

This is an advanced article about SVG. Here we are discussing two main concepts of SVG, those are clip-path and mask. It is used for hiding some a portion of an image and unhiding the other portion. There are lots of use cases of these such as Making image as the background for a text, Applying background texture effect, Making patterns to an object… etc.

这是有关SVG的高级文章。 在这里,我们讨论SVG的两个主要概念,即剪切路径和遮罩。 它用于隐藏图像的某些部分而不隐藏其他部分。 这些有很多用例,例如将图像制作为文本的背景,应用背景纹理效果,对对象制作图案等。

Let's get it started.


There are two main ways to implement masking on SVG. One is using clip-path, another one is using a mask. Let's discuss both in detail.

在SVG上实现屏蔽的主要方法有两种。 一种使用剪切路径,另一种使用遮罩。 让我们详细讨论两者。

剪切路径 (clip-path)

The clip-path is mainly used to hiding a portion of an image based on another path. For making a clip-path, First need to define the path by using <clipPath> annotation then apply that clip-path to an element using the style attribute clip-path.

剪切路径主要用于基于另一条路径隐藏图像的一部分。 为了创建剪切路径,首先需要使用<clipPath>批注定义路径,然后使用样式属性clip-path将该剪切路径应用于元素。

Let's do some examples using clip-path. It will make more clarity about the concept.

让我们使用剪切路径做一些例子。 这将使该概念更加清晰。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="300" height="300"><defs><clipPath id="clip-rectangle"><circle cx="170" cy="150" r="120"></circle> </clipPath></defs><path d="M 100 0 L175 200 L0 75 L200 75 L25 200 Z" style="stroke:#0a7a0a; fill:#1e9b2f; clip-path: url(#clip-rectangle);"></path></svg>

The output of the above example looks like follows.


The output of the above code snippet. The left side shows the actual output and the right side explains how the output created
上面代码片段的输出。 左侧显示实际输出,右侧说明如何创建输出

In the output you can see, it is creating a star but only a portion of the start is showing, which is the circle covering a portion of the star and the remaining portion is hidden from the view.


Here it only outputs the portion which meeting the clip-path and the image.


Another way that implementing a clip-path is by using the <use> tag.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="900" height="900"><clipPath id="clip-circle"><circle cx="170" cy="150" r="80"></circle> </clipPath><path id="heart-path" d="M340.8,98.4c50.7,0,91.9,41.3,91.9,92.3c0,26.2-10.9,49.8-28.3,66.6L256,407.1L105,254.6c-15.8-16.6-25.6-39.1-25.6-63.9c0-51,41.1-92.3,91.9-92.3c38.2,0,70.9,23.4,84.8,56.8C269.8,121.9,302.6,98.4,340.8,98.4 z"/><use clip-path="url(#clip-circle)" xlink:href="#heart-path" fill="green" /></svg>

In the above code snippet, it makes the circle and heart path separately. Using the <use> tag it is mentioned the circle is clipped by heart.

在上面的代码片段中,它分别使圆圈和心脏路径。 提到使用<use>标记,圆圈被心脏剪断了。

The output of the above code snippet. The left side shows the actual output and the right side explains how the output created
上面代码片段的输出。 左侧显示实际输出,右侧说明如何创建输出

Also the similar way, it is able to apply the clip-path for a group of elements.


These are the key things about clip-path. Now let's see how to make patterns in SVG.

这些是有关剪切路径的关键内容。 现在让我们看看如何在SVG中制作图案。

模式 (Pattern)

It is able to make patterns by using SVG. <pattern> tag is used for defining a pattern. The advantage of the pattern is it will be repeated throughout the x and y coordinates and cover the entire area.

它可以使用SVG制作图案。 <pattern>标记用于定义模式。 该图案的优点是它将在x和y坐标中重复并覆盖整个区域。

Let's create an example with the combination of pattern and clip-path. Here we are creating a simple pattern which contains a set of circles which repeated over a text

让我们结合模式和剪切路径创建一个示例。 在这里,我们正在创建一个简单的模式,其中包含一组在文本上重复的圆圈

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="3000" height="800"><defs><clipPath id="clip-rectangle"><text x="20" y="400" style="font-size: 300px; ">HELLO MEDIUM</text> </clipPath></defs><pattern id="pattern-circles" x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><circle  cx="5" cy="5" r="5" fill="green"/></pattern><rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fill="url(#pattern-circles)" style="clip-path: url(#clip-rectangle);" /></svg>

In the above code snippet, it makes a rectangle with the same height and width of SVG canvas and is filled with the created circle pattern. Then in the rectangle applied text clip-path. Which results the text backgrounded with patterns.

在上面的代码片段中,它制作了一个与SVG画布具有相同高度和宽度的矩形,并用创建的圆形图案填充。 然后在矩形中应用文本剪切路径。 这导致文本带有图案作为背景。

The output of the above code snippet looks like below.


面具 (Mask)

Now let's move on to another masking features of SVG called Mask.


We can say Mask is an advanced clip-path. With the help of Mask, it can make elements with various transparency level.

可以说Mask是高级的剪切路径。 借助Mask,它可以使元素具有各种透明度

the Mask can be defined between <mask></mask> tags and can apply the mask using the mask style attribute.

可以在<mask> </ mask>标签之间定义Mask,并可以使用mask style属性应用该Mask。

Here follow some simple examples of masking.


First, let's implement our first clip-path example using the Mask.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="300" height="300"><defs><mask id="clip-rectangle"><circle cx="170" cy="150" r="120" fill="#fff"></circle> </mask></defs><path d="M 100 0 L175 200 L0 75 L200 75 L25 200 Z" style="stroke:#0a7a0a; fill:#1e9b2f; mask: url(#clip-rectangle);"></path></svg>

Here I just replaced all the clip-path annotation with mask and specify the mask using the ‘mask’ style attribute. One thing you want to note here is I added a fill attribute for the masking circle and filled it with white colour.

在这里,我只是用mask替换了所有剪切路径注释,并使用'mask'样式属性指定了mask。 您要在此处注意的一件事是,我为遮罩圆添加了fill属性,并用白色填充了它

The output of the above snippet looks like follows.


Output of Masking example

If you change the colour of the masking circle from white to some other colour then the opacity becomes changes based on the colour intensity. The masking object colour defines the displaying object opacity. If the object colour is black then it won't display the image because the displaying object opacity becomes zero.

如果将遮罩圈的颜色从白色更改为其他颜色,则不透明度将根据颜色强度而变化。 遮罩对象的颜色定义了显示对象的不透明度。 如果对象颜色为黑色,则由于显示的对象不透明度变为零,因此将不会显示图像。

The masking colour represents how transparent is the displaying object. Let's make an example by changing the circle colour to #666. Now you can see the image opacity changed based on the mask colour. this is one of the additional features of the mask as compared to clip-path.

遮罩颜色表示显示对象的透明度。 让我们通过将圆圈颜色更改为#666来举例。 现在,您可以看到图像的不透明度根据蒙版颜色而改变。 与剪切路径相比,这是蒙版的其他功能之一。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="300" height="300"><defs><mask id="clip-rectangle"><circle cx="170" cy="150" r="120" fill="#666"></circle> </mask></defs><path d="M 100 0 L175 200 L0 75 L200 75 L25 200 Z" style="stroke:#ffe800; fill:#FFF58F; mask: url(#clip-rectangle);"></path></svg>

The output of the above code snippet looks like below.


Masking by changing the opacity output

It is also able to make gradient masks. By changing the gradient colour, the opacity of the masking layer changes according to that.

它还能够制作渐变蒙版。 通过更改渐变颜色,遮罩层的不透明度会随之改变。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="300" height="300"><defs><linearGradient id="gradient1"x1="0%"   y1="0%"x2="100%" y2="0%"spreadMethod="pad"><stop offset="0%"   stop-color="#ffffff" stop-opacity="1"/><stop offset="100%" stop-color="#000000" stop-opacity="1"/></linearGradient><mask id="clip-rectangle"><circle cx="170" cy="150" r="120" fill="url(#gradient1)"></circle> </mask></defs><path d="M 100 0 L175 200 L0 75 L200 75 L25 200 Z" style="stroke:#660549; fill:#72137a; mask: url(#clip-rectangle);"></path></svg>

The above will make the star with gradient. Below picture explains how this output created.

以上将使恒星具有渐变感。 下图说明了如何创建此输出。

The output of the gradient applied mask

Similarly, it is able to apply mask on text background like below


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body><svg width="2000" height="300"><defs>  <pattern id="pattern-1" x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">  <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="5" fill="#fff" />  </pattern><mask id="text-mask-2" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100">  <text x="30" y="140" font-family="Helvetica" font-weight="bold" font-size="7em" fill="url(#pattern-1)">JAVAREVISITED</text>  </mask>  </defs><image width="1000" height="595" xlink:href="garden.jpg" mask="url(#text-mask-2)"/>  </svg>

Here the output of above code snippet looks like follows.


Text background as an image with pattern output




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