1 构建思路


2 旋转

3 代码

#include <iostream>#include<math.h>
using namespace std;//栈实现
template<class T>
class Stack : public stack<T>
public:T pop() {T tmp = stack<T>::top();stack<T>::pop();return tmp;}
template<class T>
class Queue : public queue<T>
public:T dequeue() {T tmp = queue<T>::front();queue<T>::pop();return tmp;}void enqueue(const T& el) {queue<T>::push(el);}
template<class T>
class Node
public:Node() :left(NULL), right(NULL) {}Node(const T& e, Node<T>* l = NULL, Node<T>*r = NULL) :data(e), left(l), right(r) {}~Node() {}T data;Node* left;Node* right;
template<class T>
class BST
public:BST() :root(NULL), count(0) {}BST(T* a, int len);    //根据数组中的数据构造树,调试测试用~BST() {clear();}bool isEmpty() const {return NULL == root;}void clear() {clear(root);root = NULL;}unsigned int count;void insert(const T&);       //插入void inorder() {//深度遍历之中序树遍历inorder(root);}void breadthFirst();     //广度优先遍历virtual void visit(Node<T>* p) {cout << p->data << ' ';}protected:Node<T>* root; //根节点void clear(Node<T>*);void inorder(Node<T>*);
template<class T>
BST<T>::BST(T* a, int len)
{root = NULL;count = 0;for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {insert(a[i]);}
template<class T>
void BST<T>::clear(Node<T> *p)
{if (p != NULL) {clear(p->left);clear(p->right);delete p;}count = 0;
template<class T>
void BST<T>::insert(const T& el)
{Node<T> *p = root, *prev = NULL;while (p != NULL) {  // find a place for inserting new node;prev = p;if (el < p->data)p = p->left;else p = p->right;}if (root == NULL)    // tree is empty;root = new Node<T>(el);else if (el < prev->data)prev->left = new Node<T>(el);else prev->right = new Node<T>(el);++count;
template<class T>
void BST<T>::breadthFirst()
{Queue<Node<T>*> m_queue;   //要理解这里为什么要用队列,这个队列的作用是把下一层的数据放到本层数据的后面Node<T>* p = root;if (p != NULL) {m_queue.enqueue(p);while (!m_queue.empty()) {p = m_queue.dequeue();visit(p);if (p->left != NULL)m_queue.enqueue(p->left);if (p->right != NULL)m_queue.enqueue(p->right);}}
template<class T>
void BST<T>::inorder(Node<T> *p)
{if (p != NULL) {inorder(p->left);visit(p);inorder(p->right);}
}template<class T>
class DswBST : public BST<T>
public:DswBST(T* a, int len);    //根据数组中的数据构造树,调试测试用void dswBalance();
protected:void createBackbone();void creatPerfectTree();void rotateRight(Node<T>* Gr, Node<T>* Par, Node<T>* Ch);void rotateLeft(Node<T>* Gr, Node<T>* Par, Node<T>* Ch);
};template<class T>
DswBST<T>::DswBST(T* a, int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {this->insert(a[i]);}
}template<class T>
void DswBST<T>::dswBalance()
}// 二叉查找树转化成主链的过程分析
*  5 <-tmp    5                5               5                   5
*   \               \                 \               \                    \
*    10             10              10              10                10
*      \               \                  \               \                    \
*       20            15               15              15                 15
*      /  \               \                 \               \                    \
*     15  30            20              20              20                 20
*          / \               \                  \                \                  \
*        25 40            30 <-tmp       25 <-tmp  23                23
*       /  \                 /  \                /  \               \                 \
*     23    28          25   40           23   30           25               25
*                         /  \                        /  \              \                 \
*                       23   28                  28   40            30 <-tmp    28
*                                                                          / \                \
*                                                                        28 40             30
*                                                                                               \
*                                                                                               40<-tmp
template<class T>
void DswBST<T>::createBackbone()
{Node<T> *Gr = 0, *Par = this->root, *Ch = 0;while (Par != 0) {Ch = Par->left;if (Ch != 0) {rotateRight(Gr, Par, Ch);Par = Ch;}else {Gr = Par;Par = Par->right;}// 旋转过程中,如果是绕根节点的右节点旋转时要将根节点置为原根节点的右节点if (Gr == 0)this->root = Ch;}
}/*************************************************************************  子节点Ch围绕父节点Par的右旋转*   Before      After*    Gr          Gr*     \           \*     Par         Ch*    /  \        /  \*   Ch   Z      X   Par*  /  \            /  \* X    Y          Y    Z***********************************************************************/
template<class T>
void DswBST<T>::rotateRight(Node<T>* Gr, Node<T>* Par, Node<T>* Ch)
{if (Gr != 0)Gr->right = Ch;Par->left = Ch->right;Ch->right = Par;
}template<class T>
void DswBST<T>::rotateLeft(Node<T>* Gr, Node<T>* Par, Node<T>* Ch)
{if (Gr != 0)Gr->right = Ch;Par->right = Ch->left;Ch->left = Par;
}template<class T>
void DswBST<T>::creatPerfectTree()
{int n = this->count;if (n < 3) {return; //节点数目小于3不用平衡}int m = (1 << ((int)(log10(n + 1) / log10(2)))) - 1;Node<T> *Gr = 0;Node<T> *Par = this->root;Node<T> *Ch = this->root->right;this->root = this->root->right; //修改root指针// 第一阶段: 左旋n-m次for (int i = 0; i < n - m; i++) {rotateLeft(Gr, Par, Ch);Gr = Ch;Par = Gr->right;if (0 != Par) {Ch = Par->right;}else {break;}}// 第二阶段,进入while循环while (m > 1) {m = m >> 1;Node<T> *Gr = 0;Node<T> *Par = this->root;Node<T> *Ch = this->root->right;this->root = this->root->right;for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {rotateLeft(Gr, Par, Ch);Gr = Ch;Par = Gr->right;if (0 != Par) {Ch = Par->right;}else {break;}}}
int main()
{int a[] = { 5,10,20,15,30,25,40,23,28 };DswBST<int> tree(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]));tree.breadthFirst();cout << endl;tree.inorder();cout << endl;tree.dswBalance();tree.breadthFirst();cout << endl;tree.inorder();return 0;


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