.
    public interface OnLayout {void onLayout(SwipeLayout v);
    }private List<OnLayout> mOnLayoutListeners;

    public void addOnLayoutListener(OnLayout l) {if (mOnLayoutListeners == null) mOnLayoutListeners = new ArrayList<OnLayout>();
    }public void removeOnLayoutListener(OnLayout l) {if (mOnLayoutListeners != null) mOnLayoutListeners.remove(l);
    }public void clearDragEdge() {mDragEdges.clear();
    }public void setDrag(DragEdge dragEdge, int childId) {clearDragEdge();
        addDrag(dragEdge, childId);
    }public void setDrag(DragEdge dragEdge, View child) {clearDragEdge();
        addDrag(dragEdge, child);
    }public void addDrag(DragEdge dragEdge, int childId) {addDrag(dragEdge, findViewById(childId), null);
    }public void addDrag(DragEdge dragEdge, View child) {addDrag(dragEdge, child, null);
    }public void addDrag(DragEdge dragEdge, View child, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {if (child == null) return;

        if (params == null) {params = generateDefaultLayoutParams();
        }if (!checkLayoutParams(params)) {params = generateLayoutParams(params);
        }int gravity = -1;
        switch (dragEdge) {case Left:gravity = Gravity.LEFT;
            case Right:gravity = Gravity.RIGHT;
            case Top:gravity = Gravity.TOP;
            case Bottom:gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
        }if (params instanceof FrameLayout.LayoutParams) {((LayoutParams) params).gravity = gravity;
        }addView(child, 0, params);
    public void addView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {if (child == null) return;
        int gravity = Gravity.NO_GRAVITY;
        try {gravity = (Integer) params.getClass().getField("gravity").get(params);
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();
        }if (gravity > 0) {gravity = GravityCompat.getAbsoluteGravity(gravity, ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(this));

            if ((gravity & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Left, child);
            }if ((gravity & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Right, child);
            }if ((gravity & Gravity.TOP) == Gravity.TOP) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Top, child);
            }if ((gravity & Gravity.BOTTOM) == Gravity.BOTTOM) {mDragEdges.put(DragEdge.Bottom, child);
            }} else {for (Map.Entry<DragEdge, View> entry : mDragEdges.entrySet()) {if (entry.getValue() == null) {//means used the drag_edge attr, the no gravity child should be use set
                    mDragEdges.put(entry.getKey(), child);
                }}}if (child.getParent() == this) {return;
        }super.addView(child, index, params);
    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {updateBottomViews();

        if (mOnLayoutListeners != null) for (int i = 0; i < mOnLayoutListeners.size(); i++) {mOnLayoutListeners.get(i).onLayout(this);
        }}void layoutPullOut() {View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
        Rect surfaceRect = mViewBoundCache.get(surfaceView);
        if(surfaceRect == null) surfaceRect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false);
        if (surfaceView != null) {surfaceView.layout(surfaceRect.left,, surfaceRect.right, surfaceRect.bottom);
        }View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
        Rect bottomViewRect = mViewBoundCache.get(currentBottomView);
        if(bottomViewRect == null) bottomViewRect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode.PullOut, surfaceRect);
        if (currentBottomView != null) {currentBottomView.layout(bottomViewRect.left,, bottomViewRect.right, bottomViewRect.bottom);
        }}void layoutLayDown() {View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
        Rect surfaceRect = mViewBoundCache.get(surfaceView);
        if(surfaceRect == null) surfaceRect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false);
        if (surfaceView != null) {surfaceView.layout(surfaceRect.left,, surfaceRect.right, surfaceRect.bottom);
        }View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
        Rect bottomViewRect = mViewBoundCache.get(currentBottomView);
        if(bottomViewRect == null) bottomViewRect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode.LayDown, surfaceRect);
        if (currentBottomView != null) {currentBottomView.layout(bottomViewRect.left,, bottomViewRect.right, bottomViewRect.bottom);
        }}private boolean mIsBeingDragged;

    private void checkCanDrag(MotionEvent ev) {if (mIsBeingDragged) return;
        if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Middle) {mIsBeingDragged = true;
        }Status status = getOpenStatus();
        float distanceX = ev.getRawX() - sX;
        float distanceY = ev.getRawY() - sY;
        float angle = Math.abs(distanceY / distanceX);
        angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(angle));
        if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Close) {DragEdge dragEdge;
            if (angle < 45) {if (distanceX > 0 && isLeftSwipeEnabled()) {dragEdge = DragEdge.Left;
                } else if (distanceX < 0 && isRightSwipeEnabled()) {dragEdge = DragEdge.Right;
                } else return;

            } else {if (distanceY > 0 && isTopSwipeEnabled()) {dragEdge = DragEdge.Top;
                } else if (distanceY < 0 && isBottomSwipeEnabled()) {dragEdge = DragEdge.Bottom;
                } else return;
        }boolean doNothing = false;
        if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceX > mTouchSlop)|| (status == Status.Close && distanceX < -mTouchSlop);
            suitable = suitable || (status == Status.Middle);

            if (angle > 30 || !suitable) {doNothing = true;
            }}if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) {boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceX < -mTouchSlop)|| (status == Status.Close && distanceX > mTouchSlop);
            suitable = suitable || status == Status.Middle;

            if (angle > 30 || !suitable) {doNothing = true;
            }}if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) {boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceY < -mTouchSlop)|| (status == Status.Close && distanceY > mTouchSlop);
            suitable = suitable || status == Status.Middle;

            if (angle < 60 || !suitable) {doNothing = true;
            }}if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom) {boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceY > mTouchSlop)|| (status == Status.Close && distanceY < -mTouchSlop);
            suitable = suitable || status == Status.Middle;

            if (angle < 60 || !suitable) {doNothing = true;
            }}mIsBeingDragged = !doNothing;
    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {if (!isSwipeEnabled()) {return false;
        }if (mClickToClose && getOpenStatus() == Status.Open && isTouchOnSurface(ev)) {return true;
        }for (SwipeDenier denier : mSwipeDeniers) {if (denier != null && denier.shouldDenySwipe(ev)) {return false;
            }}switch (ev.getAction()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(ev);
                mIsBeingDragged = false;
                sX = ev.getRawX();
                sY = ev.getRawY();
                //if the swipe is in middle state(scrolling), should intercept the touch
                if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Middle) {mIsBeingDragged = true;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:boolean beforeCheck = mIsBeingDragged;
                if (mIsBeingDragged) {ViewParent parent = getParent();
                    if (parent != null) {parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
                    }}if (!beforeCheck && mIsBeingDragged) {//let children has one chance to catch the touch, and request the swipe not intercept
                    //useful when swipeLayout wrap a swipeLayout or other gestural layout
                    return false;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:mIsBeingDragged = false;
            default://handle other action, such as ACTION_POINTER_DOWN/UP
        }return mIsBeingDragged;
    }private float sX = -1, sY = -1;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {if (!isSwipeEnabled()) return super.onTouchEvent(event);

        int action = event.getActionMasked();

        switch (action) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event);
                sX = event.getRawX();
                sY = event.getRawY();

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {//the drag state and the direction are already judged at onInterceptTouchEvent
                if (mIsBeingDragged) {getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
            }case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:mIsBeingDragged = false;

            default://handle other action, such as ACTION_POINTER_DOWN/UP
        }return super.onTouchEvent(event) || mIsBeingDragged || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
    }public boolean isClickToClose() {return mClickToClose;
    }public void setClickToClose(boolean mClickToClose) {this.mClickToClose = mClickToClose;
    }public void setSwipeEnabled(boolean enabled) {mSwipeEnabled = enabled;
    }public boolean isSwipeEnabled() {return mSwipeEnabled;
    }public boolean isLeftSwipeEnabled() {View bottomView = mDragEdges.get(DragEdge.Left);
        return bottomView != null && bottomView.getParent() == this
                && bottomView != getSurfaceView() && mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Left.ordinal()];
    }public void setLeftSwipeEnabled(boolean leftSwipeEnabled) {this.mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Left.ordinal()] = leftSwipeEnabled;
    }public boolean isRightSwipeEnabled() {View bottomView = mDragEdges.get(DragEdge.Right);
        return bottomView != null && bottomView.getParent() == this
                && bottomView != getSurfaceView() && mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Right.ordinal()];
    }public void setRightSwipeEnabled(boolean rightSwipeEnabled) {this.mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Right.ordinal()] = rightSwipeEnabled;
    }public boolean isTopSwipeEnabled() {View bottomView = mDragEdges.get(DragEdge.Top);
        return bottomView != null && bottomView.getParent() == this
                && bottomView != getSurfaceView() && mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Top.ordinal()];
    }public void setTopSwipeEnabled(boolean topSwipeEnabled) {this.mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Top.ordinal()] = topSwipeEnabled;
    }public boolean isBottomSwipeEnabled() {View bottomView = mDragEdges.get(DragEdge.Bottom);
        return bottomView != null && bottomView.getParent() == this
                && bottomView != getSurfaceView() && mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Bottom.ordinal()];
    }public void setBottomSwipeEnabled(boolean bottomSwipeEnabled) {this.mSwipesEnabled[DragEdge.Bottom.ordinal()] = bottomSwipeEnabled;
     * Returns the percentage of revealing at which the view below should the view finish opening
     * if it was already open before dragging
     * @returns  The percentage of view revealed to trigger, default value is 0.25
    public float getWillOpenPercentAfterOpen() {return mWillOpenPercentAfterOpen;
     * Allows to stablish at what percentage of revealing the view below should the view finish opening
     * if it was already open before dragging
     * @param willOpenPercentAfterOpen The percentage of view revealed to trigger, default value is 0.25
    public void setWillOpenPercentAfterOpen(float willOpenPercentAfterOpen) {this.mWillOpenPercentAfterOpen = willOpenPercentAfterOpen;
     * Returns the percentage of revealing at which the view below should the view finish opening
     * if it was already closed before dragging
     * @returns  The percentage of view revealed to trigger, default value is 0.25
    public float getWillOpenPercentAfterClose() {return mWillOpenPercentAfterClose;
     * Allows to stablish at what percentage of revealing the view below should the view finish opening
     * if it was already closed before dragging
     * @param willOpenPercentAfterClose The percentage of view revealed to trigger, default value is 0.75
    public void setWillOpenPercentAfterClose(float willOpenPercentAfterClose) {this.mWillOpenPercentAfterClose = willOpenPercentAfterClose;
    }private boolean insideAdapterView() {return getAdapterView() != null;
    }private AdapterView getAdapterView() {ViewParent t = getParent();
        if (t instanceof AdapterView) {return (AdapterView) t;
        }return null;
    }private void performAdapterViewItemClick() {if (getOpenStatus() != Status.Close) return;
        ViewParent t = getParent();
        if (t instanceof AdapterView) {AdapterView view = (AdapterView) t;
            int p = view.getPositionForView(SwipeLayout.this);
            if (p != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) {view.performItemClick(view.getChildAt(p - view.getFirstVisiblePosition()), p, view.getAdapter().getItemId(p));
            }}}private boolean performAdapterViewItemLongClick() {if (getOpenStatus() != Status.Close) return false;
        ViewParent t = getParent();
        if (t instanceof AdapterView) {AdapterView view = (AdapterView) t;
            int p = view.getPositionForView(SwipeLayout.this);
            if (p == AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) return false;
            long vId = view.getItemIdAtPosition(p);
            boolean handled = false;
            try {Method m = AbsListView.class.getDeclaredMethod("performLongPress", View.class, int.class, long.class);
                handled = (boolean) m.invoke(view, SwipeLayout.this, p, vId);

            } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();

                if (view.getOnItemLongClickListener() != null) {handled = view.getOnItemLongClickListener().onItemLongClick(view, SwipeLayout.this, p, vId);
                }if (handled) {view.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS);
                }}return handled;
        }return false;
    protected void onAttachedToWindow() {super.onAttachedToWindow();
        if (insideAdapterView()) {if (clickListener == null) {setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {@Override
                    public void onClick(View v) {performAdapterViewItemClick();
            }if (longClickListener == null) {setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() {@Override
                    public boolean onLongClick(View v) {performAdapterViewItemLongClick();
                        return true;
            }}}OnClickListener clickListener;

    public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener l) {super.setOnClickListener(l);
        clickListener = l;
    }OnLongClickListener longClickListener;

    public void setOnLongClickListener(OnLongClickListener l) {super.setOnLongClickListener(l);
        longClickListener = l;
    }private Rect hitSurfaceRect;

    private boolean isTouchOnSurface(MotionEvent ev) {View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
        if (surfaceView == null) {return false;
        }if (hitSurfaceRect == null) {hitSurfaceRect = new Rect();
        return hitSurfaceRect.contains((int) ev.getX(), (int) ev.getY());
    }private GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), new SwipeDetector());

    class SwipeDetector extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {@Override
        public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {if (mClickToClose && isTouchOnSurface(e)) {close();
            }return super.onSingleTapUp(e);
        public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {if (mDoubleClickListener != null) {View target;
                View bottom = getCurrentBottomView();
                View surface = getSurfaceView();
                if (bottom != null && e.getX() > bottom.getLeft() && e.getX() < bottom.getRight()&& e.getY() > bottom.getTop() && e.getY() < bottom.getBottom()) {target = bottom;
                } else {target = surface;
                }mDoubleClickListener.onDoubleClick(SwipeLayout.this, target == surface);
            }return true;
     * set the drag distance, it will force set the bottom view's width or
     * height via this value.
     * @param max max distance in dp unit
    public void setDragDistance(int max) {if (max < 0) max = 0;
        mDragDistance = dp2px(max);
    }public void setShowMode(ShowMode mode) {mShowMode = mode;
    }public DragEdge getDragEdge() {return mCurrentDragEdge;
    }public int getDragDistance() {return mDragDistance;
    }public ShowMode getShowMode() {return mShowMode;
     * return null if there is no surface view(no children)
    public View getSurfaceView() {if (getChildCount() == 0) return null;
        return getChildAt(getChildCount() - 1);
     * return null if there is no bottom view
    public View getCurrentBottomView() {List<View> bottoms = getBottomViews();
        if (mCurrentDragEdge.ordinal() < bottoms.size()) {return bottoms.get(mCurrentDragEdge.ordinal());
        }return null;
     * @return all bottomViews: left, top, right, bottom (may null if the edge is not set)
    public List<View> getBottomViews() {ArrayList<View> bottoms = new ArrayList<View>();
        for (DragEdge dragEdge : DragEdge.values()) {bottoms.add(mDragEdges.get(dragEdge));
        }return bottoms;
    }public enum Status {Middle,
    }public Status getOpenStatus() {View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
        if (surfaceView == null) {return Status.Close;
        }int surfaceLeft = surfaceView.getLeft();
        int surfaceTop = surfaceView.getTop();
        if (surfaceLeft == getPaddingLeft() && surfaceTop == getPaddingTop()) return Status.Close;

        if (surfaceLeft == (getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance) || surfaceLeft == (getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance)|| surfaceTop == (getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance) || surfaceTop == (getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance))return Status.Open;

        return Status.Middle;
    }protected void processHandRelease(float xvel, float yvel, boolean isCloseBeforeDragged) {//松手释放,按比例判断开启页
        float minVelocity = mDragHelper.getMinVelocity();
        View surfaceView = getSurfaceView();
        DragEdge currentDragEdge = mCurrentDragEdge;
        if (currentDragEdge == null || surfaceView == null) {return;
        }float willOpenPercent = (isCloseBeforeDragged ? mWillOpenPercentAfterClose : mWillOpenPercentAfterOpen);
        if (currentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) {if (xvel > minVelocity) open();
            else if (xvel < -minVelocity) close();
            else {float openPercent = 1f * getSurfaceView().getLeft() / mDragDistance;
                if (openPercent > willOpenPercent) open();
                else close();
            }} else if (currentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {if (xvel > minVelocity) close();
            else if (xvel < -minVelocity) open();
            else {float openPercent = 1f * (-getSurfaceView().getLeft()) / mDragDistance;
                if (openPercent > willOpenPercent) open();
                else close();
            }} else if (currentDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) {if (yvel > minVelocity) open();
            else if (yvel < -minVelocity) close();
            else {float openPercent = 1f * getSurfaceView().getTop() / mDragDistance;
                if (openPercent > willOpenPercent) open();
                else close();
            }} else if (currentDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom) {if (yvel > minVelocity) close();
            else if (yvel < -minVelocity) open();
            else {float openPercent = 1f * (-getSurfaceView().getTop()) / mDragDistance;
                if (openPercent > willOpenPercent) open();
                else close();
     * smoothly open surface.
    public void open() {open(true, true);
    }public void open(boolean smooth) {open(smooth, true);
    }public void open(boolean smooth, boolean notify) {View surface = getSurfaceView(), bottom = getCurrentBottomView();
        if (surface == null) {return;
        }int dx, dy;
        Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(true);
        if (smooth) {mDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(surface, rect.left,;
        } else {dx = rect.left - surface.getLeft();
            dy = - surface.getTop();
            surface.layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
            if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) {Rect bRect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode.PullOut, rect);
                if (bottom != null) {bottom.layout(bRect.left,, bRect.right, bRect.bottom);
                }}if (notify) {dispatchRevealEvent(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
                dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left,, dx, dy);
            } else {safeBottomView();
    }public void open(DragEdge edge) {setCurrentDragEdge(edge);
        open(true, true);
    }public void open(boolean smooth, DragEdge edge) {setCurrentDragEdge(edge);
        open(smooth, true);
    }public void open(boolean smooth, boolean notify, DragEdge edge) {setCurrentDragEdge(edge);
        open(smooth, notify);
     * smoothly close surface.
    public void close() {close(true, true);
    }public void close(boolean smooth) {close(smooth, true);
     * close surface
     * @param smooth smoothly or not.
     * @param notify if notify all the listeners.
    public void close(boolean smooth, boolean notify) {View surface = getSurfaceView();
        if (surface == null) {return;
        }int dx, dy;
        if (smooth)mDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop());
        else {Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false);
            dx = rect.left - surface.getLeft();
            dy = - surface.getTop();
            surface.layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
            if (notify) {dispatchRevealEvent(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
                dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left,, dx, dy);
            } else {safeBottomView();
    }public void toggle() {toggle(true);
    }public void toggle(boolean smooth) {if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Open)close(smooth);
        else if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Close) open(smooth);
     * a helper function to compute the Rect area that surface will hold in.
     * @param open open status or close status.
    private Rect computeSurfaceLayoutArea(boolean open) {int l = getPaddingLeft(), t = getPaddingTop();
        if (open) {if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left)l = getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance;
            else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right)l = getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance;
            else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Top)t = getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance;
            else t = getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance;
        }return new Rect(l, t, l + getMeasuredWidth(), t + getMeasuredHeight());
    }private Rect computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode mode, Rect surfaceArea) {Rect rect = surfaceArea;
        View bottomView = getCurrentBottomView();

        int bl = rect.left, bt =, br = rect.right, bb = rect.bottom;
        if (mode == ShowMode.PullOut) {if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left)bl = rect.left - mDragDistance;
            else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right)bl = rect.right;
            else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Top)bt = - mDragDistance;
            else bt = rect.bottom;

            if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {bb = rect.bottom;
                br = bl + (bottomView == null ? 0 : bottomView.getMeasuredWidth());
            } else {bb = bt + (bottomView == null ? 0 : bottomView.getMeasuredHeight());
                br = rect.right;
            }} else if (mode == ShowMode.LayDown) {if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left)br = bl + mDragDistance;
            else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right)bl = br - mDragDistance;
            else if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Top)bb = bt + mDragDistance;
            else bt = bb - mDragDistance;

        }return new Rect(bl, bt, br, bb);

    }private Rect computeBottomLayDown(DragEdge dragEdge) {int bl = getPaddingLeft(), bt = getPaddingTop();
        int br, bb;
        if (dragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {bl = getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance;
        } else if (dragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom) {bt = getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance;
        }if (dragEdge == DragEdge.Left || dragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {br = bl + mDragDistance;
            bb = bt + getMeasuredHeight();
        } else {br = bl + getMeasuredWidth();
            bb = bt + mDragDistance;
        }return new Rect(bl, bt, br, bb);
    }public void setOnDoubleClickListener(DoubleClickListener doubleClickListener) {mDoubleClickListener = doubleClickListener;
    }public interface DoubleClickListener {void onDoubleClick(SwipeLayout layout, boolean surface);
    }private int dp2px(float dp) {return (int) (dp * getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density + 0.5f);
    }public void onViewRemoved(View child) {for (Map.Entry<DragEdge, View> entry : new HashMap<DragEdge, View>(mDragEdges).entrySet()) {if (entry.getValue() == child) {mDragEdges.remove(entry.getKey());
            }}}private float getCurrentOffset() {if (mCurrentDragEdge == null) return 0;
        return mEdgeSwipesOffset[mCurrentDragEdge.ordinal()];
    }private void setCurrentDragEdge(DragEdge dragEdge) {mCurrentDragEdge = dragEdge;
    }private void updateBottomViews() {View currentBottomView = getCurrentBottomView();
        if (currentBottomView != null) {if (mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mCurrentDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) {mDragDistance = currentBottomView.getMeasuredWidth() - dp2px(getCurrentOffset());
            } else {mDragDistance = currentBottomView.getMeasuredHeight() - dp2px(getCurrentOffset());
            }}if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) {layoutPullOut();
        } else if (mShowMode == ShowMode.LayDown) {layoutLayDown();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <declare-styleable name="SwipeLayout">
        <attr name="drag_edge">
            <flag name="left" value="1" />
            <flag name="right" value="2" />
            <flag name="top" value="4" />
            <flag name="bottom" value="8" />
        <attr name="leftEdgeSwipeOffset" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="rightEdgeSwipeOffset" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="topEdgeSwipeOffset" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="bottomEdgeSwipeOffset" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="show_mode" format="enum">
            <enum name="lay_down" value="0" />
            <enum name="pull_out" value="1" />
        <attr name="clickToClose" format="boolean" />








前者会成为下拉才呈现的顶部Layout即是第二页layout 。后者会成为下中央布局,即是第一页layout


    myOnSwipeScrollListener= MyOnSwipeScrollListener();
    swipeLayout.setOnSwipeScrollListener(new SwipeLayout.OnSwipeScrollListener){//滑动监听器

    public void onScroll(SwipeLayout layout, int leftOffset, int topOffset) {Log.e("相对左侧滑动距离",""+leftOffset);



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